Friday, May 22, 2015

Mollie Markins

Mollie Markins' mantra seems to be, "I can do that."

After all, she had never worked in television but when the chance to intern at WMUR and Manchester Public Television came up, she thought, "I can do that." When it came time to find work after college she was asked to do a promo video and though she only had a limited amount of experience, she said, "I can do that." And when she was deciding whether she should start her own business at 23, she believed, "I can do that."

And it's that can do attitude and start up spirit that helped her video production company Markins Media earn a Business Pillar Award for Best New Business from the Greater Salem Chamber of Commerce. The award was given based on the company's outstanding work in its industry and the community.

Markins will receive her award at a reception hosted during the Annual Economic Development Breakfast, Tuesday April 21 from 7:30 a.m.-10 am at Castleton Event Center in Windham.

Markins, a life-long resident of Salem, graduated from UNH Manchester in 2013 with a Bachelor's Degree in Communication Arts and a Minor in English. Markins says she specifically chose UNH Manchester because of the?variety of hands on video, audio, and editing classes offered.

"It was just a really great experience," she says of her time at UNH Manchester. "The small class sizes were perfect for me. I really felt I was able to make a good connection with the teachers and faculty."

And with their support and her own initiative, she was able to garner prestigious internships at WMUR and Manchester Public Television.? She also had a chance to do some filming for the Manchester Food Co-Op while still in school.

"I really developed my passion for video production while I was working on these side projects during my four years at UNH Manchester,"?she says.

After graduation, she had a big decision to make. She knew she wanted to work in the video prodcution field, that was a given. Yet, conventional wisdom would dictate that if she really wanted to do that, she'd have to move to New York or LA. ?But a funny thing happened while she was trying to decide: she kept getting work, right here in New Hampshire.

"It just finally occurred to me, I could start my own production company and I don't have to go to LA to do it," Markins says.

Since then, her business has grown almost solely by word of mouth. In the past two years, she has done work for the Timberland Community Band, KliQet, Cucina Aurora and the University of New Hampshire.

Her company even snagged a first place honor from the Greater Lowell Chamber of Commerce YouTube Video Awards for a video she created for the Home Health Foundation.

Markins says she prides herself on providing a quality of service to local residents, businesses, and non-profits that is not currently available.

"Over the years, as I’ve watched Salem grow as a town, I’ve met many of the local business owners and I noticed their greatest challenge in growing their company was keeping up with the latest and most effective method of advertising – Video," she wrote in her nomination letter to the Salem Chamber. "The majority of video production companies are located as far as Boston, NY, and LA, charge costs that are unaffordable for most start-up and small businesses, and often leave their clients with a finished product that they are unsure of how to use effectively.

"I decided to take my passion for filmmaking and turn it into a business that is committed to the long-term success of not only our local companies but also our town as a whole. I would love to help Salem continue to grow into a profitable business community that new companies are eager to set up shop and develop the same pride to stay as I have."

And her clients have taken notice of that spirit. Julie Weymouth, Founder and President, The Homeland Heroes Foundation, who has worked with Markins Media, commended Markins for understanding the importance of the work that HHF does.

"She has never wavered in her desire to do whatever we ask of her," Weymouth wrote in her recommendation letter to the Salem Chamber.

She went on to say that as a fairly new entity, HHF not only needed to create a brand but also needed to present itself to the community in a professional manner.

"Because Mollie clearly understood those needs, and believed in our cause, without hesitation she stepped up to help us," Weymouth wrote. "From creating promo videos, to taking photos, to coming to our fundraising events to collect video, Mollie has always said yes. In the world of nonprofits, it is not always easy to find individuals and or businesses that will remain by your side for the long-term."

Markins is excited to continue growing her production company throughout the rest of new England and hopes to be working with international clients and offering destination wedding video packages in the next 2 years. You can find samples of her work at

Written by Melanie Plenda

Find out more about UNH Manchester's?Communication Arts program.?