Faculty Excellence Winners Share a Glimpse Into Their Work; First Up, Will Clyde

Thursday, November 7, 2013

William Clyde, associate professor of Earth science, won the university’s Outstanding Associate Professor award in 2013.

A donation by philanthropists Arnold P. Hanson and Della Hanson honoring former Professor of Government Norman Alexander created one of the university’s signature programs: the Faculty Excellence Awards. Begun in 1989, the annual program celebrates an astonishing breadth of endeavor spanning all fields of learning.

And yet what continues to stand out are not only the singular feats of determination and ingenuity achieved by recipients, but also the sheer multitude of opportunities they create for students, colleagues, and communities the world over.

While the university has always publicly lauded their work, this year marks the first time it did so using each faculty member’s own words as they reflect on what inspires them about their chosen profession. First up is William Clyde, associate professor of Earth science and winner of the 2013 Outstanding Associate Professor award. Clyde has authored dozens of critically acclaimed studies, mentored hundreds of students, earned a reputation as a leading researcher in the field of paleontology, and is a leader among his peers at UNH and worldwide. Here, he takes us from the Granite State to the Grand Canyon as he and his students study the stories that rocks and fossils tell.

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    Staff writer | Communications and Public Affairs