Wednesday, October 18, 2017

orange smoothie in front of a blue background

The daily life of a college student can get so busy that sometimes the last thing you have time for is eating, especially first thing in the morning and during the day. Your body, however, needs fuel.

When you don’t have time to make it to the dining halls or your apartment in the middle of the school day, it can be tempting to reach for items like bags of chips or a quick snack from a vending machine. With a little planning, though, it?is?possible to eat tasty foods for breakfast and snacks that are healthy, too.

Here are some tips to help you?eat?healthfully on the go.

Be Prepared

Meghan Lussier ’18 typically makes a smoothie at home for breakfast and then packs granola bars to snack on during the day.

You too,?can eat healthily by “being prepared, having healthy options available to bring for snacks,” Lussier says.

Taking just a few minutes to pack a snack like a piece of fruit, trail mix or a granola bar can save you from mid-class hunger or feeling hangry (hungry + angry = hangry) by the time dinner rolls around.

Watch Your Portions

Craisins, an apple, peanut butter and a rice cracker

Eliza Chekas’ recommendations are similar to Lussier’s.

“Pack a lunch bag of snacks before you start your day. I like to at least include a piece of fruit and some type of nut,” Chekas ’18 says. “If you have a craving for an unhealthy snack, you can pack one.” But, she says, make sure to pack smaller portions of those and larger portions of the healthy snacks.

Yes, you can still have snacks like Pop-Tarts and Cheetos, but?eat them in moderation. Try not to pack these every day, and when you do, only take a small or half-portion. Make sure most of your snack stash is made up of healthy eats. Chekas likes almonds and Nature Valley granola bars.

Always Take the Fruit

“I like eating Ritz crackers and Cheez-Its as a snack during the week,” says Jake Hewins ’21. To stay healthy, “eat fruits or vegetables.”

Hewins has the right idea. Students are allowed to take fruit out of the dining halls, so why not do it? With baskets placed near the exits of each location, it is easy to take the extra second to grab an apple, orange, banana or whichever fruit you prefer to save for later.


baskets of apples and plums at a UNH dining hall

Start the Morning Right

Breakfast is important as it sets your body and mind up for the day ahead.

Peanut Butter Bliss smoothie from The Juicery

I personally cannot eat right after I get up, but I always end up eating some kind of breakfast, even if that means taking a Luna bar and a piece of fruit to class and eating it at 10 a.m. On days when I have more time, I eat fruit and some cold cereal, one with multigrains and protein. I know that’s what I need to consume to feel nourished and energized throughout the day. Sometimes I like to treat myself to pancakes or a Peanut Butter Bliss smoothie from The Juicery.

Skipping breakfast?or not snacking when you are hungry can lead to negative consequences, so eating something is better than nothing!

Eating healthy does not have to mean boring! For ideas, check out the recipes below.

Healthy Breakfast and Snack Ideas

Kale Chips

Check out this?Tasty video?to learn how to make kale and other fruit and veggie chips.

Energy Bites??

no-bake energy bites
These no-bake energy bites are better than cookies.

This no-bake treat from?Nourish UNH?is easy to make and you don't need an oven to prepare it.

Combine 1/3 C honey, 1/3 C peanut butter, 1 tsp. vanilla extract, 1 3/4 C rolled oats, 1/4 C dried cranberries, and 1/4 C chocolate chips in a bowl. Refrigerate for 10-25 minutes. Shape into a ball and enjoy. Store in a sealed container in the refrigerator.

Overnight Oats

Make it the night before?and take it to go in the morning.


If you want to add a new toast to your rotation,?this video?gives some ideas.


Everybody loves them. Is there a secret to making a great smoothie??Find out how to blend the perfect smoothie.?These flavor combinations from “Delish” look delish.?Sip one at home or take it to class.

orange smoothie in front of a blue background
Sip your way to health with a smoothie!
