Bill Truslow

Bill Truslow's Articles

  • Mark Lenzi '97

    Home to Heal

  • UNH alumnus Bert Myer ’67 playing croquet

    King of the Court

    Bert Myer ’67 fell in love with croquet in 1958 at an annual Labor Day backyard croquet tournament in Marblehead, Massachusetts. The game looks deceptively simple — use a wooden mallet to whack a...
  • Boston city councilor and UNH alumnus Tito Jackson '99

    Leading the Change He Wants To See

    Shortly after arriving at UNH in the fall of 1993, Tito Jackson ’99 walked into the Field House, excited to meet his freshman class. As he squeezed through the crowd, he scanned the students’?faces,...
  • UNH Alumni Association board director Robert McGrath '96

    Making Connections

    As universities evolve, so do alumni associations. How is the?UNH Alumni Association’s?role changing?
  • Stoneface Brewing Co.

    Crafting a Career Out of Beer, when Peter Beauregard ’00 won over a sullen coworker with one of his homebrewed six-packs, the thought occurred to him that he might have happened upon...
  • Shawn Jasper '89

    Mr. Speaker, Public Servant

    Growing up on his family’s poultry farm in Hudson, New Hampshire, Shawn Jasper ’89 quickly learned about the pecking order. When new chickens are introduced to an existing flock, all the birds run...
  • Mike Vlacich '95

    Coming Full Circle

    It was a few days before the 1992 presidential election, and Mike Vlacich ’95, a volunteer on Bill Clinton’s first campaign, needed $25 to rent a car. Vlacich and a friend planned to drive around the...
  • Michael McCann - UNH Law
Communications and Public Affairs