Recent Grant Recipients

Over 3500 UNH undergraduates have received grant awards to pursue research through the UROP and IROP programs. View student profiles and browse a list of recent award recipients by college:

Undergraduate Research Awards?provide the financial resources for students to design and execute research projects during the academic year. Undergraduates who have received these awards have followed their academic curiosity at UNH and off-campus research facility such as a museum, archive, art gallery, archaeological site, research library, laboratory, medical facility, or business. All students in good academic standing are invited to apply.

Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF)?have made it possible for hundreds of students to forgo a summer job and embark on an intensive research project at UNH or off-campus. Sophomores and juniors in good academic standing are invited to apply.?

Through the?International Research Opportunities Program (IROP)?students may spend the summer following their junior year conducting research in a foreign country. Students spend their junior year in preparation for the experience, conducting preliminary research, studying the appropriate foreign language, and engaging in cultural orientation.