Wednesday, May 17, 2017
Jenna Horne delivering the student address at UNH Manchester's Honors Convocation

Jenna Horne, graduating senior in the business program, delivers the student address at UNH Manchester's Honors Convocation on May 16.

“Reflect on the moments where your worldview was challenged, when your character was questioned, and when you overcame your largest obstacles,” graduating senior Jenna Horne said during her student address at UNH Manchester’s?Honors Convocation?on May 16. “It was in those moments that your newest identity developed. It was in those moments that you evolved.”

Horne, a graduating?business major?and University scholar, addressed more than 250 people at Tuesday's event,?which celebrated the academic achievements of more than 130 students.

Horne has been an active part of the campus community since she transferred to UNH Manchester in 2014.?She has supported first-year students in adjusting to campus life as a Peer Assistant Leader, assisted with admissions events and projects as?Lead Student Ambassador and helped local entrepreneurs find long-term sustainability as president of the college's?Enactus team.

Horne has been a shining representative of UNH Manchester, from giving prospective students and their families genuine insight into student life on a campus tour, to working with current students to find the resources they need through?her role?in the campus library. Her leadership, involvement and contribution to campus social life earned her the?Leader by Example Award at the college's 2016 and 2017 Student Leadership Recognition Ceremony.

Horne applied the same enthusiasm to her Honors Convocation address, encouraging her fellow graduates to "challenge yourself to go where you have never gone before." Read the full?speech below:

"Fellow graduates and honor students: Congratulations! Your high levels of achievement at UNH Manchester are truly remarkable and reflect an immense amount of hard work and focus. Tonight we are here to celebrate your accomplishments and successes. I would also like to take a moment to thank our distinguished faculty and staff that are here with us today along with our family and friends that are amongst us. Thank you all for your constant support and encouragement.

For many of us, UNH Manchester has been a place that we could call home during our time here as students. It’s not your typical 4-year university, and I truly mean that in the best way possible. UNH Manchester is a hidden gem. It’s a school that genuinely values their students, academics, development, and fosters an environment where student success thrives.

You all are evidence of the high-caliber of student that our college upholds. I have met some of the most impressive students during my time here; people who worked three different jobs, or who worked over 40 hours a week, or who went home after a long day of classes to take care of their families. All the while being full-time students and maintaining Dean’s List-worthy grades. I can truly say that my peers have never ceased to inspire me, and always encouraged me to push harder and do better.

We may not have all begun our college career at UNH Manchester; we each have our own path and our own story that we have created. But one thing that we all share in common is that no matter where our story began or where it’s taken us, we have all ended up in the same place. Along the way, we have shared the same values, the same struggles, and perhaps even the same classroom. This school has brought us all together and given us a place where we could not only challenge ourselves and grow as individuals but also make long-lasting relationships along the way.

Though at this moment our stories have aligned, once again, we are all set to take off down our own path as we enter this new stage of our lives. Some may be scared, nervous, or unsure of what their future holds, and some may be counting down the exact seconds left until graduation. Personally, I fall somewhere comfortably in the middle of that bag of mixed emotions. No matter what your stance is on the matter, there is one thing that we can all hold to be true; change is coming.

Now, change often gets a bad rap. For some reason, people associate it with negative connotations.? But I challenge you all to take a moment to consider the changes you have endured during your time in college. Chances are, you’ve changed quite a bit. Perhaps more than you realize. Reflect on the moments where your worldview was challenged, when your character was questioned, and when you overcame your largest obstacles. It was in those moments that your newest identity developed, it was in those moments that you evolved.

Going into college, I was unsure of what I wanted to get out of the experience. I wasn’t positive on what major to choose, and it has taken me four years to figure out the right career path. I had a pretty mean case of stage fright and would have done just about anything to avoid speaking in front of large crowds. But I stand in front of you all now, an entirely different person. That’s because somewhere along the way, I decided to stop letting those “I can’t do it” moments in my life, dictate my future. I decided to leave my comfort zone.

One saying that I try to carry closely with me is that “a comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there.” By making the decision to go to college, we all left our comfort zones in one way or another. However, over time, it is fair to say that all uncertainty we once felt about entering college has faded away. We started to establish friendships, we have connected with faculty and staff, we can navigate our way around the hallways with our eyes closed, and we probably all have a go-to order at the Wildcat Cafe. UNH Manchester, though once a new and exciting journey that we all decided to take, has now become our comfort zone.

UNH Manchester has done its job. The faculty and staff seated around you have educated us, supported us, laughed with us, and helped prepare us for this exact moment in our lives. What happens next, is entirely up to you. So take risks, say no, say yes, challenge yourself to go where you have never gone before, and most importantly, leave your comfort zone.

As J.K. Rowling said, “It is impossible to live without failing at something unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all - in which case, you fail by default.”

When we all made the decision to go to college, we didn’t focus on the possibility of failure, or the challenges we might face. Instead, we focused on the finish line; on obtaining a degree in a field that we feel passionate about. More than anything else, I hope that UNH Manchester has given you a safe place to take bold risks, to succeed, and even to find those difficult lessons learned only through failure. As you all prepare to start this new chapter of your life, always remember the lessons that you learned during your time at UNH Manchester. Hold on to the connections you have made and cherish your friendships.

Lastly, always remember that you are a Wildcat, and that there is an immense amount of pride and support that comes along with that distinction."