The research proposal is the most important part of your application. To prepare a competitive proposal, follow the proposal outline and application instructions carefully. In reviewing each application, the Faculty Advisory Committee looks for:
- A well-written proposal, including a clear statement of the research question/objectives; a clear, detailed project design that is manageable within the research timeframe; and a sound approach/methodology.
- Clear evidence of the student’s appropriate background knowledge and research skills (and/or a clear explanation of how the necessary skills will be acquired during the semester prior to the research project).
In addition, the Faculty Advisory Committee for international research proposals (IROP) looks for:
- Consideration of cultural/language barriers or time constraints.?
- Safety (guided by U.S. State Department travel advisories and the UNH International Travel Risk Review Committee; see Hamel Center staff for your questions and/or concerns).
- The student’s ability to represent UNH favorably abroad (including emotional and intellectual maturity).
Proposal Writing Resources
Many undergraduates are overwhelmed when they sit down to write the first draft of a research proposal, and for good reason. It's a task most students do not tackle until graduate school. Rest assured. You will have many resources to draw on as you craft your proposal; you need only take advantage of them.
- We strongly encourage you to attend a Proposal Writing Workshop as you prepare your application.?See when the next workshop takes place at the bottom of the page.
- Once you've written a draft of your proposal, you should obtain a critical review from your faculty mentor.
- You may also request a review of your proposal draft from a Hamel Center staff member, or an advisor at the University Writing Center. For assistance from Hamel Center staff, contact us at make an appointment. ?For help from the UNH Writing Center, stop by Dimond Library 329, or call (603) 862-3272. NOTE: If you visit the Writing Center, bring a copy of the Hamel Center proposal outline along with a draft of your research proposal.
- When writing a draft of your proposal, you may find it helpful to review examples of previously successful proposals.?Below are example SURF proposals from various disciplines.?Even a proposal outside of your own discipline can provide useful models of format, structure, and content.?Note that proposal guidelines for each program will differ, so be sure to consult the appropriate program page (REAP, URA, SURF, IROP) for specific instructions.
Tips for a Successful Proposal
- Maintain contact: Consult with your faculty mentor as you prepare your proposal.
- Get feedback: Ask your faculty mentor to critique the proposal once you have written it.
- Plan ahead: Procrastination generally does not lend itself to a competitive proposal. Allow time for revision.
- Cover the basics: Follow the proposal outline, page limits, and formatting guidelines closely.
- Be complete. In addition to the main body of the proposal, include:
- an abstract
- any necessary illustrations or diagrams
- a bibliography and/or references to works or articles cited
- samples of surveys, questionnaires, or interview questions, as appropriate
- Be accessible. Include definitions of words specific to your field of research, with which faculty members outside your field are not likely to be familiar.
- Proofread carefully. Correct errors of grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Nothing damages your credibility like careless mistakes.
Proposal Pitfalls
Here is a list of the more common pitfalls that lead to the rejection of an application. Don't let this happen to you!
- Lack of focus: the proposal does not clearly state the specific research objective or question.
- Lack of specificity: the project is vague or ill defined.
- Too much project: The project is too large to be managed by an undergraduate in the time allotted.
- Where's the beef? The proposal describes only the technical tasks a student will perform.
- Lack of planning: The timetable is too brief and does not establish the important milestones in the project.
- No groundwork: The proposal does not adequately describe theories and previous research that are important to the project.
- Poor editing: The proposal is too long and repetitious.
- Lack of accountability: The expenses listed on the budget form are not justified or itemized.
- Lack of prerequisite experience: The student does not demonstrate adequate preparation for the proposed research, e.g., coursework, research skills, training, or general knowledge.
- No connection: The proposal does not reflect a close, collaborative relationship between the student and the faculty mentor.
How are project proposals reviewed?
A Faculty Advisory Committee reviews all applications. Faculty committee members represent a range of disciplines, so your proposal should be written in a way that can be understood by an educated reader who is not a specialist in your field. See the Criteria for Review of Applications section of each program for review details.
Proposal Writing Workshops
Don't let an unpolished proposal hold you back from a research experience! These workshops, scheduled each fall and spring semester ahead of application deadlines, will teach you the basics of writing a successful proposal.
Spring 2025 Proposal Writing Workshops are noted below.??Please?click here?to register.? Walk-ins are also welcome.??If you're unable to attend one of the workshops, you may also contact the Hamel Center to schedule an individual appointment for review of your proposal draft.
Monday, February 10? ? ? ? ??4:00-5:00pm? ? ? Conant 102
Thursday, February 13? ? ? ?1:00-2:00pm? ? ? Conant 102
Wednesday, February 19?? 3:00-4:00pm? ? ? Conant 102
Thursday, February 20? ? ??12:45-1:45pm? ? ?Conant 113