Submitting Your URA Application

The online submission portal for URA applications is now closed.

A complete Undergraduate Research Award application includes:??????????

  1. Application Intake Form:? To be completed through the online application portal
  2. Proposal:? See Proposal Requirements ?in the Application Guidelines.? Save as a PDF to be uploaded to the online application portal. ?Use this naming format: Lastname_Firstname_URA_Proposal
  3. Budget:? Review the Budget Instructions, then complete and save the fillable Budget form as a PDF to be uploaded to the online application portal. Use this naming format: Lastname_Firstname_URA_Budget
  4. UNH Faculty Mentor Recommendation:??Complete the top portion of the “URA Faculty Mentor Recommendation Form” and give the form to your UNH mentor well in advance of the application deadline.? Your mentor will be responsible for uploading the form and their letter of recommendation to the online portal no later than the application deadline.?Use this naming format:?StudentLastname_StudentFirstname_FacultyLastname_Form??

For GROUP projects:

Working together, students should complete one Proposal and one Budget (if requesting expense funds).? Designate one group member to upload the Proposal and Budget through the main online application portal. ?The application intake form will ask for the UNH email addresses of additional group members.? Once the main application is submitted, the additional group members will receive an email linking them to a separate intake form to gather their contact information.? Groups should plan to submit the main application in plenty of time to allow for the additional group members to complete their individual intake forms.? ALL forms must be completed and submitted by the application deadline.