Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Kaitlyn Squibb

The pressure of finding the right school for prospective college students can be overwhelming as the choices are seemingly endless. I can remember sitting in the guidance office staring at the walls plastered with banners advertising hundreds of colleges and universities. I was daunted by the task of finding “the perfect school.”?I couldn’t help but wonder if I would find the right fit and, most importantly, if I would be happy. Today, I can tell you that I did find the perfect school, and it ended up being a lot closer than I thought.

The University of New Hampshire at Manchester was that perfect choice for me. Being a Pinkerton graduate, I wasn’t ready to be another face in the crowd and another name on the attendance roster. I appreciate the four years that I spent at Pinkerton Academy, but I wanted a smaller, more personal college experience, which is exactly what I found.

I chose UNH Manchester for many reasons, but mostly because of the commuter student body, the welcoming social life, and the resources available for student success. All of these reasons have become the determining factors for my first-year academic success and social satisfaction here on campus.

While I was searching for colleges, I knew that I wanted to commute to school, and UNH Manchester was the only school on my list that didn’t have to accommodate commuters to make them feel like a part of the student body. The majority of the population at UNH Manchester commutes to and from school every day, which provides equal opportunity for people to get involved and share resources, unlike many other campuses.

Some people may think that because there are limited dorms on campus, there isn’t a social life?— but that couldn’t be further from the truth. One of the first things?I noticed when I toured UNH Manchester as a prospective student was how involved students were on campus and how genuine they were. The social dynamic is unique at this school as it is friendly and inclusive.

This campus is dedicated to student success and the?Office of Student Development &?Involvement?gives all students the resources and support to succeed academically and socially. The faculty and staff, as well as students, exert a lot of effort to ensure that all students feel welcomed and appreciated on campus.

My first-year experience has been everything I had hoped it to be and more. Pinkerton prepared me very well for the academic challenges that I have faced at UNH Manchester. Also, the enormous social environment at Pinkerton helped motivate me to become involved on campus here.

Despite my introverted and independent personality, I was able to make many new friends within my first few weeks of classes, and I continue to meet new people all the time. In further testament to my social success at UNH Manchester, I was accepted into the?Leadership Academy?and will soon begin two new jobs on campus. The lively social dynamic at school is definitely one of the main reasons that I enjoy the Manchester campus so much.

By the time I left first year orientation, I was sure UNH Manchester?was the perfect school for me. The proximity of the campus and the fact that it offers the same UNH degree as the Durham campus?is what validated my decision to become a UNH Manchester student, but the interactive social atmosphere and the genuine faculty and staff is what has kept me here and has been the foundation for my success.?

Written by Kaitlyn Squibb, '19

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