Tuesday, October 10, 2017
UNH students lying under trees on Thompson Hall lawn in autumn

It seems like just yesterday that we came back to school, but the middle of the semester is here. With that comes increased workloads, responsibilities and stress. Midterm?week?is upon us, so it’s a good time to check in with yourself and see what you need to make it through and have a strong rest of the semester. Whether it’s?more sleep?or?making plans to actually work out, do what you need to do to take care of yourself.

Why take time for yourself??

students in hammock relaxing

Taking time for yourself helps you recharge, prevents you from feeling burned out and allows you to do something fun.

“Having rest, recreation and time for yourself is part of a healthy lifestyle,” Corinna McElwain ’18 says.

Making time for you (and giving yourself permission to take a break from work) can be hard, but carving out just 10 minutes to call a friend, listen to music or go for a walk can increase your productivity.

If taking time for yourself is a lot to think about, Sabrina Anderson ’19 and Jake Hewins ’21 have some tips.

“Make a schedule for when you will do your work, and when it is done, plan something to reward yourself,” Anderson says.

“Make sure you plan out your day so that you work during the daylight hours and then can relax during the night hours. You are more productive then,” Hewins says.

Bridget Hoffses ’20 notes that it is important for students to make and take time for themselves “to maintain a steady head and put forth their best work.” ?“It relieves stress and makes this a friendly, enjoyable campus,” Lillian Delgado ’21 adds.

There are numerous ways to take time for yourself at UNH. “Do sports, clubs and hang out with friends,” Delgado suggests. “Take?naps, go to the gym, relax on T-Hall Lawn,” Hoffses says.

Hoffses’ and Delgado’s words are a good reminder that things as small as resting and hanging out on the lawn and with friends count as ways to take a break from the pressures of the day.

Tips for studying for midterms

“Plan ahead and don't wait until the last minute to start studying.” —Bridget Hoffses ’20

“Breathe and listen to your mind and body. If you are not 100 percent focused, nothing is going to stick in your brain, and studying will be useless.” —Sabrina Anderson ’19

“Make sure you study often and in advance. While it can be as small as 10 minutes, you can remember the material better than cramming.” —Jake Hewins ’21

Sleeping well is key. —Kai Forcey-Rodriguez ’19

“Manage your time and put in designated break times.” —Corinna McElwain, ’18

Don’t forget these study tips from our campus experts at the?Center for Academic Resources.


Good luck on midterms, ‘Cats, and don’t forget about the?Wellness Fest. Check it out and chill out?on?October 12 from 11 a.m.?- 2 p.m. in the Hamel Rec Center!
