Thursday, January 5, 2017
Caroline Consoli

When Caroline Consoli started at UNH Manchester, she assumed it would be a transitional school, to get her major courses done before transferring. She had followed in her brother’s path, who is a year ahead of her, after touring the school while he was on his college search. What Caroline didn’t expect was to fall in love with the community at UNH Manchester, one that she has completely immersed herself in. She declared a major her freshman year, still unsure, and found in an introductory course that it was truly her calling.

Now a junior, Consoli is involved in five organizations on campus, about to start an internship in the spring 17 semester, and maintains a 4.0 as a?Communication Arts?major with the Human Relations option, and a minor in?Business.

Consoli grew up in Manchester?and knew she wanted to go to school locally to save money on room and board. She ultimately chose UNH Manchester because of a handsome scholarship she was offered, which covered her entire freshman year tuition.

“I came here and the sense of community really hit me – people are so friendly, everyone would say hi and ask how you were,” Consoli says of her first experience on campus. “I instantly felt supported by staff members, professors, and peers,” and this hushed any thoughts she had of transferring out.

Her passion for writing and interest in journalism led her to declare herself a?Communication Arts?major, though she admittedly wasn’t sure what direction she wanted to go in her career. In her freshman introductory seminar course (that all students have to take), a career exploration day opened her eyes to the world of Human Resources (HR). She was hooked.

“I decided that was something I would really like to do with my career. Within the Communication Arts major we have an option to declare a focus, and I decided to pursue the Human Relations option as it ties in really well to HR," Consoli said. "I’m hoping the combination of Human Relations and minor in Business will really set me up for a successful career.”

Consoli will have the opportunity to first-handedly apply her major and minor this spring when she starts her internship with UNH Manchester. She will be creating the training program to train Student Ambassadors (a title she holds on campus) in the summer.

As a Student Ambassador,?Consoli already works with the admissions office, giving tours to prospective students and helping with open house events. Additionally she serves as a Peer Tutor, working in the?Center for Academic Enrichment;?Peer Assistant?Leader?where she helps out in first-year seminar classes to?help?new students with the transition to college;?Student Leadership Academy?which focuses on the development of leadership skills; and?the Committee for Student Collaboration – a group that identifies issues around campus and works with the administration to find workable solutions.

Clearly, she likes to stay involved (and busy).

While fulfilling her Peer Assistant?Leader duties, Consoli always encourages first-year students to get involved with a very pragmatic approach.

“I get asked, ‘How do you manage your time?’ a lot. I always encourage my first-year students who are thinking of getting involved to start small," Consoli said. "Join one organization, and see how you are able to balance those responsibilities. Maybe if you are doing well, then you can add something else new and go from there.”

Whether in the classroom or lending a hand on campus, it is evident that Consoli has a passion for people. It is no surprise that her academic focus and extracurricular activities go hand-in-hand.?Consoli is a focused student who will make an impact wherever she goes.