Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Alexandra Kirade discovered her passion for nonprofit work while she was an undergraduate at Stonehill College, where she earned bachelor’s degrees in both psychology and gender studies. Now, she’s taking her education and career to the next level with dual master’s degrees from the Carsey School of Public Policy at the University of New Hampshire.?

“In the field of nonprofit and government, there’s only so far you can go with a bachelor's degree, even if you are amazing at what you do,” Kirade said. “UNH makes it possible for me to build my career and reputation while earning advanced degrees.”

Kirade balances a full-time position at the Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester while pursuing a Master of Public Administration (MPA) at UNH’s Manchester campus and a Master in Community Development Policy and Practice on the Durham campus.

“I want to make a difference in the world by creating upstream initiatives that impact large groups of people,” Kirade said. “The MPA is a great way to begin my professional journey.”

Kirade took part in several humanitarian service trips during her time at Stonehill, which she said spurred her interest in advocacy and nonprofit work.

“I went to Nepal, Jordan and Chile, where I spent a semester abroad studying human rights,” Kirade said. “My experiences opened my mind to complex global issues and gave me insight into those issues’ on-the-ground impact.”

Kirade plans to use what she’s learned in the classroom,?the field and abroad to make a difference through local, national or international nonprofits. She said Manchester is a great place to start that path, both academically and professionally.

“UNH Manchester classes are engaging, and professors do a great job connecting students to networking and professional development opportunities,” Kirade said. “It’s easy to build a career and a life in the city as a young professional.”

The Master of Public Administration and Master in Community Development focus on developing interdisciplinary problem-solving, insightful analysis, effective advocacy and strong leadership skills, which prepare students like Kirade for success in government and nonprofit organizations.

The Carsey School of Public Policy combines academic rigor and real-life expertise to prepare students for careers with impact. Through elective offerings and applied projects, students can customize their degree to better serve their communities, effect change and prepare for the next step in their careers. Learn more