Sustainability Fellowships

Sustainability Fellowships
group of people standing together for a photo


Hands-on experience & professional development


A growing network of sustainability leaders


Building resilience throughout New England

Interested in a Fellowship for summer 2025?
Join us for the online info-session!

Thursday, November 14
1 - 2 p.m. EST

Register for the info-session
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What is the Sustainability Fellowship?

The Sustainability Fellowship pairs exceptional UNH undergraduate?students and post-baccalaureates (grad students and recent grads) from UNH and universities across the United States* with municipal, educational, corporate, and non-profit partners to work on transformative sustainability projects.??Don’t think your field of study connects with sustainability? Rethink that.?We define sustainability broadly – as framed by the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals.?Each summer, Fellows undertake challenging sustainability projects that are designed to create an immediate impact, offer an extraordinary learning experience, and foster meaningful collaboration.? While working with their mentors and?host organizations, Fellows are?supported by their Fellowship peers as well as an active network of partner organizations, alumni, and the UNH team, as they emerge as the next generation of sustainability leaders. ?

*International students who are?currently?enrolled in a U.S. college or university are welcome and encouraged to apply.?

The program far exceeded my expectations - there was such thought and care put into each Fellowship and the personal touch points throughout the summer. It is clear that this experience is really about grooming the next generation of sustainability professionals. Loved, loved, loved my experience this summer. Eternally grateful! - past Fellow

Thank you to our Sustainability Fellowship partner:?Responsible Governance & Sustainable Citizenship Project/College of Liberal Arts?

Important Dates & Information

Summer 2025 Fellowship Key Dates
Get an email notification when the application is OPEN
Sign up

November 14, 2024, 1-2 p.m.
December 20, 2024
Applications OPEN

February 9, 2025, midnight?
Application Deadline

February 24 – March 7, 2025?

Mid-March 2025
Fellows Receive Offers?

April 4, 2025
Fellowship Cohort Finalized?

May 27 - August 15, 2025

May 27 & 28, 2025

June 17 & 18, 2025
In-Person Launch Event?

August 7, 2025

What do Sustainability Fellows do?

learn about the 2024 Fellows' projects

Fellowship FAQs

Are you an organization looking to host a Fellow for 2025 or beyond?
Learn more about hosting a Fellow.

Each Fellowship position focuses on one discrete project, created and hosted by one of our partner organizations, and developed in collaboration with our staff.?Projects are designed to offer Fellows autonomy with mentorship, to lead to tangible results, and to create opportunity for collaboration. The portfolio of Fellowship projects covers a broad range of sustainability topics such as renewable energy, social justice and equity, carbon emissions, climate resilience, food systems, and responsible investing.?Projects involve various types of work such as, community engagement, communications, data analysis, policy work, research and more.?Host organizations include companies, non-profits, government agencies and academic institutions.

The Sustainability Fellowship program includes two cohorts – an undergraduate and a post-baccalaureate students in each will have parallel experiences as part of the same program, with expectations appropriate to their level of education. General requirements for each cohort are included below in the?Position Descriptions, Cohort Eligibility and Application Instructions?dropdown. Each position includes specific requirements in terms of academic background, skills, and experience. When applying, please refer to individual position descriptions for details.?

Sustainability Fellowship Details

Program Goals

The Sustainability Fellowship program is designed to cultivate projects that catalyze long-term, substantial change for our host partners, provide a rich experiential learning opportunity for our Fellows, and spark interdisciplinary collaboration within our growing Alumni Network.?

We believe diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion are foundational values inextricably linked to sustainability and achieving our core educational mission; and we embrace the many characteristics of our community members that make them uniquely themselves.

    See Examples of Past Fellowship Projects

    Check out some of our past and present host organizations

    Sustainability Fellows benefit from the experience by gaining:
    • Sought-after?skills and knowledge around sustainability
    • Access to extensive professional support and networks
    • Outstanding portfolio and resume material
    • Competitive compensation
    • Potential for academic credit (through student’s home institution)
    • Potential to integrate their?project into thesis/dissertation work
    • Personal fulfillment associated with “owning” a project, accomplishing meaningful work, and connecting with a community of like-minded individuals
    Compensation for Fellows

    Fellows are UNH employees and receive an hourly wage, which is taxable, and paid in bi-weekly installments over the course of the Fellowship summer term.?Compensation is scaled according to job expectations and position requirements as follows:

    • Undergraduate UNH Fellow:? $6,500?($16.25/hour for 400 hours)
    • Post-baccalaureate NATIONAL Fellow:? $8,000 ($20/hour for 400 hours)

    Fellows are expected to use their stipends to cover their own living expenses (summer housing is not provided).? Because of the short-term nature of these positions, Fellows are eligible for limited benefits from UNH.

    Expectations of Fellows

    Fellows are expected to dedicate most of their time to their assigned projects and to participate in a variety of networking activities, professional development opportunities?and presentations arranged by our staff. 2025 Fellows will be required to:

    • Attend a mandatory?orientation, May 27?& 28, 2025, prior to the start of the fellowship term.?
    • Work with partner host organization, May 27?- August 15, 2025.
    • Commit 40 hours per week over a duration of 10 weeks to total 400 hours, to be completed within a 12-week period spanning from May 27?to August 15, which allows for some time off during the Fellowship term.
    • Complete a Fellowship project according to the work plan.?
    • Participate in weekly webinars and group meetings.?
    • Present work at?mandatory Launch and Final Presentation events on June 17 & 18 and August 7, 2025, respectively.?
    • Engage in additional professional development and networking activities.?
    • Provide and receive feedback at the end of the Fellowship.?

      2024 Project Descriptions, Cohort Eligibility & Application Instructions

      Please note, the 2024 application deadline has passed and is closed.

      NEW in 2024: We have positions open to:

      ?- Either undergraduates (UNH only)?or Post-baccalaureates (National)

      ?- Undergraduates only (UNH only)

      ?- Post-baccalaureates only (UNH and applicants from across the U.S.)

      Read the eligibility guidelines below, then see the drop downs below to find positions for which you are eligible, and read the full project descriptions before applying.


      Undergraduates (UNH cohort)

      • Open to UNH undergraduate students who will graduate after May 2024?(at time of application:?first, second and third-year students)
      • Applicants should have some knowledge or experience related to project topic
      • Be eager to explore careers in sustainability and participate in impactful work

      Post-baccalaureates (NATIONAL Cohort)?

      • Open to post-baccalaureates, current graduate students and recent graduate students who will have earned an undergraduate degree from ANY?U.S.?college or university?by?June 2024?(at time of application: seniors, recent graduates and graduate students).?International students who are?currently?enrolled in a U.S. college or university are welcome and encouraged to apply.?
      • And be eager to apply specialized skills to advance the field in a particular area and to accomplish tangible outcomes for host organization

      2024 positions open to either undergrads or post-baccalaureates

      Corporate Environmental Plan & Policy Framework Fellow?

      Bangor Savings Bank

      Bangor, Maine
      Position is in person?

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Host Organization:?
      Bangor Savings Bank is a large community bank headquartered in Bangor, Maine and serves Northern New England. The Bank, founded in 1852, is entering its 170th year with more than 60 branches and offices in Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts. Bangor Savings Bank is committed to providing its You Matter More experience by helping its employees, customers, and communities thrive. We work every day to create a caring and diverse organizational culture and a place our employees can be more, do more, and most importantly – matter more. We are the workplace of choice for over 1,000 dedicated, diverse, motivated individuals who are passionate about serving our customers and the communities in which they live and work.?

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Fellowship position:?
      The Bank’s leadership is thrilled to continue strategic and important steps forward in the journey toward a more sustainable future. To date, foundational steps have been taken to understand the scope and possibilities of the Bank to achieve operational sustainability. The Fellow at Bangor Savings Bank will play a key and guiding role in research, documentation, and recommendations for developing a central Corporate Environmental Management document.??

      The Fellow will conduct research into types of corporate environmental management plans and centralized policy documents and begin creating the framework for Bangor Savings Bank (BSB). The goal of the summer Fellowship is to help the Bank understand what should go into a plan and policy document, including recommended sections, layout, and content, as well as what best practices companies use to create them. Once the framework is developed, the Fellow will begin to gather and document current environmental management plan components and policies.??

      The Fellow’s primary project outcome is to build a foundational corporate environmental management and policy document.?

      Steps to accomplish this may include:??

      • Co-creating a project plan and achievable outcomes with Fellow and Mentor?
      • Helping BSB develop institutional knowledge by researching and documenting corporate environmental management plan components and best practices, including those utilized by similar-type multi-location, corporate-focused organizations.??
      • Reviewing, understanding, and incorporating current BSB practices and available environmental information??
      • Begin developing the document and begin filling out its components.?

      Overall, the Fellow would gain a well-rounded set of skills. These skills are not only valuable for the specific project but also transferable to various professional settings.?

      • Research skills for informed decision-making.?
      • Analytical skills, involving the analysis of data and information to make well-informed decisions about the content and structure of the policy document.?
      • Project organization and management skills ensuring the successful completion of outcomes.?
      • Knowledge of environmental sustainability practices, particularly within the banking industry.?
      • Communication skills, encompassing professional writing, for documenting and conveying complex concepts in a clear and understandable manner, both in writing and verbally.?
      • Collaboration and teamwork through working with mentors and other team members to co-create project plans and achieve outcomes.?
      • Policy development expertise, applying knowledge to create a comprehensive and effective policy document.?
      • Critical thinking, involving the evaluation of current organizational practices and identification of areas for improvement.?
      • Professionalism and understanding workplace culture by immersing themselves in the organization’s values.?
      • Strategic thinking, contributing to the bank's strategic direction in terms of environmental sustainability and contemplating the long-term impact of the developed policy document.?

      Broad Impact:
      The outcome of this project will help the Bank begin the journey of documenting and institutionalizing environmental sustainability plans and decision-making. Having a comprehensive corporate environmental plan and policies in place, where current and developing practices and decision-making is documented, will help ensure strong and consistent governance of our sustainability approach well into the future.

      Desired Qualifications:?

      • Ideally, experience with and/or studied environmental sustainability, has an understanding and/or has been exposed to the language and common models of environmental sustainability practices.??
      • Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher??
      • Ability to work effectively and harmoniously in a team setting, as well as perform independently.??
      • High aptitude for creative problem-solving and critical thinking based on previous education, work and volunteer experiences.?
      • Strong communications skills – verbal, written and listening.??
      • Proficiency with Microsoft Office products such as Word, Excel and PowerPoint?
      • Ability to manage multiple tasks concurrently and prioritize.?

      Bangor Savings Bank,
      24 Hamlin Way, Bangor, Maine 04401??

      Work will be performed on-site.?

      Sandra M. Klausmeyer, SVP, Corporate Communications & Strategies Manager?

      Carbon Audit Design & Reporting?

      Dean's Beans Organic Coffee

      Orange, MA
      Position is hybrid?

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Host Organization:?
      Dean’s Beans Organic Coffee is a 100% Fair Trade and organic coffee roaster on a mission to use high quality, specialty coffee as a vehicle for positive change.?

      When Dean Cycon started Dean’s Beans in 1993, he set out to prove that a for-profit business could create meaningful change through ethical business practices rooted in respect for the earth, the farmer, our co-workers and the consumer. Throughout his career and all the way up to his retirement in June of 2023, Dean has been challenging the coffee industry to do more for coffee farmers. As of June 30, 2023, Dean’s Beans is a worker-owned cooperative, and we will continue to advocate for farmers rights and dignity. We are excited to continue operating our business in a fair, ethical way for the benefit of all people involved in the supply chain: the farmers, workers, and consumers.???

      Dean’s Beans Organic Coffee Company achieved B Corp certification in 2019, solidifying our place in the world as a “business for good”. In 2019 and 2022 we were honored as a Best for the World? honoree in the Community category. This honor acknowledges that we were one of the top-performing B Corps investing in their communities locally and around the world, to build a “shared, sustainable prosperity for all.”?

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Fellowship position:?
      The Fellow will design a carbon auditing framework and produce a report for all emissions associated with Dean’s Beans production processes in 2023. Sustainability is one of the core values of our company, and we see the carbon audit as an essential tool for informing our decision making and communicating our commitment to sustainability to the public. We work closely with our farmer-partners, many of whom are part of indigenous communities, and all of whom will see their livelihoods gravely impacted by the effects of climate change. Our commitment to the wellbeing of farmers means that reducing our overall carbon footprint is a responsibility that we take very seriously.??

      In May 2022, we conducted an audit of our 2021 emissions entirely in-house utilizing the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and their publicly available calculations tools. The results confirmed what we already suspected: our company is carbon negative! While we were incredibly happy with these results, we now need the Fellow to design a new, comprehensive carbon audit framework. This framework will be employed to audit our 2023 emissions and serve as a roadmap for Dean’s Beans in the years to come. The Fellow, collaborating closely with their mentor, will design a carbon audit framework. Given the various carbon accounting methods available, the Fellow will have the flexibility to design a method of their choosing. They will be responsible for data collection and analysis. Their mentor and our office assistant will also be available to assist them as needed. Sources of data that will need to be collected include: electricity and propane usage, outbound shipments of finished goods, shipments of green beans via ocean shipment, waste, recycling and compost, and packaging.? Beyond determining our carbon footprint, we encourage the Fellow to provide recommendations for further reducing our environmental impact in their final report. This is an exciting opportunity for a Fellow who wants freedom to design a comprehensive carbon audit while working in a collaborative and supportive environment.??


      • A carbon audit framework, designed by the Fellow, that Dean’s Beans can continue to use for our bi-annual audits.?
      • A document based on the results of the audit outlining steps Dean’s Beans can take to reduce its environmental impact even further.?


      • The Fellow will have a carbon audit roadmap of their own design for their portfolio.?
      • The opportunity to work at a pioneering social enterprise. The Fellow will learn how Dean’s Beans, a for profit company, uses those profits to create change in the coffeelands.??
      • We plan to publish the results on our website so that they are available to the public. We hope that others will follow our example to honestly account for our environmental impact and try to do better. As a company, we always want to share our business model and best practices because we want more businesses like us in the world!?

      Desired Qualifications:?

      • Degree in Environmental Science, Natural Science, Sustainability, Business, or related majors are preferred.?
      • The ideal candidate will have experience doing GHG data analysis, collection, and management. This position is going to involve lots of spreadsheets, so being comfortable with them is a must!?
      • Self-motivation, organization, attention to detail and excellent time management will be necessary for success in this position.??
      • Spanish proficiency is a big bonus! Reading reports in Spanish and corresponding with farmers may be necessary.?
      • Someone with interests that include environmental, social, and economic justice, indigenous rights, sustainable business, social enterprise, and coffee (!!!!) will love working with us!?
      • If you think you are an amazing candidate but have a different combination of skills and experience than what is listed above, we still encourage you to apply!??

      Dean’s Beans Organic Coffee
      50 RW Moore Ave, Orange MA, 01364?

      We are most excited about the Fellow in this position working a hybrid model where they will come to the office 2-3 days a week. The Fellow will be sharing an office with their mentor, allowing them to collaborate and think creatively about the project in person. A fully remote setup may be considered on a case-by-case basis if location is a barrier.??

      Dean’s Beans is a fun and unique office setting; it is a corporate headquarters and manufacturing facility all in one! It is just another example of the ways that we do things a little differently here. Seeing and experiencing all aspects of our production process will add valuable context to their reporting and final result.?

      Anna Wardwell (she/her), HR and Marketing Manager

      Lebanon Buildings Database & Footprint Estimate?

      City of Lebanon, NH

      Lebanon, NH
      Position is hybrid

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Host Organization:?
      The City of Lebanon has been a sustainability exemplar, designated the NH Energy Week Municipal Energy Champion in 2021. Lebanon, with the help of a previous Sustainability Fellow, has made great strides in reducing the footprint of its government operations and with the 2024 Sustainability Fellow’s help will begin to address the footprint of the entire City. These are some of the reasons it will be exciting to plug in to sustainability in Lebanon:?

      • The Lebanon Energy Advisory Committee (LEAC) wrote the Energy Chapter of Lebanon’s Master Plan in 2012 and revised it in 2023, adding major equity language. LEAC is the Lebanon Community Power entity and will be the lead entity in a major program of GHG reduction in the Lebanon building sector, of which this project is an integral part. Jon Chaffee and Woody Rothe are principals, as key long-term contributors to LEAC achievements, and in concert with City staff, will be the lead mentors for this Fellowship.??
      • Community Power. LEAC, with Hanover, was an original driver of community power in New Hampshire, built on legislation authored by Clifton Below, now Lebanon assistant mayor. Since the inception of Lebanon Community Power in 2023, all City Accounts use 100% renewable electricity. Clifton will participate in an advisory role to this Fellowship project.??
      • Dedicated staff. In 2018, Lebanon hired an Energy and Facilities Manager Tad Montgomery who in 2019 put together a 777kW rooftop PV project on City buildings ( supplying 20% of the City Government’s electricity needs, and he helped shepherd a deep energy retrofit of City Hall in 2020.? Tad also administered the conversion of all streetlights to LED in 2023. Tad will be working on this project.??
      • EVs, Electric Generation and Urban Cooling. Lebanon plans a one megawatt landfill gas to electricity generator ( and was recently notified of grant award to purchase electric sweepers and install off-grid chargers, using the methane, to power city fleet electrification. Lebanon has 2 EVs, plans to purchase 8 police cruisers, and is working on procurement policy for fleetwide conversion. Lebanon has also applied for a federal grant to install public EV chargers and was awarded another federal grant in 2023 to plant urban trees in heat islands.??
      • Past Sustainability Fellow experience. In 2019 a Sustainability Fellow helped calculate the baseline GHG footprint of City government operations, working with Mark Goodwin of the Planning Office to produce a Climate Action Plan. Mark will be working on this project as well. Senior Planner Rebecca Owens will similarly support the Fellowship in an advisory role. She coordinates funding for City projects, including EV charging and similar energy endeavors, and is a 2013 alum of the UNHSI program.?
      • Sustainable Lebanon. This active non-profit citizen’s group successfully opposed a natural gas pipeline planned for Lebanon in 2019. Its volunteers will help with surveying for this project.??

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Fellowship position:?
      The big picture in Lebanon and across the State: Lebanon is currently updating its Energy Plan in the city’s Master Plan and the state is updating its Climate Action Plan (preliminary priorities due Spring 2024; final plan due in 2025). These updates are occurring in tandem with Inflation Reduction Act funding at the local and state levels to implement equity-oriented projects that address climate change. We are at an inflection point in recent history for our community and others to ‘level up’ existing prior rebate and weatherization programs, scale energy efficiency/renewable technologies and workforce training to install it—and optimize and measure related impacts for under-served and -resourced demographics. This is where the UNH Fellowship comes into play.??

      The Fellowship project will use readily available local data to establish the baseline GHG footprint and operating software for a future building electrification program through which Lebanon plans to reduce the GHG footprint of its residential building sector. Lebanon hopes that a? pilot program based on Lebanon’s groundwork will be included in a U.S. EPA Climate Pollution Reduction Grant (CPRG) application by the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services, due April 1, 2024, or that another source of federal funding will be found.? Federal funding would be used to provide additional rebates for heat pump hot water heaters, weatherization and air to air heat pumps. This funding could be replaced in future years and implemented across the State by a small surcharge on electric rates in Community Power municipalities. The Community Power Coalition has close to 50 members now and expects over 60 member municipalities statewide. Existing federally-supported tools like the SEED platform for building energy benchmarking could be a part of this replicable program.??

      The Sustainability Fellow during the summer of 2024 will help put in place the first functional component of this program, by building a database of Lebanon buildings and their energy use. This outcome will provide a residential building sector baseline GHG footprint, against which to benchmark properties, prioritize those with the greatest opportunity for improvement, and measure reductions from ensuing building retrofit measures.??

      City property tax data will be entered into software such as the SEED (Standard Energy Efficiency Data platform) which was developed and made available through the US Department of Energy. Utility data will also be added to the extent that the Common Data Platform is able to deliver that data in 2024. SEED has the capability of being the preferred operating software for this project because it can contact building owners, document steps taken for each unit, and calculate the resulting reductions. Estimating emission reductions is critical to funding applications for retrofit programs. SEED can also target rental units for retrofit that are occupied by low-moderate income (LMI) renters, helping address the Upper Valley’s well-documented affordable housing crisis by reducing renters’ utility costs and overall housing costs, and meet energy justice guidelines for federal grants. Lebanon is contemplating SEED and our overall approach not only for local use but in application for future programs across the state. As a result, this project is envisioned as a model that the Fellow will see long-term impact stemming from.?

      In addition to entering data already available, the Fellow will seek data on income levels and energy use. For instance, in order to calculate the GHG footprint, the available data will have to be supplemented by actual survey of large rental properties. Jon Chaffee and Woody Rothe of LEAC will be conducting an Energy Burden Survey with the Dartmouth Energy Justice Clinic during the winter of 2023 and 2024 which could help identify rent and energy burdened households and refine/complement household energy data from EPA’s Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool. The Energy Data Platform ( may be available during the summer of 2024 to provide utility data. The Fellow’s research will conduct critical ground truthing; for example, City data references ownership LLPs for many rental properties, which are not the functioning contacts. Actual property managers will have to be researched, and energy usage will have to be sought or inferred. Woody and Jon and Sustainable Lebanon volunteers will help with this.?

      The primary product is the migration of City property tax data for Residential buildings migrated to a software platform like the SEED platform. This will include square footage, but the energy usage to calculate the GHG footprint of the residential building sector in Lebanon will have to be inferred or obtained by survey. This will involve at least part time working in person in Lebanon (free housing in Lebanon is available) and working with City staff under the guidance primarily of Mark Goodwin.??

      Secondarily, and to the extent possible, City data will be refined and supplemented by utility data, working with Clifton Below and the Common Data Platform, and by ownership, utility and income data obtained by survey working with Jon Chaffee and Woody Rothe and volunteers from Sustainable Lebanon.??

      For the Fellow:
      This experience could lead to a career because of the tremendous expansion of climate action at the municipal level. The Fellow will also interact with the Planning Office, with dedicated energy efficiency City staff, and key citizen volunteers and will be exposed to a diverse range of political and practical considerations about this program and other Lebanon initiatives.??

      The Fellow will also interact with State level climate actors: the Community Power Coalition of NH, one of the most innovative of such organizations in the country, and with the NH Department of Environmental Services. The Fellow will also gain experience while implementing the SEED platform with the US Department of Energy and its range of resources.??

      GHG reduction in the building sector is arguably the “low hanging fruit” of climate action. The database skills the Fellow will learn are integral to any building electrification program at scale, and building electrification is arguably the area with the most potential for GHG reduction, particularly in the Northeast with our dependence on oil and propane for heat.??

      For the host organization and other organizations:
      Impacting sustainability at the municipal level in a small but vital city at the forefront of climate action in NH sets the pace for others. Lebanon is at the hub of the fastest growing micropolitan area of the U.S., and our rural-urban dynamics put us in a unique position to influence numerous similar communities outside of the already well-resourced large U.S. metro areas.?

      The Fellow’s efforts will be central to the implementation of a city-wide building decarbonization pilot program reaching 25% of Lebanon’s residential buildings. This pilot is intended to be replicable Statewide via the Community Power Coalition membership, which now includes over 50 municipalities and is projected to reach 60 soon. The SEED platform will be an integral part of that program replication.??

      Desired Qualifications:?

      • Understanding of the basics of climate change, greenhouse gas emissions accounting, energy/utilities data.??
      • Community Outreach, database management experience.?
      • Ability to be self-motivated within a team setting. Professionalism and networking with diverse stakeholders. Civic engagement techniques.?
      • Computer science facility is essential and experience with database programs would be helpful.?
      • Interests Exploring the outdoors and numerous regional institutions/parks and trails/markets during downtime.??

      City of Lebanon, 51 North Park St.
      Lebanon, NH 03766?

      Work will be performed onsite/online. Initially, presence in Lebanon will be necessary, then some work online will be possible. In the phase of gathering data by survey it would be helpful to be in Lebanon part time.? Woody and Anne Rothe have an apartment in their home, a short 2 blocks from Lebanon City Hall, that they will make available to the Fellow for free.??

      Jon Chaffee, Vice-Chair of LEAC, Overall Mentor, and lead on EPA grant application?
      Woody Rothe, LEAC volunteer?
      Mark Goodwin, GIS Coordinator, City of Lebanon Planning and Development Department?
      Tad Montgomery, Energy and Facilities Manager, City of Lebanon Public Works Department??

      Strong Public Education & Our Economic Future?

      NH Businesses for Social Responsibility

      Concord, NH?
      Position is hybrid

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Host Organization:?
      NH Businesses for Social Responsibility (NHBSR) is a network of approximately 250 stakeholders, primarily businesses that believe we can positively impact our communities.? We know that our businesses cannot thrive in communities that aren’t thriving.? NHBSR programming and events encourage and enable learning, expand thinking and inspire innovation and collaborative action.? Our work is the foundation for strong advocacy for social responsibility.? We believe business advocacy is crucial to overcoming regressive policies and focusing on the future we want to see.? We offer Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Workplace Challenges, Climate Action Challenges and numerous programs to address community, workplace and environmental issues – all with a business focus.?

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Fellowship position:?
      Public education in New Hampshire has not been fairly funded and that means that schools in property poor areas struggle to provide a strong education and thus create inequities in educational opportunities for close to 70% of our students. The Fellow will conduct research to understand how these inequities have impacted educational outcomes and the skills available to build an innovation economy, in order to build the business case for strong statewide financial support for all public schools.? The Fellow will collaborate with educational and fiscal policy organizations, as well as leading businesses to generate research that can be used to build advocacy tool kits and media messaging to change the trajectory of public education in New Hampshire

      The Fellow will be asked to create the business case within the research paper for fair funding of public education throughout the state.? The student will evaluate current research focusing on how current funding is limiting an individual’s ability to achieve higher levels of education and ultimately employment, and the impact on building out a pipeline for workers in a more automated and dynamic economic environment.? The research should build on existing research, but with a business lens, in order to identify the challenges many residents in our state face while trying to better prepare our future workforce regardless of their zip code.? The Fellow will have the opportunity to present the findings to the partner organizations and the NHBSR Board of Directors and business leadership.? This research will act as the basis for engaging business leaders in more direct advocacy for fair funding of public education in New Hampshire.?

      Two parts:?

      • The Fellow will have the opportunity to demonstrate research skills, hone writing skills for impact and engagement while also building confidence in interviewing and presenting to leaders from different sectors.??
      • The Fellow’s research paper and presentation will be used to engage and inspire leaders to develop their advocacy voice, building a large network of advocacy leaders confident in taking action to support fair and strong funding for all residents regardless of their location, giving everyone the opportunity to reach their full potential.? This research will help to build leaders’ advocacy muscle through data-based understanding

      Desired Qualifications:?

      • Public policy with business understanding?
      • Demonstrated research capabilities and interest?
      • Strong writing skills and professional presentation?
      • Passion for driving positive change through big-tent advocacy?

      NHBSR employees work from home offices in southern NH.? The Fellow will work remotely with mutually agreed upon in-person meetings including participation in the NHBSR Strategic Planning Retreat in June.?

      Work will be performed primarily online, but with in-person meetings, and interviews for research.?

      Michelle Veasey, Executive Director?
      Zeina Eyceoz, Program Manager?
      Debbie Roy, Communications Manager?
      Dan Weeks, VP/Development, ReVision Energy and NHBSR Vice-Chair?

      Court Advocacy Program Fellow??

      NH Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence

      Concord, NH
      Position is hybrid

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Host Organization:?
      The New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence seeks to create safe and just communities through advocacy, prevention and empowerment of anyone affected by sexual violence, domestic violence, stalking and human trafficking.?

      This mission is accomplished by the Coalition, which includes 12 independent community-based member programs, a Board of Directors and a central staff working together to:?

      • Influence public policy on the local, state and national levels;?
      • Ensure that quality services are provided to victims;?
      • Promote the accountability of societal systems and communities for their responses to sexual violence, domestic violence and stalking;?
      • Prevent violence and abuse before they occur.?

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Fellowship position:?
      The Coalition has taken an increased interest in local court proceedings, specifically the civil legal system and the process for obtaining orders of protection as the process can vary based on the local jurisdiction. Currently, the Coalition’s member programs offer advocacy services to survivors when filing protective orders and accompaniments for protective order hearings. Some of our member programs have specialized court advocates who are primarily responsible for all accompaniments, while other less resources programs rely on whatever advocate has the availability to attend certain hearings. Additionally, other state coalitions have specialized advocates that provide court and legal support to survivors, similar to other specific advocate roles such as housing navigators, child advocates, and family violence prevention specialists. Some of our member programs have specialized court advocates who are primarily responsible for all accompaniments, while other less resourced programs rely on whatever advocate has the availability to attend certain hearings.??

      The Coalition is seeking a Fellow to conduct a court watch project and proposal for a long-term, sustainable, court advocate cohort. The purpose of this project is twofold; (1) the court watch component would allow advocates and member programs to gain insight on the different trends and procedures amongst the various NH Circuit Courts, and (2) the project would culminate in a Legal Advocate cohort proposal, including staffing recommendations and delegated responsibilities modeled off of other Coalitions and emerging best practices. For this project, the Fellow would attend local protective order hearings (for both temporary and final orders) in various jurisdictions across the state, record case notes, identify trends within and across districts and draft court summaries, connect with other state coalitions to conduct research on court cohort structures, create recommendations for staffing structure and methods for communication sharing, and develop a full project proposal for a sustainable court advocacy program that the Coalition can implement and sustain. The goal is to eventually find the funding and resources to implement this cohort at both the Coalition and member program level to increase the capacity of legal advocacy services and support more survivors in a more effective manner.?

      The Fellow will be responsible for creating two final products: (1) a summary of observations, notes, and trends amongst the different NH Circuit Courts and their respective judges, and (2) a project proposal recommending the best structure for a court advocate cohort at each member program and a supportive staff leader position at the Coalition level.??


      • The Fellow will gain experience working with community systems and partners, as well as national organizations. The Fellow will also be able to display their program proposal to potential future employers as an example of their work.??
      • The proposal that the Fellow creates, once implemented, will create a robust network of court specialized advocates that will not only improve the number of survivors our programs can support, but also the quality of their advocacy, as well as the bandwidth of our program staff.?

      Desired Qualifications:?

      • Academic Background- Degrees in Criminal Justice, Gender Studies, social sciences or related disciplines??
      • 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网- Those with experience working with the local court systems or victim services are encouraged to apply.??
      • General / Soft Skills- Note taking/synthesis, research and writing skills.??
      • Interests- Victim services, legal proceedings, advocacy.?

      New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence
      100 N Main Street, Concord NH, 03301?

      Work will be performed onsite and online.?

      Kristen Barnett, Training and Resource Specialist, & Pamela Keilig, Public Policy Specialist??

      Conservation Lands GIS Fellow??

      Northeast Conservation Services, LLC?

      Brentwood, NH
      Position is fully remote

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Host Organization:?
      Northeast Conservation Services, LLC (NCS) provides conservation science, planning, and project management services to public and private clients across New Hampshire, the Northeastern US, and Southeastern Canada. With over 30 years of experience on-staff, NCS provides a broad range of services while specializing in spatial planning for conservation using Geographic Information Systems (GIS). NCS projects currently underway or completed include community outreach and engagement to advance New Hampshire coastal watershed conservation, regional land conservation plans, management and stewardship planning for land protection projects, natural resource inventories, assessments, and functional evaluations, wildlife corridor modeling and road barrier mitigation, salt marsh restoration, and coastal resilience at the intersection of transportation infrastructure and natural systems.?

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Fellowship position:
      Conservation organizations are best suited to make conservation decisions and investments by understanding the current distribution and attributes of existing conservation lands across the landscape. It is critically important to update New Hampshire’s Conservation and Public Lands GIS data layer on a regular basis to ensure limited conservation resources yield the greatest ecosystem and ecosystem service benefits. NCS’s project lead has completed comprehensive updates to the data layer every few years since 2008, identifying hundreds of thousands of acres of conservation and public lands across New Hampshire. NCS looks forward to supporting the Conservation Lands GIS Fellow in undertaking an update in 2024, with a particular focus on New Hampshire’s coastal watershed geography.?

      The goal of the project is to collect, attribute, and update new and existing conservation records within New Hampshire’s coastal watershed for incorporation into the statewide geospatial system.? The Fellow’s primary responsibilities will involve soliciting information on conserved tract boundaries and attribute information from conservation organizations, as well as local, state, and federal conservation partners. They will be responsible for managing incoming data updates, editing and creating conservation tract boundaries, and updating tract attributes. Additionally, the Fellow will gain exposure to the broad suite of conservation projects that NCS supports.??

      New Hampshire’s Conservation/Public Lands data layer is updated to reflect the current conservation status for the coastal watershed, which supports informed land conservation initiates by federal, state, local, and NGOs.? The data generated through this work will be processed and delivered to NH GRANIT, the data steward, in a GIS format. The Fellow will summarize and present the results derived from the Fellowship.?

      Professional Growth and Development:
      The Fellow will understand land conservation mechanisms, such as fee ownership, conservation easements, deed restrictions, back-up interests by partner organizations, different levels of legal protection of conservation lands, and varying categories of management for conservation land. The Fellow will develop a basic understanding of how land conserving organizations work and operate, and how federal, state, local, and NGOs each play a role in land conservation.?

      Lasting Conservation Impact:
      The Fellowship will contribute critical information that conservation organizations and planning entities will use to inform conservation and land use decisions well into the future. The information generated and produced is invaluable to many business sectors in New Hampshire, including conservation, recreation, transportation, and economic development, among others.?

      Desired Qualifications:?

      • Proficiency with Esri’s ArcGIS Pro software, ability to edit features and attributes. 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 georeferencing a bonus.?
      • Proficiency with Microsoft Office products?
      • Strong organizational and data management skills?
      • Ability to communicate effectively.?
      • Ability to problem solve and work independently.?
      • Awareness of when to ask for help.?

      Northeast Conservation Services, LLC.
      154 Pickpocket Road, Brentwood NH?

      Work will be performed online.?

      Pete Steckler, Principal, Northeast Conservation Services, LLC.?

      Carbon Footprint Analyst?


      Manchester, VT
      Position is fully remote

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Host Organization:?
      In 1856, Charles Orvis founded The Orvis Company in Manchester, Vermont, offering the finest fly fishing equipment, and priding himself on customer satisfaction and service. Today, along with our world famous fly-fishing and wingshooting gear, Orvis offers distinctive clothing, home furnishings, gifts, and dog products. Each item is rooted in our heritage of authenticity and the outdoors, and is backed with a no-questions-asked guarantee. As the longest-running mail order business in the United States, and with our flagship retail store located in the same Vermont village as the original store since 1856, we offer experience and knowledge that no other retail company can. Orvis sporting services include fishing and shooting schools, an international sporting and eco-travel agency, the Orvis-Endorsed network of lodges, outfitters, and guides, and Orvis-Endorsed hunting dog trainers and breeders. Each day we strive to apply what we know and learn to bring our customers even better service and products tomorrow.?

      ?Orvis is headquartered in beautiful Southwestern Vermont with major operations in Roanoke, Virginia and the U.K. We firmly believe that the only way for Orvis to achieve its vision to be the most respected lifestyle brand in America, is to have a company culture that is supportive and inspiring to the individuals that will get us there. Learn more about Orvis here.?

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Fellowship position:?
      The Fellow will further refine Orvis’s existing carbon footprint analysis and begin reduction roadmap planning to advance Orvis’s road to carbon positive by 2030.?

      The project will include the following elements:?

      • Further refining scope 3 data to reach a detailed product-level analysis that will inform pathways of action?
      • Build plans for future data collection and management??
      • Reduction roadmap/action plan development?

      Supporting responsibilities include:?

      • Acting as the point of contact for greenhouse gas accounting?
      • Meeting with cross-functional teams to acquire data and update on progress?
      • Sharing the analysis through internal communications?
      • Utilize SIMAP to calculate and interpret carbon data?
      • Bringing departments on board early when developing reduction plans?
      • Engage in ad-hoc opportunities which may arise throughout the internship in relation to?conservation and sustainability??

      This project ties to one of two key sustainability priorities for Orvis in 2024. It is the foundation of our climate work moving forward and will be a significant step forward in our journey to becoming climate positive. Orvis has long been committed to the environment through the Protect What We Love core value, and is furthering that commitment as a founding member of the Outdoor Industry Association’s Climate Action Corps.?


      • Comprehensive greenhouse gas inventory with an emphasis on achieving product-level detail in scope 3 categories.?
      • Clear and concise analysis of footprint, detailing findings of impact of various business activities.?
      • Carbon reduction roadmap identifying areas for improvement through mitigation measures to reduce carbon emissions and overall environmental impact.?
      • Identification of opportunities for renewable energy adoption, energy efficiency improvements, waste reduction, and sustainable procurement?
      • Some parts of tasks will be possible to implement within the period of the Fellowship, while other actions will extend beyond the program term. The goal will be to develop the outcomes to the extent possible, ensuring the key stakeholders that will continue the work are informed and engaged.???

      The most significant impact this role will have is advancing a significant long-term priority within Orvis’s business strategy, and the outdoor industry’s commitment to becoming the first carbon positive industry by 2030. This work will set Orvis up to build a climate action plan with clear reduction pathways.?

      Skills and experience student will gain:??

      • Ownership of a specific priority area withing Orvis’s conservation & sustainability function?
      • Increased understanding of GHG accounting?
      • Carbon reduction plan development?
      • Cross-functional work to gain alignment?
      • Learn about the implementation of sustainability practices in a family-owned business?
      • Learning the culture of a heritage brand in the outdoor space?

      Desired Qualifications:?

      • Fundamental understanding of GHG Protocol, carbon accounting and emissions reduction strategies?
      • 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 with greenhouse gas inventories including scoping, data collection/management, analysis and reporting?
      • Familiarity with SIMAP a plus?
      • 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 with apparel, hard goods and/or retail a plus?
      • Product life-cycle assessment experience a plus?
      • Strong analytical skills and enjoys working with data?
      • Strong verbal and written communication skills, with the ability to collaborate across departments?
      • Presentation skills to diverse audiences including Orvis leadership team, corporate, retail and distribution center associates?
      • Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite, particularly Excel and Power Point?
      • Passion for outdoor activities, and an understanding and respect for the Orvis brand and heritage, including our key sports of Fly Fishing and Wingshooting.?

      Orvis is headquartered in Manchester, VT. We also have a distribution center in Roanoke, VA, and 80 retail stores across the U.S.??

      Mentor is located in Salt Lake City, UT.??

      The position is remote, with the intention of meeting in-person at an Orvis site (ideally HQ in VT) at least once during the Fellowship.?

      Laura Schaffer, VP Conservation & Sustainability

      Research Analyst, Transportation &?Waste Management?

      Piper Shores?

      Scarborough, ME
      Position is hybrid or on-site (housing provided)

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Host Organization:?
      Piper Shores is Maine’s only nonprofit Lifecare Retirement Community, offering Independent, Assisted and Skilled (Nursing) levels of living and care. Perched atop the rugged cliffs of Casco Bay and only 9 miles from the thriving City of Portland, we are a community of 400 residents and 275 employees who are committed to continuing a thriving and sustainable future for our natural environment and future generations.?

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Fellowship position:?
      Piper Shores has a multi-phase, comprehensive Sustainability Plan (available on request), recently developed with Sustainability Consultant Group Thornton Tomasetti. The Fellow will focus on two priority areas within the plan:?

      1. Transportation infrastructure, services, preferences, and fossil fuel reduction strategies; and?
      2. Infrastructure waste auditing.?

      For transportation, the Fellow will develop and implement a transportation survey to better understand current transportation habits and to identify opportunities for?improvement. For waste, the Fellow will audit the current waste stream, including hands-on audits and data analysis, to understand and improve waste management. The Fellow will work with members of the Sustainability Collaborative, which is a group of highly informed residents, board members, staff members and external stakeholders working collectively to achieve short-term goals of the plan and to develop long-term planning strategies. The work completed this summer will both achieve goals set out in?the Sustainability Plan and will feed into a fall 2024 analysis of Piper Shores’ greenhouse?gas emissions.?

      The Fellow will complete two projects:?

      1. Transportation: Develop and implement a Transportation survey to gather information about resident and staff travel behaviors, preferences, challenges, and concerns.?
      2. Waste: Perform an infrastructure waste audit to standardize waste sorting, collection, and disposal practices.?

      The Fellow will also prepare a report summarizing the methods, findings, and recommendations from the transportation survey and the waste audit. In addition, the Fellow will give a final presentation to the community to share findings and recommendations.?


      1. Skill enhancement will include the areas of research and data collection/analytics to improve the incumbent’s understanding of translating data into actionable outcomes. Additionally, the incumbent will develop skills within the areas of communication, problem solving, networking and public speaking.?
      2. The impact of these studies will play a pivotal role in jump starting this newly developed Sustainability Plan and will provide critical data for future benchmark studies and analysis. Additionally, this role will set the groundwork for a newly created Sustainability Coordinator position, which will be open in the fall of 2024.?

      Desired Qualifications:?

      • Academic background in the general areas of sustainability with a focus on data analysis.?
      • 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 with project management preferred.?
      • 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 working with a diverse range of stakeholders including an elderly/senior population preferred; strong interest in working with this population required.?
      • Advanced use of technology required; ability to learn new systems quickly required.?
      • High attention to detail; ability to organize both verbally and written.?
      • Inquisitive, curious, and committed to the overall concept of sustainability on a local and global scale.?

      Piper Shores
      15 Piper Rd, Scarborough, ME 04074?

      Work will be performed hybrid or on site (housing and meals included).

      Leanne Fiet, Chief Operating Officer, Piper Shores

      Data Modeling to Inform EV Charging Across New England?

      ReVision Energy?

      Portland, Maine?
      Position is hybrid?

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Host Organization:?
      Founded in 2003, ReVision Energy is a mission-driven, employee-owned solar company operating in Northern New England. Guided by our mission – to make life better by building our just an equitable electric future – we are rewriting the way solar business is done. Prioritizing people over profit, community over competition, and sustainable growth over rapid expansion, we’re on a mission to build a better world through solar power. While solar energy is the foundation of ReVision Energy, we also install a range of other carbon-reducing technologies including air source heat pumps, heat pump water heaters, electric vehicle charging, and battery energy storage systems.?

      Our mission and values are part of everything we do at ReVision. We are a certified B Corporation, and we are 100% employee-owned. In 2020, we formed our Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion pillars to honor the intersectional relationship between environmentalism and social justice. And we live our sustainability values in our own business practices: we have committed to going Net Zero by 2030 and have a full-time Sustainability Coordinator to lead our efforts and track our progress towards this goal.?

      We are already well on our way by using solar power and heat pumps at our branch locations, as well as continuing to expand our fleet with more all-electric vehicles for our sales and?installation teams. All of our branches have robust compost and recycling programs, including for end-of-life solar panels. We are especially proud that we are already recycling 2/3 of our waste, a mighty feat for a construction company.

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Fellowship position:?
      This Fellowship focuses on data modeling related to transportation electrification. It will involve mainly office-based or remote computer work but there will be opportunities for site visits to deepen knowledge of EV charging infrastructure.?

      Transportation is a leading cause of carbon emissions. Electric vehicles offer a low- or no-emissions transportation option, even when charged with ‘dirty’ grid electricity. EV adoption continues to grow faster than predictions due to strong customer demand backed by purchase incentives, as well as many EV-focused federal and state policies – many of which mandate 100% electric sales by as soon as 2035. ISO NE operates the electrical grid throughout the northeast and predicts the number of EVs on the road in our region will increase by 3200% over the next ten years.?

      To meet New England’s transportation electrification goals, thousands of chargers will be needed. ReVision Energy is the leading installer of electric vehicle charging in Northern New England, installing both residential and commercial charging. This Fellowship will be with ReVision’s commercial EV division, which has completed more than 130 charging projects at workplaces, retail stores, multi-family dwellings, and DC fast charging sites along highways.?

      ReVision’s commercial charging projects aim to ensure equitable access to the benefits of transportation electrification. In particular, ReVision has expertise in designing and installing charging solutions for multi-family housing, workplace fleets, school buses, and public transit. These types of projects make the benefits of transportation electrification available to more than just single-family homeowners who are able to install their own chargers.?

      For these commercial projects to be successful, they must make financial sense to install and operate. This Fellowship will concentrate on building data models of charger utilization that will be used to project revenue and expenses for potential commercial EV charging projects. This will involve understanding the rapidly evolving technology of EV charging, EV adoption and charger utilization patterns, and utility rates. The Fellow’s work will lead to robust financial models so that investors can confidently move forward with EV charging projects that will support increased EV adoption and decreased carbon emissions throughout New England.?

      The Fellow will help to build data sets that model real-world charger usage throughout a year. These models will be analyzed with local utility tariffs, which can vary by time of day and time of year. The Fellow will work with spreadsheets and/or other database software, as well as modeling programs like Energy Toolbase. The Fellow may also have an opportunity to work modeling of large-scale batteries to offset charger demand on the utility grid. The Fellow’s contributions will help build long-term financial models so investors can understand the financial dynamics of operating EV charging sites.?

      While some of these sites will likely be privately funded, the largest impacts will be related to the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) act. NEVI is a federal investment of $7.5 billion over 5 years to build a network of DC fast chargers every 50 miles along America’s highways. The Fellow’s work will be instrumental in selecting appropriate and financially profitable sites across New England for NEVI applications and in helping to secure investors who will commit to owning and operating these sites for at least 5 years.?

      EV charging is an emerging field. The Fellowship may involve other cutting-edge opportunities for data modeling and analysis that arise between now and the completion of the Fellowship.?

      The Fellow will gain an in-depth knowledge of the field of EV charging, both technologically and financially. EV charging will continue to be one of the highest growth industries as the world transitions from fossil fuel-based transportation to electric and the Fellow will be well-prepared for a career in this industry. The Fellow will also gain understanding of utility rates and policy related to transportation electrification, as well as large scale energy storage systems to help lessen the growing demand on the electrical grid.??

      By helping to identify good sites for EV chargers, the Fellow’s work will contribute to widespread transportation electrification efforts. Decarbonizing the transportation sector will have huge effects on the climate. It is also projected to improve community health as reducing emissions has a strong correlation with better respiratory health.?

      Desired Qualifications:?

      • Academic Background: This Fellowship is suited for a student with a strong quantitative background in mathematics and/or data science. Success will depend on being able to understand technical electrical concepts such as current, voltage, power, and electricity, as well as fluency with units such as kWs and kWhs. We will help to teach these, but the Fellow should have at least a working knowledge of basic electrical concepts as would be covered in a college-level physics course.?
      • 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网: Real-world data modeling. Familiarity with electric vehicles and sustainable energy.?
      • General / Soft Skills: Intellectual curiosity and the perseverance to distill meaning from loosely defined ideas. 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 with spreadsheets and database management. Ability to work independently while under the supervision of a mentor. Courage to explore new ideas and learn from mistakes.?
      • Technical / Specialized Skills: 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 evaluating and manipulating large data sets. 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 building quantitative data models.?
      • Interests: Energy policy, electrification, transportation, cars, finance – the more varied and broader the Fellow’s interests are, the better.??

      ReVision Energy
      758 Westbrook Street, Portland ME 04106?

      Work will be performed both onsite and online.?

      Chuck Hayward, EV Infrastructure Designer & Analyst

      Sustainable Interior Design Materials Fellow?

      Stibler Associates?

      Bedford, NH
      Position is hybrid

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Host Organization:?
      Stibler Associates is a 100% female-owned and operated space planning and interior design firm of 8-10 professionals. For 40+ years, we have designed projects of all sizes located throughout the United States for corporate, financial, non-profit, education, hospitality, and healthcare clients.?

      Our designers meet and exceed the standards for our profession as required by the Council for Interior Design Qualification (CIDQ). We have accredited LEED and WELL professionals on staff and have contributed efforts to LEED and WELL certified projects.??

      We are in the early stages of developing a comprehensive organizational vision to create a “People Planet Positive” (PPP) workplace and design practice. We plan to integrate regenerative design into our design process, while embracing our creativity and meeting the needs of our clients

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Fellowship position:?
      One of the important strategies for accomplishing our “People Planet Positive” goal will be to evaluate and rebuild our existing interior design materials library. The Fellow will play a crucial role in evaluating our current materials and selecting new materials that align with our commitment to sustainability and support the other criteria of our projects.??

      Our materials library consists of sample books, kits and loose-finish materials that make up the interior environment of commercial and public spaces. This includes, but is not limited to, flooring, paint, wallcovering, wood paneling, countertops, acoustic panels, decorative laminates and metals, wall and floor tile, grout, ceiling systems, etc. Though our materials library is vetted and evaluated on a regular basis for things like cost, durability, maintenance, aesthetics, availability, etc., we need a detailed analysis of sustainability criteria. This requires developing a new system for evaluating materials.??

      Key Responsibilities:??

      • Research and Development: Research industry trends and advancements in sustainable materials. Collaborate with other architecture and design firms, industry non-profits, sales representatives and manufacturers to gather relevant sustainability data for materials library criteria and individual materials evaluation.??
      • Material Evaluation: Conduct a thorough assessment of our interior materials library, considering factors such as social and environmental impact, life cycle, and regenerative qualities. Identify and source new, innovative, and sustainable materials to add to our materials library. Explore local sourcing options to reduce transportation-related emissions and support community.?
      • Compliance: Create a standards and guidelines resource document to ensure that materials in our library comply with relevant sustainability standards, certifications, regulations, and PPP goals. This document will be shared with manufacturer sales reps, other design and architectural firms, design students and other stakeholders.?
      • Continuous Improvement: Propose and implement a sustainability review process, to complement the standards document, for evaluating new materials proposed by clients/project partners, designers or sales representatives going forward.?
      • Collaboration: Work closely with Stibler designers to integrate sustainable material choices into the design process of current and on-going client projects.?
      • Education: Assist designers with methods and materials for communicating the importance of sustainability to our clients and project partners.?

      At the conclusion of this Fellowship, the Fellow will have worked with the Stibler team to create a materials library standards and guidelines document, outlined a materials evaluation strategy, participated in materials selections and education for client projects and transformed the physical materials library in the office. And will have had a fun and rewarding experience, too!?

      This Fellowship offers an opportunity to intimately understand the many different interior finishes that make up the inside of commercial and public buildings. Identifying greenwashing, understanding performance data, working as part of a team and developing partnerships are all skills and experiences that will be developed. There is also an opportunity for creative thinking and leadership! The library guidelines document will be a portfolio material that can be shared and hopefully used by others.?

      Broad Impact?
      This project has a very direct long-term impact on sustainability through the built environment, which is responsible for 40% of CO2 emissions. Interior finishes applications frequently have an installed life span of 5, 10, 20 or 50+ years. The new materials library will promote healthy material selections on our projects. We envision utilizing the Fellowship results, not only for improving our design projects, but as a tool for conversations/lobbying efforts with manufacturers to improve their sustainability practices. We also plan to share this library resource with other design professionals and organizations, helping to increase overall project specifications of healthy, sustainable materials.?

      Desired Qualifications:?

      • Ability to work both independently and collaboratively with the Stibler design team?
      • Online research skills??
      • Phone, email and in-person communication skills for collaboration with a variety of industry experts and representatives?
      • Clear and accurate writing skills?
      • Ability to synthesize information from various perspectives and sources??
      • Use sound judgment to weigh pros and cons of materials attributes?
      • 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 or background in interior design or architecture is very helpful?
      • Familiarity with sustainability certifications (LEED, WELL, Living Building Challenge, etc.) is a plus?
      • Microsoft office software basics (Word, Excel, Outlook, Teams, etc.)?

      Stibler Associates?
      3 Executive Park Drive, Suite 106
      Bedford, NH 03110?

      Genella McDonald, President?
      Elizabeth Guertin, Interior Designer??

      Policy Toolkit Fellow

      The Climate Initiative?

      Kennebunkport, Maine?
      Position is fully remote?

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Host Organization:?
      The Climate Initiative (TCI) empowers youth aged 13-23 to take positive climate action. We do this through a three-pronged approach: educate – demystify climate change through tangible solutions, empower – instill in youth a sense of agency and leadership, and activate – catalyze youth to engage their communication action. Through this work, we create a cohesive youth voice at the grassroots level, advancing climate action. Our programming can be broken down into the following core areas:??

      • Learning Lab Educational Modules: These modules educate youth on environmental issues in their communities and activate them to create and employ projects outside the classroom that directly address the issues most important to them.?
      • Climate Action Projects: These projects, included at the end of learning labs and as stand-alone resources, enable youth to engage deeply in action work in their community.?
      • Policy Toolkits: Toolkits are state-specific and policy-related guides designed to educate, empower, and activate youth voices in the climate policy legislative process on a state and national level.??
      • Collegiate Climate Policy Institute (CCPI): Over three days, young people across the country meet others passionate about climate solutions, learn about policy, attend panels with subject matter experts, and get direct experience advocating with the office of elected officials. After the end of the three days, the participants return to their communities, use their learned skills, and complete a Climate Practicum project of their choice.?
      • Educator Retreats: These events are offered to educators; they count towards professional development and focus on Learning Labs and Toolkits for climate education training. The retreats are low to no cost for educators, giving them the tools to bring local environmental concepts and apply them inside and outside their classrooms.?
      • Ambassador Program: The TCI Ambassador Program provides opportunities and resources to tackle climate issues locally and join an engaged community of climate changemakers.?
      • Fellowship Program: This program allows us to support college-aged youth in hands-on, experiential opportunities that provide pathways to climate careers.??

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Fellowship position:?
      The Sustainability Fellow’s primary project objective will focus on reimagining and enhancing TCI’s policy toolkits to help educate, empower, and activate youth voices in the climate policy legislative process. We currently have six general policy toolkits, ranging from communicating with legislators to climate change advocacy at different levels of government and ten state-specific policy toolkits. Fellows will collaborate with TCI staff to collect additional resources and case studies for the policy toolkits. The revisions will enhance toolkit interactivity to create a more meaningful and engaging user experience.??

      In collaboration with TCI’s Programs team, the Sustainability Fellow is expected to deliver the following upon completion of the fellowship:?

      • Research on state-level climate legislation focuses on how states intersect with landmark federal laws such as the Clear Air Act, Clean Drinking Water Act, and Clean Water Act.?
      • Updating the format and expanding the current inventory of TCI’s policy toolkits.?
      • Examining historical and ongoing legal climate case studies to identify strategies for action.?
      • Create action plans to advance climate policy within TCI’s general policy toolkits and Learning Labs.??
      • Work collaboratively with the Programs and M+E teams to develop data-collection systems to measure the impact and inform strategy for policy toolkits.??


      • The Sustainability Fellow will gain many skills and experiences working with the Programs Team. The fellow will be exposed to all of the primary operations of a nonprofit organization. After their fellowship, they will acquire new knowledge and skills in programs, policy, marketing and communications, and development. The fellow’s supervisor will also serve as their mentor, providing guidance and support throughout the fellowship. In addition, the fellow can attend professional development training, including specialized learning sessions with in-house presenters or guest speakers. Moreover, with their work on policy toolkits, he/she/they will develop a deep understanding of climate policy while strengthening their research, writing, and evaluation skills. The fellow will gain firsthand experience in climate and youth advocacy, learning the intricacies of interacting with legislatures and government officials to create change through policy initiatives.?
      • The Sustainability Fellow will emerge from this project with a well-rounded skill set and valuable experiences that will prepare them for future green careers in environmental advocacy, policy development, fundraising, or other sustainability-related fields. The fellow’s project on enhancing policy toolkits will directly educate and empower youth on collective climate action beyond the fellowship period.??

      Desired Qualifications:?

      • TCI welcomes candidates from interdisciplinary backgrounds but encourages those with coursework in Political Science, Environmental Studies, Policy, and other relevant subjects to apply.??
      • Substantial research experience and an ability to translate critical findings.??
      • Effective communicator and connector of people and organization.?
      • Strong project management and people management skills and is self-driven.?
      • Strong social media skills.?
      • Program design knowledge and capabilities.?
      • Demonstrated ability to communicate clearly and concisely, both written and oral.?
      • Strong relationship builder to develop consensus and strengthen collaboration among diverse stakeholders.?
      • Highly collaborative and team player with a flexible attitude!?
      • Strong administrative skills, organizational skills, and attention to detail.?
      • Demonstrated ability to analyze and compile data for program refinement and success.?
      • Passion for tackling the climate crisis and furthering the initiative's mission.?
      • Diverse candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.?

      The Climate Initiative?
      57 Gravelly Brook Road, Kennebunkport, ME? 04046?

      Work will be performed online. TCI is a national organization with staff around the United States. At the same time, it is headquartered in Kennebunkport, ME; the fellowship will be primarily virtual, with an opportunity to engage with Maine-based TCI staff within driveable distance of Kennebunkport.??

      Nyla McFadden, Director of Education, Program and Policy Lead, The Climate Initiative?

      Life Cycle Ethics of the Built Environment??

      Thornton Tomasetti?

      Portland, Maine
      Position is hybrid?

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Host Organization:?
      Thornton Tomasetti optimizes the design and performance of structures, materials and?Systems for projects of every size and level of complexity. We are an independent organization of engineers, scientists, architects, and other professionals who collaborate from offices worldwide to help you achieve your goals. We are committed to being a sustainable, diverse, and enduring organization and the global driver of change and innovation in our industry. At TT, our staff is united in purpose to mitigate the risks of climate change by applying expertise in decarbonization and resilience.?

      In 2022, our Portland, Maine office was voted Top 5 Best Places to Work in Maine. The 40-person office is home to members of the Structural practice, Transportation practice, and Sustainability/Resilience practice. It serves as the Center of Excellence for mass timber, whole life carbon, passive house and building science. The office has many active members of Women@TT, a professional alliance and employee network group that seeks to push the boundaries or corporate culture and personal potential. Additionally, there are two Green Champions who work with the Corporate Responsibility department to meet climate action initiatives for the office.??

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Fellowship position:?
      The most ethical building is one that does no harm during its assembly or operation. The A/E/C industry (Architecture, Engineering, Construction) is one of the most disaggregated industrial sectors. While it is responsible for 13% of global GDP, it has a 1% productivity growth rate over the last 20 years. Globalization has created complex webs of resource extraction, goods production and service provision across borders, and these global supply chains have historically been opaque, hard to track and somewhat unregulated. As a result, it is estimated that the construction sector is the #1 sector at risk for unknowingly supporting and reinforcing forced labor practices at the points of extraction and manufacturing.????

      Similarly, the planning and design process engaged by professional service providers, developers and financiers has not always taken an inclusive, broad, and justice-oriented?approach to developing the built environment. The exclusion of all stakeholders impacted by a construction project, similar to other systems of oppression, takes place at the individual, institutional and structural levels. There are few, rare, examples of Equity-Centered Design processes currently or fluently employed during planning and design.???

      There are a growing number of organizations, institutions, and municipalities educating themselves on these topics and piloting initiatives to drive market change. Change in labor practices, reporting, transparency, material selection, design process, and construction practices. There are several successful case studies and pilot projects, but we are finding that public perception and fear of failure is prohibiting progress.??

      We believe more substantial progress can be made with increased awareness into the process for implementing ethical labor practices at the building scale. There are key people in the AEC industry bringing ethical and equitable design to market and we believe there is power in learning from their process.??

      We believe more substantial progress can be made with increased awareness into the process for implementing ethical labor practices at the building scale. There are key people in the AEC industry bringing ethical and equitable design to market and we believe there is power in learning from their process.??

      • What are potential barriers to adopting ethical sourcing practices???
      • What have they learned by asking manufacturers difficult questions???
      • How has their traditional design and construction process changed, and what are they finding to be most successful in moving the needle (regarding forced labor and equitable design processes)???
      • What are some of the reasons people find it difficult to talk about this topic and why????

      We are interested in partnering with a Fellow to help us answer these questions through research, fact-finding, and targeted outreach to industry-leading professionals creating market change. Ideally the Fellow will be able to accommodate a hybrid work schedule, which is defined as 3-4 days in the office. It is a schedule shared by most members of the Sustainability/Resilience Practice in Portland so there are many in-person networking opportunities. The Portland office is home to five sustainability practice Vice Presidents, the Northeast Region Sustainability Practice Manager, the Business Development Lead for the Sustainability Practice, the Corporate Responsibility Officer for TT global, seven sustainability consultants/project managers and summer interns. Depending on the status of projects over the summer, TT staff members will try to include the Fellow as part of in-person client meetings and workshops for greater exposure and insight into the industry.??

      Additionally, the office is located in downtown Portland, ME which is situated on the Casco Bay and 10–15-minute drive from the coastal beaches. It is a growing city and great location to spend the summer months.?

      We would like the Fellow to perform outreach, targeted surveys, calls and emails as part of a data collection effort. This outreach and data collection will strive to answer the questions noted above based on conversations and engagement with industry professionals.? The end product will be a formal report with an associated slide deck that presents the findings and provides high-level recommendations.??

      This is an emerging topic for the AEC industry and this Fellow will be on the forefront of research in forced labor practices. The Sustainability/Resilience Practice of Thornton Tomasetti works with a wide range of colleges, universities, and other institutions (i.e. private schools, corporations, etc.) in New England and beyond. This research would be used to inform workshops, goal-setting and educational materials shared with our partner institutions to inspire pilot initiatives related to ethical labor practices.? It is possible that the findings could get presented at industry conferences, depending on the outcomes of the research, and shared with partner organizations like Design for Freedom, a movement launched by the Grace Farms Foundation to design and build more humanely ( Collectively, the more we learn about this important topic, the more power we have?
      The expertise gained through this Fellowship will be industry-leading, offering the Fellow a distinct advantage in pursuing professional opportunities within the AEC industry. This knowledge will be especially beneficial for firms, organizations, institutions, and corporations aiming to bolster their understanding and address issues of forced labor in the building materials supply chain.?

      Desired Qualifications:?

      • Background in Architecture, Engineering, Construction Management, Sustainability, or Policy is preferred.??
      • 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 with data collection and research.??
      • Excellent communication, organization and collaboration skills.??
      • 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 with Xcel, Microsoft Office programs and Graphic Design programs (i.e. Adobe Creative Suite, etc.).???
      • Knowledge and understanding of material procurement and supply chains is preferred, but not required.??
      • LEED Green Associate, LEED Accreditation or Living Future Accreditation is a plus.??

      14 York Street, Suite 201, Portland, ME 04101?

      Work will be performed both onsite / online.?

      Bridget Kane, Project Director, TT Sustainability/Resilience Practice, Portland, ME?
      Amanda Garvey, Vice President, TT Sustainability/Resilience Practice, Portland, ME??

      Carbon Footprinting?

      Worthen Industries?

      Nashua, NH?
      Position is in person?

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Host Organization:?
      Worthen is a 150-year-old family-owned manufacturer of coatings, adhesives, extruded films and coated substrates that are used in products in a wide variety of industrial and consumer sectors including footwear and apparel, medical devices, construction, food packaging, PV solar panels and others.??

      Commitment to sustainability comes from the top of the company.? Each of our 12 business units and 5 plants has monthly meetings with our CEO and our Sustainability Manager to discuss their sustainability efforts.? We have made significant investments in renewable energy with rooftop arrays on 3 of our 5 facilities and an array for a 4th facility in the works.? We have set three corporate goals that focus on our facility operations: to decrease our carbon emissions, increase energy efficiency, and decrease our waste.? In addition, our R&D teams are continually evaluating new raw materials looking for ways to decrease the carbon footprints of our products.?

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Fellowship position:?
      The objective of this project is to further our efforts to calculate our carbon footprint.? This may include helping calculate our scope 3 emissions and/or carbon footprints for individual products that we manufacture. The exact responsibilities will depend on where we are on our journey by next summer. The project will include gathering data internally and externally (from vendors, databases, internal departments and other sources). If we invest in software to help us with these calculations, it may include helping to customize the software to our operations and products. We are working towards quantifying our scope 3 emissions and calculating product carbon footprints to help us evaluate opportunities to decrease them both.?

      The expected outcomes are clear and well documented calculations of carbon emissions and/or carbon footprints and will likely include graphics or other simplified format to communicate the results internally and to customers.???

      The Fellow will gain experience in calculating organizational Scope 3 carbon emissions and/or carbon footprints for products with sometimes complicated raw materials for which carbon emission factors are not readily available.? This will likely include filling, estimating and/or explaining data gaps.? There will be the opportunity to work with people throughout our organization – including chemists, business unit managers, and process technicians.??

      Some of our business units are working on calculating carbon footprints with the goal of using that information to help drive product development – for example researching raw materials with lower footprints, or optimizing production to increase energy efficiency.? In addition, we anticipate that customers will increasingly value this information to help them decrease the carbon footprints of their products as they make purchasing decisions.? On a corporate level, we have been tracking our Scope 1 and 2 emissions for a few years but have not yet tackled Scope 3. Figuring out how to get the data for subcategories of Scope 3 emissions will help us to calculate Scope 3 going forward.?

      Desired Qualifications:?
      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 or at least familiarization with calculating product carbon emissions and/or footprints and relevant sources of data would be ideal. Other necessary skills include: ability to work unsupervised, good research abilities, detail oriented, good communicator, good working with people across the organization.?

      Worthen Industries
      34 Cellu Drive, Nashua, NH?

      Work will be performed onsite.?

      Shaye Hardner, Sustainability Manager

      Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Mapping


      Milbridge, ME
      Position is fully remote.

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Host Organization:?
      Founded in Maine in 1874, Wyman’s remains family-owned and is the largest retail brand of frozen fruit in the U.S. Wyman’s raises wild blueberries on over 13,000 acres across Maine, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island and sources wild blueberries from over 450 grower partners. Wyman’s maintains manufacturing operations in Maine and Prince Edward Island, with co-pack manufacturing operations across the U.S. and South America. Although Wyman’s featured product offerings revolve around wild blueberries, we also offer a broad array of fruits from Africa, Asia, Europe, North and South America. Sustainability is a core value at Wyman’s, which is made clear in their slogan “We are on a mission to help the world eat more fruit.” This slogan refers to both the human health benefits of fruit and the benefits to pollinators from flowering plants like fruits.?

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Fellowship:?
      Greenhouse gas emissions across the food supply chain must be reduced to meet climate targets. Wyman’s has been collaborating with UNH for several semesters to calculate its emissions and explore strategies for reductions. This summer fellowship will pull all that work together by finalizing a baseline carbon footprint for Wyman’s, drafting a Climate Action Plan, and ultimately proposing a carbon footprint reduction goal.??

      Wyman’s has calculated portions of their carbon footprint through the UNH Climate Action Clinic and a 2023 summer fellowship. The Clinic efforts focused on their direct on-site emissions (scope 1) and indirect purchased electricity emissions (scope 2) for their US operations, while the summer fellowship calculated their upstream indirect emissions (scope 3). The projects also analyzed reduction opportunities. The most promising strategies include installing solar panels and updating refrigeration systems.??

      Wyman’s is seeking to establish a baseline carbon footprint analysis which includes all their scope 1, scope 2, and upstream scope 3 emissions. This fellowship will pull from the previous work for US operations and upstream scope 3, but new calculations will be needed for their Canada operations. This footprint analysis will then form the basis of a Climate Action Plan and footprint reduction goal. The Fellow will also research strategies for estimating Wyman’s downstream scope 3 footprint (e.g., processing of sold products, use of sold products).?

      Wyman’s seeks to incorporate emissions data and modeling into everyday business decisions to enhance our sustainability and reduce our overall contribution to climate change.??

      The key goal for this Fellowship is to establish a carbon footprint baseline. The deliverables for this overarching goal are:?

      • Carbon footprint baseline result, combining previous calculations (US scope 1, US scope 2, upstream scope 3) and new analysis (Canada scope 1 and 2).??
      • Climate Action Plan detailing the baseline footprint, opportunities for reductions, and a proposed footprint reduction goal.?
      • As time allows, research into strategies for estimating downstream scope 3 emissions.?

      The Fellow should also prepare clearly documented data sets and calculation files. The greenhouse gas inventory tool SIMAP ( will be used for the footprint calculation itself, but any supporting materials should be submitted as well.?

      The Fellow will develop a skill set for the full process of calculating an international organization’s carbon footprint; greenhouse gas accounting is becoming an increasingly marketable skill. The Fellow will also gain experience drafting a Climate Action Plan for a multi-national company. Finally, the Fellow will gain experience working with a value-added food producer and will gain familiarity with the full food supply chain.??

      With their baseline greenhouse gas inventory and the Fellow’s recommendations, Wyman’s will be able to incorporate greenhouse gas reduction into all aspects of their business operations. Wyman’s already values sustainability initiatives and would like to reduce their climate impact – the Fellow’s work will provide Wyman’s with the knowledge and tools to do.?

      Desired Qualifications:?

      • Strong data analysis and data management skills are essential, including experience with software like Excel.?
      • 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 with technical report writing and presenting.?
      • 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 with carbon footprint accounting.??
      • General / Soft Skills – Possess a positive proactive approach, highly organized, detailed oriented, effective verbal and written communicator.?

      Wyman’s, P.O. Box 100, Milbridge, ME 04658?
      Work will be performed online.?

      Bruce Hall, Director of Agroecology?

      2024?positions open to undergraduates only

      Quantifying the Value of Certified Social Compliance Audits?

      Association of Professional Social Compliance Auditors (APSCA)?

      US, Canada, Australia, and Dubai ?
      Position is fully remote?

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Host Organization:?
      APSCA is the professional standards body for independent Social Compliance Auditors who represent the vast majority of social compliance audit firms and more than 4800 Auditors who audit globally. Collectively, APSCA-certified auditors conduct tens of thousands of social compliance audits annually, engage with hundreds of thousands of workers directly, and ultimately benefit millions of supply chain workers globally through the identification of labor violations. We are the largest group of professionals conducting onsite assessments into human and labor rights issues around the world. APSCA is a collaboration between the audit firms, auditors, stakeholders, and customers of the social compliance audit industry, which play a vital role in assessing and improving workplace conditions throughout global supply chains. APSCA aims to maintain and raise the value, quality, consistency and integrity of the industry, by establishing professional certification standards for social compliance auditors and the firms for which they work. APSCA sets, maintains and promotes standards of conduct for members and auditors as a measure of self-regulation of organizations offering services of independent social compliance audits. APSCA has more than 2600 Certified Social Compliance Auditors (CSCAs) across 102 countries and this number continues to grow.?

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Fellowship position:?
      Currently, there is no reporting or metrics in place to demonstrate the value of APSCA. In theory, audits performed by CSCAs are expected to be more thorough, more insightful, identify root causes of issues, and offer recommendations – and be conducted with strong ethics and integrity.? It is unclear if by reading audit reports conducted by CSCAs, one would have evidence of a better-quality audit.? The Fellow will address this gap by scrutinizing audit data supplied by APSCA, outlining distinctions, and highlighting the advantages of employing CSCA auditors. Additionally, the Fellow will formulate further recommendations and provide insights into effective approaches for capturing the value derived from CSCA audits.?

      To do this, the Fellow will work directly with Association members (auditing firms and industry collaboratives) to collect and review readily available data and reports.? There is no expectation for the Fellow to gather information independently or additionally beyond what the firms are able to provide. The Fellow will review data collected by large auditing firms, brands/retailers and industry collaborative programs (e.g., Social Accountability International) to identify quantitative and/or qualitative evidence that audits conducted by CSCAs are better quality audits.? Research and collection of data is being conducted with APSCA members and stakeholders in conjunction with the International Organization of Employers (IOE) who will be co-authoring the findings report with APSCA.???

      Findings will be used by APSCA to promote the credibility of the certification program and by IOE to influence the United Nations, the ILO, and the OECD in their activities to enact and enforce supply chain due diligence regulations inclusive of certified auditors and audits.? The output of this project will establish a process and means for APSCA to replicate periodic analysis for demonstrating the value of the organization and the value of CSCAs, which will be used to promote the profession as well as the Association.???

      The Fellow will gain direct access to data and organizations immersed in the world of human rights, supply chain due diligence, and real-life risks inherent in global supply chains.? The results of this research will have a lasting impact on legislation, corporate best practice, and ultimately improving the lives of millions of supply chain workers.???

      Desired Qualifications:?

      • Academic Background – international studies, policy, human rights, international labor law??
      • 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 - international studies, policy, human rights, international labor law?
      • General / Soft Skills – qualitative and quantitative data analysis and interpretation, verbal and written communication, strategic thinking.

      APSCA does not have a physical office. Staff are US, Canada, Australia, and Dubai.???
      Colleen Vien, President and CEO, APSCA, is based in Beverly, MA.?

      Work will be performed online.?

      Urban Forestry Fellow?

      City of Dover, NH

      City of Dover, NH?
      Position is in person

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Host Organization:?
      Dover is a dynamic community in Seacoast, New Hampshire that is the 4th largest and fastest growing city in the state. Dover is ranked one of the top 100 communities in the United States and one of the nation’s top communities for young people. Settled in 1623, Dover is the oldest continuous settlement in NH and just celebrated its 400th anniversary in 2023. Dover is recognized for having a strong sense of community, thriving business sector, expanding arts and cultural scene, wide variety of dining establishments, and beautiful scenery with its historic buildings and waterways.??

      The City of Dover is a leader in the State of New Hampshire in terms of innovative municipal initiatives and policies. The City’s Planning and Community Development Department is responsible for: maintaining and implementing the City’s Master Plan and relevant City Council goals, including its resiliency and sustainability goals, overseeing the approval process for the development and subdivision of land, managing the Community Development Block Grant program, representing the City on regional and statewide committees, conducting research/grant writing, and special projects assigned by the City Manager or the City’s Boards and Commissions. Boards served by the department include Dover’s: Arts Commission, Community Trail Advisory Committee, Conservation Commission, Energy Commission, Heritage Commission, Open Lands Committee, Planning Board, Zoning Board of Adjustment and many more. The Urban Forestry Fellow will be placed with the Planning and Community Development Department, a team of eight. The Fellow will also work with others from across various sectors of municipal government and the community.??

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Fellowship position:?
      The Urban Forestry Fellow will assist the City’s Resilience Manager in supporting the ongoing efforts of the Conservation Commission and Forest Management Subcommittee. Support will include various urban forestry initiatives, such as monitoring and care of urban street trees, contributing to the potential development of a pocket forest using the Miyawaki method, and actively participating in related community outreach and engagement activities to inform the residents of the City’s urban forestry initiatives.??

      This position will be used as a case study for the City to have additional capacity for urban forestry expansion and management which could potentially open the doors for the creation of a full-time position with expanded responsibilities. The Urban Forestry Fellow will be responsible for helping to implement recommendations of the 2021 Central Business District Street Tree Plan and contrast the conditions identified within the plan to those observed during the summer of 2024. The Fellow will play a key role in supporting the City’s ongoing priorities including:?

      • Assisting in the installation of trees in empty pits.??
      • Mapping out the removal of ash trees due to emerald ash borer and replacement with resilient and diversified species.??
      • Planning expansion of tree boxes in areas with limited tree cover.??
      • Contributing to the development of a pilot pocket forest.??
      • Informing residents of the ongoing City’s urban forestry initiatives and exploring the possibility of planning a community planting day.?

      As a result of this project the City of Dover will be a more resilient and vibrant community as urban street trees and forests offer tangible community benefits and value including: reducing urban heat island effects, offering wind break in the winter, aiding in stormwater management, removal of carbon dioxide and other air pollution, reduction of noise and contribution to aesthetics. This project will help ensure the long-term success of street trees in the Central Business District and will potentially pave the path for the development of pocket forests throughout the City. If the pocket forest pilot project is a success, it will most certainly provide a replicable model that could catalyze change in Dover and many other localities throughout New Hampshire and beyond.?

      This project will have the following deliverables:??

      • A report capturing progress made throughout the summer and recommendations for future work.??
      • A plain language summary in the form of a handout (developed in collaboration with the City’s Outreach Coordinator) that helps with disseminating the information to the citizens of Dover.??
      • A presentation to the City’s Forest Management Subcommittee and Conservation Commission.??

      For the Fellow:
      The Fellow will gain in-depth experience with implementing recommendations from key City documents including impactful field work. They will gain knowledge about the operations of municipal government and have the opportunity to participate in public meetings, expanding their public speaking skills and experience. The Fellow will have the opportunity to establish connections with a variety of City of Dover staff within, and outside, the Planning and Community Development Department. Through this, they will connect with staff with a variety of professional certifications such as Certified Planners, Professional Engineers, Attorneys, and Professional Accountants. This Fellowship could open doors for a future career with a local government organization, more of which have been hiring for positions dedicated to sustainability/resilience with a focus on urban forestry.??

      For the host organization and other organizations:
      This project will help with the implementation of Dover’s Central Business Street Tree Plan and will help the City’s Conservation Commission further its goals for expanding urban forestry. The findings of the work will be expanded upon by the City’s Resilience Manager, who will assist in the oversight of implementation. The applied methodology and findings report will serve as a valuable resource for other municipalities within and beyond New Hampshire who may be considering similar efforts. The Resilience Manager has a large network of organizations for which the final report could be disseminated such as the New England Municipal Sustainability Network, Coastal Adaptation Workgroup and Strafford Regional Planning Commission.?

      Desired Qualifications:?
      Pursuit of a Bachelors in: Community and Environmental Planning, Forestry, Environmental Conservation and Sustainability, Wildlife and Conservation Biology or a related academic field.??

      A strong candidate will possess advanced written and verbal communication skills as well as have experience in fieldwork and reporting either through coursework or other opportunities. Ability to engage in public speaking and willingness to integrate and work with a team. Knowledge pertaining to forestry or specifically urban forestry and familiarity with the Miyawaki method is a plus. Existing coursework and/or willingness to utilize and learn GIS based applications.??

      Candidates should have interest in the following topics: street trees, pocket forests, climate change, resiliency, municipal government, community and/or environmental planning.??

      City of Dover Planning and Community Development Department?
      288 Central Ave. Dover, NH (03820)??

      Work will be performed onsite. Potential for some hybrid flexibility.??

      Jackson Kaspari, Ph.D. – Resilience Manager for the City of Dover, NH?

      ESG Reporting for Co-op Food Stores

      Hanover Consumer Cooperative Society, Inc.??

      Hanover, NH??
      Position is hybrid

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Host Organization:?
      The Co-op Food Stores is a consumer-owned food cooperative based in NH/VT. We have 4 food store locations, 2 auto service center locations, a commissary kitchen, a community market, and a resource center. We do approximately $88 million in business per year, employing over 300 people (over 80% F/T w/ benefits) and serving over 24,000 members. We are based in southern NH (Hanover, Lebanon) and VT (White River Junction and Norwich).?

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Fellowship position:??
      A cooperative is a triple bottom line business that cares about people, planet and profit and is committed to recognizing and achieving the stated values of our members and our Board. Our Board recently established four key organization Values which include the consideration and appropriate action to support Employee well-being, a diverse and equitable Community, a resilient Local food system, and a regenerative business that has positive impacts on the Environment.?

      While considerable work has been done to address and highlight these Values, we’ve not done a good job of articulating the Values and our progress toward achieving true alignment with the Co-op employees, members, shoppers, and community partners. This Fellowship would work closely with the Environmental, Social and Governance?(ESG) Program Manager to determine which data is most relevant and how best to share that data through both narration and numbers.?

      The tangible results of this project will be an ESG (or sustainability) report which shows the data that’s most relevant to meeting the Values stated above. Not just the sustainability data (progress toward net zero, reduction in waste, plastics and packaging, etc.), but also employee well-being data (employee retention rates, compensation and benefit analysis, engagement and satisfaction, etc.), community data (donations programs, other important partnerships, advocacy, etc.), and local and ethically sourced products (brands and products from B Corps, other cooperatives, Fair trade, organic, etc.).??

      The data and reporting will be both narrative and data driven, will include key graphics and images, will include real time data and projections, and will be made available and accessible to different audiences both internal (employees, board of directors, operations teams) and external (customers, members, community partners).?

      Fellow impact:
      The Fellow will gain a deep understanding of large, complex organizational data and how to glean key environmental and social indicators from the data in a concise and meaningful manner. By working with an organization committed to positive impact and authentic pursuit of community good. The relationships and shared values of the cooperative’s membership, shoppers, employees, board members, and leadership team are examples of what it could mean for companies to focus on outcomes other than (or in addition to) profit. While not perfect, honest reflection on where we’ve been, how far we’ve come, and where we hope to go will be a valuable lesson for the Fellow as they enter the working world beyond academics. The Fellow will learn what an ESG program looks like in a multi-million-dollar company and how to ensure progress toward lofty environmental and social goals in an organizational setting.?

      Broad Impact:
      This report could serve as a model to other organizations hoping to distill large amounts of ESG data into digestible, sharable information for their customers, employees, and partners. The skills required to do this work will be useful to the Fellow and the report generated will be the baseline report for future annual reporting at the Co-op. This template will help set the direction and tone for future reporting. The Co-op often shares their reports with other Upper Valley businesses and non-profits and participates in panel discussions on how businesses can help address climate change and other social impacts so there is opportunity to share the process with others who might benefit from something similar.?

      Desired Qualifications:??

      • 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 or interest in environmental and social change is useful.?
      • 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 with the B Impact Assessment tool and familiarity with the terms and content would be highly valuable.?
      • Use and understanding of UNH’s SIMPAP tool is recommended.?
      • The ability to understand data and make sense of large complex data sets is key.?
      • Highly visual person but also with digital skills to create attractive and understandable graphs, charts, images, and final report.?
      • Ability to work in teams as needed but mostly autonomously.?
      • Interest in businesses that do good and values-based businesses is a plus.?
      • Understanding GHG emissions data is useful.?

      Important skills for the Fellowship include the ability to work in teams but also independently. The ability to navigate and decipher large pieces of data and information and distill them into key performance measures. A good understanding of organizational performance through employment data would be helpful. An understanding of B Impact measures is a plus. The Co-op has a B Impact Assessment draft that can be used to glean data and to help determine next steps or future organizational goals.??

      A solid understanding of facilities data and information such as energy use, reduction measures, and net zero (GHG emissions) data. Also, an ability to decipher and work with waste data (composting, recycling, landfill) across several locations (multiple/complex data sets).?

      Hanover Consumer Cooperative Society, Inc.
      PO Box 633, Hanover, NH 03755?

      Work will be performed: Both onsite and online.?

      April Harkness, ESG Program Manager?

      Strategic Narrative & Communications Fellow?

      Food Solutions New England

      Durham, NH
      Position is fully remote

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Host Organization:?
      Food Solutions New England (FSNE) is a regional, multiracial, six-state network that unites the food system community around a shared set of values - democratic empowerment, racial equity and dignity for all, sustainability, and trust - and strengthens the movement’s ability to achieve the goals of A New England Food Vision.?FSNE is supported and coordinated by the University of New Hampshire's Sustainability Institute.

      Participants in the FSNE Network work across sectors from food access and sovereignty to farming and fishing to everything between. The FSNE Backbone Team, which is responsible for stewarding the Network, specifically focuses on four impact areas – Network Weaving and Movement Building, Equity Leadership and Development, Integrated Regional Policy, and Narrative Strategy.?

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Fellowship position:?
      The FSNE Fellow will work on the Narrative Strategy and Integrated Regional Policy impact areas. Specifically, their work will focus on contributing to and helping to steward the Campaign for Climate Resilience and Campaign for Right to Food.??

      FSNE’s narrative and policy campaigns serve as a repository of stories, resources, advocacy campaigns, call-to-actions, issue briefs, and more from the FSNE Network and beyond. The campaigns were created to further define the narrative of climate resilience and right to food in the region and increase the impact of programming and advocacy by shifting culture and the understanding of what community-led solutions are possible. They act as the grounding to launch convenings, conversations, info sessions, and advocacy efforts. They also make space for communities throughout New England to imagine, create, participate, and contribute to efforts to build climate resilience through a Just Transition and establish and execute a right to food in ways that work best for their needs and is grounded in A New England Food Vision and values.?

      Fellows will work with the FSNE Communication Director to conceptualize, craft, and promote stories, infographics, videos, and more for the Campaign for Climate Resilience and Campaign for Right to Food. While the specifics of what will be created will depend on the preferences of the Fellow and the goals they have for their time with FSNE, any Fellow can count on multiple published pieces about a range of topics.?

      The Fellow will also be an integral part of any strategy discussion about the Campaign for Climate Resilience and Campaign for Right to Food as it relates to communications and narrative building.??

      Any Fellow joining FSNE will leave with a better understanding of: How to wield and craft equitable narrative; Writing and analytical skills; Hard skills in either copyediting, video, design, or any other creative mediums they want to explore; Tools and services available to run a successful communications campaign; and Participatory processes. They will also have several bylines that they can reference for future applications.?

      The Fellow will also be integral in pushing for equitable and just narrative change throughout the New England Food System. Narrative change, much like effective programming and infrastructure and network building, is a key component to any successful group’s mission. Working with the community to shift minds and hearts about what is possible, makes programming and advocacy all the more viable and impactful.?

      Desired Qualifications:?.?
      Any Fellow joining FSNE for this project will need:

      • Strong writing and analytical skills
      • An eye for crafting a story
      • An interest in food systems
      • An ability to engage with those they may not know
      • A desire to learn about narrative
      • ?A willingness to create on new platforms and through new mediums, design and/or video skills a plus but not required.?

      University of New Hampshire, Sustainability Institute
      107 Nesmith Hall, 131 Main Street, Durham, NH 03824?

      Work will be performed online.?

      Shane Rogers, Communication Director, Food Solutions New England?

      Sustainable Systems Stewardship Fellow?

      Hurricane Island Center for Science & Leadership?

      Rockland, Maine?
      Position is fully in person, living on the island?

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Host Organization:?
      The Hurricane Island Center for Science and Leadership is a transformative learning community on Hurricane Island in Penobscot Bay, Maine. Our mission is to integrate scientific research and education to develop leaders prepared to address environmental issues through year-round educational programs and a seasonal, environmentally sustainable island community. Through experiential education programs and research opportunities in STEM disciplines we aim to excite people about doing science and about being leaders in the next wave of scientific discovery and environmental conservation. Being based on a remote, coastal Maine island, provides both challenges and opportunities to develop specialized sustainable energy, waste, water, and food systems (agriculture and aquaculture), which offer unique and engaging hands-on education opportunities focused on sustainability.??

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Fellowship position:?
      The Sustainability Steward will have the opportunity to engage with Hurricane Island’s sustainable energy, waste, water, and food systems (agriculture and aquaculture) on multiple levels with a focus on learning, teaching, and critical thinking about how to optimize the sustainable food systems in use on the island. Our off the grid, energy independent island campus provides an excellent opportunity for a Fellow to gain pragmatic experience with the daily uses of sustainable energy, waste, water, and food systems and our research and education initiatives offer the Fellow engagement with scientific research and education in informal and formal settings.??

      The 10-week Fellowship program will be structured to accomplish the threefold-objectives of 1) learning how the sustainable systems on Hurricane Island work, with special consideration for our garden, food storage, and compositing systems; 2) strategizing how to reduce food waste by expanding sustainable food storage options and improving a system for communication between the garden and kitchen; 3) gaining a working knowledge of how to maintain the sustainability systems, and providing informal education about these systems to island visitors and program participants with workshops, garden lessons, and sustainability walks; and 4) collaborating with the Garden Manager and Education Team to codify knowledge of the island’s sustainable systems into a curriculum for hands-on learning to be delivered during a weeklong sustainability leadership program for high school students and all participants that engage with our educational garden.??

      This position requires living and working on Hurricane Island. Rustic housing is provided for the duration of the 10-week program, and meals are provided when on Hurricane Island. It is expected that the Sustainability Steward will participate as a full member of Hurricane’s intentional community, including following campus policies and community expectations, welcoming visitors and students, participating in community tasks including daily and weekly chores, and performing other duties relating to the organization’s goals and mission.??

      The first part of the Fellowship will be spent learning about the sustainable systems with our island staff. The Fellow will work closely with our Facilities Manager to understand the systems which keep the island running, and our Garden Manager to gain a comprehensive understanding of the gardens and greenhouse, the watering system, compost systems, and food storage. On a smaller scale, the Fellow will also work with our research team to understand our aquaculture systems and engage students in the harvest and consumption preparation of sustainable shellfish and sea vegetables. As the Fellow becomes familiar with the sustainable systems on the island, they can begin to engage in hands-on science communication practices along with our education team, educating visitors to the island about operating off the grid through informal learning opportunities like sustainability walks, garden lessons, volunteer days, and short workshops.??

      The Fellow will work with the Garden Manager and Galley Manager to strategize how to most effectively reduce and manage food waste. They will facilitate regular meetings between the garden and galley to understand what produce is needed, how much can be used from week to week, and assist in planning for events like the Farm-to-Table dinners in order to fully utilize the island garden’s produce. The fellow will work to accomplish food waste management by revamping the current composting systems or by implementing new composting methods. This will include designing and building new compositing bays at the main garden with the help of Hurricane Island’s facilities team. The Fellow will be responsible for educating island visitors about our compost systems, maintaining these systems, and engaging the students in the composting process.??

      The sustainable agriculture and sustainability leadership curriculum that was developed by previous educators and UNH Sustainability Stewards will serve as a starting point for this year's High School Sustainability leadership program and other programs that engage with Hurricane Island's educational garden. Building upon that excellent curriculum, this year’s Fellow will use their own experience in innovation, design, and engineering to educate students in the week-long Sustainability Leadership program, assisting them in identifying the needs of the island, designing solutions, and creating working prototypes. The Fellow and one of our educators will co-lead this program, working directly with high school students as they identify and work to solve sustainability challenges on the island.??

      The Fellow would gain experience in maintaining and improving the sustainable food, waste, water, and energy systems that power our off-the-grid campus, and engage in creative problem solving to support the functionality of these systems. The Fellow would engage in helping us strategize and expand our sustainable food production and food waste reduction, gaining hands-on experience in real world applications of agriculture and food storage problem solving. Working with our garden team will offer the Fellow experience in organic, no-till agriculture and provide an opportunity to learn about the growing season on a coastal island, soil science, fermentation based composting, and sustainable pest management. Working with our research team will offer the Fellow experience in marine research and resource management and provide an opportunity to learn about sustainable shellfish and sea vegetable aquaculture practices at our 3.2 acre marine research site. The Fellow will gain practical skills like designing a composting system, carpentry and woodworking, or solving water supply issues. They will also gain experience in offering informal learning and science communication practices through contact with island visitors and will develop expertise in designing and instructing sustainability leadership curriculum through collaborative work with our education team.??

      The informal education offered to island visitors and summer science program participants will serve as a learning lab in which the Fellow can explore ideas of teaching hands-on sustainability. The fellow will have the opportunity to synthesize and codify some of this learning in designing and instructing the curriculum for the High School Sustainability Leadership program. This curriculum, designed in collaboration with our education team and built upon the expertise and work that the Fellow has brought to the island during their summer residency, will serve as a capstone project for the Fellow. It will also serve as a series of learning modules that can be made available to engage high school students across Maine in place-based learning practices focused on sustainability leadership. Two years ago, our Fellow worked with students to develop plans for a sea-cooled refrigerated storage room and next summer’s Fellow may be helpful in implementing this innovative design.?????

      The four objectives of the Fellowship each have concrete outcomes with long term goals in mind. Thinking critically about how to best utilize and optimize the produce grown on our island and how we can reduce and manage our food waste is a necessary and impactful step in making the island more sustainable and will be beneficial to our island operations going forward. These action steps are invaluable to our mission and strategic plan as we continue to promote our island campus as a sustainable-systems learning lab. Together with one of our educators, the Fellow will use feedback from last year’s program students and the Fellow’s own experience and expertise to modify and deliver the curriculum. This curriculum serves as a resource to educators across the state, and will be made publicly available as a learning tool on our website and in our year round work with schools.?

      Desired Qualifications:?

      • Current undergraduate student?
      • Familiarity with agriculture/garden and composting systems?
      • Familiarity with solar power systems?
      • Involvement in community service projects, leadership, and social and?environmental justice?
      • General familiarity with aquaculture?
      • Working experience with racial and ethnic minority groups, English language learners, urban youth, low-income communities, immigrant communities, LGBTQ communities, people with special needs, and other groups that are underrepresented in the field of environmental education?
      • Comfort leading formal and informal learning experiences with middle and high school students??
      • Demonstrated initiative to identify and complete projects and work independently or as part of a team with minimal supervision?
      • Comfort in coordinating and facilitating meetings?
      • Effective communication and interpersonal skills??
      • A demonstrated enthusiasm for teaching??
      • A growth mindset including a willingness to be coached and openness to?feedback?
      • Commitment to equity and inclusion within our community and participation in a culture of continual learning around equity and inclusion work.??
      • 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 with environmental data collection and management would be a plus??
      • 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 and comfort with using basic hand tools??
      • Capable of safely lifting 50lbs of weight and working on unstable surfaces??
      • General interest in informal learning, place-based education approaches and science communication.??
      • Ability and willingness to work and live in a remote island community with rustic and off-the-grid accommodations where all staff share living and work spaces.??

      The Hurricane Island Center for Science and Leadership’s mainland office is at 19 Commercial St., Rockland, Maine.

      Work will be performed on Hurricane Island, which is 12 miles off the coast of Rockland. Housing and meals are provided on Hurricane Island. Hurricane island will provide transportation for all work-related events, and two round-trip ferry tickets each month for personal use.??

      Kyle Amergian, Assistant Director of Education & Programs – Hurricane Island?
      ???????Will Galloway, Director of Education & Programs – Hurricane Island?

      Miyawaki Forest Plan & Implementation

      Hypertherm Associates?

      Lebanon, NH
      Position is in person

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Host Organization:?
      Hypertherm engineers and manufactures industrial cutting products used by companies around the world to build ships, airplanes, and railcars, construct steel buildings, manufacture heavy equipment, and more. Its products include cutting systems, CNCs, and software trusted for performance and reliability that result in increased productivity and profitability for hundreds of thousands of businesses. Founded in 1968 and based in New Hampshire, Hypertherm is a 100 percent Associate owned company, employing more than 1,800 Associates, with operations and partner representation worldwide.? Hypertherm is committed to carbon neutrality by 2030 as one of its aggressive 2030 sustainability goals.? Learn more at

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Fellowship position:?
      The objective of this project is to demonstrate to both Hypertherm and the local community that a pocket forest project can be a low cost yet impactful way to increase biodiversity and sequester carbon.? The project will include working with consultants and/or local groups that share an interest in this innovative nature-based climate solution.? It will also include drafting internal communications to justify, explain, and build support for the project, researching the materials, plantings, and other resources required, and implementing the initial steps of the process such as choosing a location, testing soil, identifying invasives, securing support from subject matter experts, and planning and budgeting the plantings.?

      The deliverables expected are a written summary and justification for the implementation of a Miyawaki forest on Hypertherm property, including connection to nature-based solutions, biodiversity disclosure frameworks, and Hypertherm’s carbon neutrality goals, as well as associate wellbeing benefits. In addition, we would expect a planning document with written plans and diagrams, an analysis of the proposed location, and cost and vendor/partner summary.? Implementation of the project is also possible.?

      For the Fellow:
      The student will leave with evidence of having managed a large project with a diverse set of stakeholders, will have developed a budget, and will have created a business case and justification for the project based on input from people across a large organization.? They will be involved with working across boundaries, communicating in written and verbal formats, analyzing stakeholder needs and barriers, budgeting, and understanding community partnerships.? They will also learn a great deal about forestry, biodiversity, and carbon sequestration in the context of “pocket”, “tiny”, or Miyawaki forests.??

      For the host organization and other organizations:
      Our research has uncovered only 4 pocket forests in Massachusetts, and none in Vermont or NH.? This project could serve as a demonstration for this climatic zone and could be visited and replicated by nearby organizations.??This type of forestry project is especially applicable to urban areas and is one of the leading ways to transform denuded land, rewild an urban neighborhood, and bring the benefits of a diverse forest to areas that are far from natural forests.? While the areas in which we own US property are not urban, this project could be replicated by urban municipalities or organizations in NH and VT.?

      Desired Qualifications:?

      • Background in agriculture, forestry, biology or environmental science or engineering.?
      • 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 with project management and research.?
      • Great communication skills, problem solving and innovation.??
      • Must be proactive and comfortable with phone communication, face to face meetings and possess a strong action-oriented approach.?
      • Enthusiastic about spending time outdoors, regardless of summer weather conditions.?
      • Interests in sustainability solutions.?

      Hypertherm Associates
      71 Heater Road, Lebanon, NH 03755?

      Work will be performed onsite??

      Robin Tindall, Environmental Stewardship Team Leader

      Corporate Citizenship Fellow?


      Portsmouth, NH??
      Position is in person

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Host Organization:?
      Lonza is a preferred global partner to the pharmaceutical, biotech, and nutrition markets. We work to enable a healthier world by supporting our customers to deliver new and innovative medicines that help treat a wide range of diseases. We achieve this by combining technological insight with world-class manufacturing, scientific expertise, and process excellence. Our unparalleled breadth of offerings enables our customers to commercialize their discoveries and innovations in the healthcare industry.?

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Fellowship position:?
      The Fellow will work largely independently to drive environmental, volunteering, sponsorship, and educational outreach projects. This will particularly focus on solidifying the structure of our corporate citizenship program, which is Lonza’s main entity for outreach and engagement to the community and is being piloted by the Portsmouth, NH site for the company as a whole. The main focus for the Fellow will be on incorporating new leads, assisting with revising vision and mission goals, increasing visibility for sub-teams, and creating stronger awareness of the Corporate Citizenship Program’s aims and impacts.?

      Coordinate the development of the Corporate Citizenship Team by:?

      • Embedding the Sustainable Development Goals into all facets of the Corporate Citizenship Program.?
      • Reorganizing and launching the community service program for employees in 2024.?
      • Incorporating and integrating new leadership for the STEM program’s Corporate Citizenship Team.?
      • Positioning the Team to set revised vision and mission goals for 2024.?
      • Increasing visibility for some sub-teams (e.g., LEAF) to incorporate further into Corporate Citizenship.?

      Leadership Skills:?

      • Leading independent projects and initiatives within the corporate citizenship program.?
      • Managing and coordinating the development of the Corporate Citizenship Team.?
      • Coordinating standing monthly agendas and meetings

      Project Management:?

      • Overseeing environmental, volunteering, sponsorship, and educational outreach projects.?
      • Coordinating the launch of the community service program for employees in 2024.?


      • Incorporating new leads and fostering consensus within the Corporate Citizenship Team.?
      • Assisting with the revision of vision and mission goals for the team.?

      Strategic Thinking:?

      • Developing a strategic approach to increasing visibility for sub-teams within the corporate citizenship program.?
      • Implementing concepts of diverse teams to achieve program goals.?
      • Assisting with STEM sub-team to recalibrate with new leads and help plan 2024 objectives?

      Event Planning:?

      • Exploring and organizing volunteering opportunities with local non-profits.?
      • Coordinating and kicking off community service events.?

      Communication Skills:?

      • Creating stronger awareness of the Corporate Citizenship Program’s aims and impacts.?
      • Assisting with efforts on global alignment on Corporate Citizenship structure?

      Broad Impact:
      The Corporate Citizenship Fellowship at Lonza is expected to generate a broad impact, both internally and within the community. The initiative aims to strengthen and enhance Lonza's corporate citizenship program by solidifying its structure and aligning it with global sustainability objectives, as evidenced by the incorporation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Through increased visibility for sub-teams and a strategic planning effort, the fellowship seeks to create stronger awareness of Lonza's commitment to corporate citizenship, positively influencing the company's reputation. The launch of a community service program for employees in 2024, alongside initiatives to engage with local non-profits and coordinate volunteer events, demonstrates Lonza's dedication to fostering positive relationships and collaboration within the community. Additionally, the fellowship's involvement in STEM and educational programs signals a commitment to promoting science and technology awareness. By contributing to global alignment on the corporate citizenship structure, the fellowship is positioned to impact Lonza's corporate citizenship initiatives not only locally but also on a global scale. Overall, the fellowship is anticipated to play a pivotal role in advancing Lonza's community engagement efforts, sustainability practices, and corporate reputation.?

      Desired Qualifications:

      • An academic interest in environmental and science subjects?
      • Interest in community service and event planning?
      • Organized and detail-oriented??
      • Strong customer service skills??
      • The ability to listen well and follow direction?
      • Proficient in the MS Office suite on a PC?
      • Prior office experience a plus?

      101 International Drive, Portsmouth, NH 03801?

      Work will be performed onsite.?

      Ela Schmuhl, Head of Site Communications and Corporate Citizenship Lead
      ???????Corporate Citizenship member - TBD?

      NH Farmers’ Market Food Safety Evaluation?

      NH Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) - Food Protection

      Concord, NH
      Position is hybrid

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Host Organization:
      The Food Protection Section (FPS) within New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services is the primary New Hampshire agency responsible for the security and safety of the New Hampshire food supply.? Our responsibility to ensure that food does not cause illness or injury not only extends to our residents but to the millions of visitors to our state.?? Inspection of retail food establishments, farms and food manufacturing plants is just one way that we carry out our mission of food protection.? We also value collaboration with the food industry on education and preventive measures to ensure NH consumers have access to safe food.?

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Fellowship position:?
      Food sustainability is supported by increased access to local foods as it requires less energy to transport it to consumers, and refrigerate it on its way. Traveling a shorter distance also means fewer emissions are produced.? Farmers’ markets are great source of locally produced foods.? Patrons of farmers’ markets should not be at risk to consume foods that are less safe.? Most food producers in New Hampshire are licensed and inspected by FPS.? However, state law allows some producers to offer food without licensing and inspection.? Many of these small vendors offer food from farmers’ markets without any regulatory oversight.? This means no one is checking to make sure foods are handled and prepared safely so as not to cause foodborne illness.???

      Foodborne illness in the United States is a major cause of personal distress, preventable illness and death, and avoidable economic burden. It is estimated that foodborne diseases cause approximately 48 million illnesses, 128,000 hospitalizations, and 3,000 deaths in the United States each year. The occurrence of approximately 1,000 reported disease outbreaks (local, regional, and national) each year highlights the challenges of preventing these infections.?? As FPS has very little data about how well farmers’ market vendors are controlling the risk factors that prevent foodborne illness, this project is an important step for characterizing any food safety gaps caused by the lack of regulatory oversight for foods at farmers’ markets.?? Project work will start by conducting a checklist food safety assessment of 75-100 food vendors at 3-5 farmers’ markets and entering the findings into a database.? The data collected will then be analyzed by the Fellow to determine the most common food safety violations and which types of food are most likely to have a food safety violation.?

      The second phase of the project will be preparation of a written report that makes recommendations on how to improve food safety compliance by providing educational materials to food producers and makes recommendations on how to improve food safety compliance with consideration to policy, rule, or law changes.?

      The recommendations that come out of this project will serve to first, aid in development of educational tools that could benefit small producers on safe food practices.? This in turn benefits the consuming public if foodborne illnesses are prevented.?

      Second, the recommendations concerning policy, rule or law change will guide potential new legislation or may be used as part of testimony for legislation for future food related bills.?

      By conducting food safety field assessments at farmers’ markets, the Fellow will learn communication strategies on how to best solicit information from food vendors.? The fellow will gain knowledge on what food safety risk factors are and how they can be controlled. 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 will be gained through data analysis that is expected to be transformed into recommendations to close food safety gaps. ??

      The recommendations that result from this project not only will serve to increase public health protection if food safety gaps can be closed by targeted education to food producers but will also inform the need for future legislation if the gaps identified would most effectively be closed with a regulation change.?

      Desired Qualifications:?

      • Academic background in sustainable agriculture, food science, environmental health science, biological science or microbiology or related field.?
      • 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 with food systems or food production is desirable.?
      • Excellent writing and interviewing skills.?
      • Familiarity with quantitative data analyses.?
      • Interest in food production/preparation.?

      NH Department of Health and Human Services Food Protection
      29 Hazen Drive, Concord, NH?

      Work will be performed at various on-site locations during the food safety assessment phase; data analysis and recommendation work may be done remotely.

      Colleen Smith, Administrator, Food Protection Section?
      Charles Metcalf, Supervisor, Dairy and Shellfish Program?
      Erica Davis, Supervisor, Food Program??

      Designing the Carbon Out of Architecture?


      Portsmouth, NH
      Position is hybrid

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Host Organization:?
      Placework is an architecture firm whose design ethic is rooted in caring for people and the planet. We are a Certified B Corporation, cultivating a collaborative design process that is part artist workshop and part building science lab. We are committed to eliminating carbon emissions in the built environment and do so through energy modeling and carbon accounting, never losing sight of the human experience. Our clients are primarily municipalities and education or cultural institutions.?

      We are an eight-person team that works in on open, collaborative office space in Portsmouth, NH. Several team members are LEED Accredited, Living Future Accredited, or Passive House Certified professionals, representing the highest sustainability standards in our field. Not limiting ourselves to building technicians, we are a civically and socially minded organization with a Just Label from the International Living Future Institute to help us measure this. The secret sauce at Placework is our culture; a fun, creative working environment is the key to doing great work.?

      We have a wonderful history with UNH students and the Sustainability Institute, having achieved our B Corp certification through the B Impact Clinic and recently completed our carbon footprint assessment in the Climate Action Clinic. We are so excited to now work with a Sustainability Fellow on a project that will take our work to the next level and help us move the needle in our profession!?

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Fellowship position:?
      An important part of designing buildings is of course calculating their environmental impact. Buildings are responsible for about 30-40% of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in the United States.? To reduce this impact, we must measure it at the scale of each individual building project, and design accordingly.?

      The overarching goal for this project will be to develop an effective system for calculating the total carbon emissions – both operational and embodied carbon - for all our building designs.? This involves a constellation of multiple factors but our existing methods will provide a solid basis from which to start. We will use a case study approach to ground the analysis in 2-3 building designs. The operational emissions calculation will consider the emissions that will occur in future years due to energy use at the building, and the upstream embodied carbon emissions will include the upstream greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production of goods and procurement of services.?

      More granular goals will be established in collaboration with the Fellow at the outset, but it is important to know that this project will not stop at data collection and presentation.? This is an opportunity to develop the narrative and application of the data in a tool that will inspire architects and designers to center impact reduction in their work.? As such, this Fellowship is an exciting research project with a clear element of creativity and design.?

      The Fellow will work under the direct mentorship of a Principal Architect and will have the support of other Placework team members.? The Fellow will work largely independently but will have regular and frequent contact with the mentor and team.?

      This project will result in a method with which all the different energy and greenhouse gas emissions implications of our design projects are calculated, recorded, aggregated, and analyzed.? This will help us improve our design process as well as track progress toward our larger goal of net zero emissions in our projects.???

      At a minimum this will produce a spreadsheet to effectively manage data.? But in an ideal scenario this work will result in a slightly more sophisticated tool – an app? a web platform? – whose user interface has a level of appeal and engagement that will make people want to use it and further develop it.? This is a great opportunity for a candidate who has an interest in design and graphic arts.?

      Through this work, the Fellow will gain critical skills in research, team collaboration, and project management, and will take away new knowledge of the architecture profession and the impact of buildings.? The Fellow will also have a tangible product that will look great on a resume or in a portfolio.?

      The ultimate achievement for the Fellow and Placework together will be to share this work with our colleagues throughout the profession and have a broader impact in improving the way we build.? There is a growing embrace of collaboration as the pathway to the systems change we need, and this Fellowship can help Placework be leaders in that.?

      Desired Qualifications:

      Academic Background?

      • Current Undergrad Student?
      • Architecture/Design, Sustainability, Environmental Science, or Engineering related majors may align well but are not necessary.?


      • 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 and interest in research – identifying a problem and seeking out answers through various means.???
      • Comfort with contacting professionals via phone or email to gather information.?
      • 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 in the design of the built environment is a plus, but not necessary.?

      Technical / Specialized Skills?

      • Facility with Microsoft Excel or another spreadsheet application?
      • 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 or skills with graphics software such as Adobe Creative Cloud tools advantageous, but by no means required?
      • Comfortable with written communications??


      • Excitement about working with a Certified B Corporation and a mission-driven team.?
      • Strong desire to learn about the impact of the built environment and how architects and engineers can contribute to the reduction and elimination of greenhouse gasemissions in our work.??
      • Pursuits in art and design would be a strong advantage but are not required.?

      General / Soft Skills?

      • Self-starter with an ability to take initiative and contribute actively to designing a work plan, organizing meetings and calendar of activities, etc.?
      • Strong communication and listening skills and the ability to understand the different challenges inherent to carbon accounting in buildings.?
      • A personal/professional development mindset including a willingness to be coached and openness to feedback.?
      • Enthusiastic about working on-site in Portsmouth in a fun and dynamic office space.?

      96 Penhallow Street, Portsmouth, NH??

      Work will be performed mostly on site, but with some flexibility for remote work. Team culture and collaboration are paramount to the Placework experience, and we hope that will be an important part of your time with us that you carry with you.?

      Alyssa Murphy, Principal Architect and Co-Founder?

      ESG & DEI Data Collection Fellow

      Prime Buchholz LLC

      Portsmouth, NH?
      Position is hybrid?
      Will be hiring two (2) fellows

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Host Organization:?
      Prime Buchholz LLC was established in 1988 and has grown to become a leading, uniquely independent investment advisory firm providing comprehensive investment solutions for more than 250 clients. Headquartered in Portsmouth, NH—with offices in Boston and Atlanta—Prime Buchholz was one of the first investment advisors to develop in-depth expertise in alternative investments such as hedge funds, private equity, and real assets.?

      Our clients include educational endowments, private and public foundations, cultural and faith-based organizations, healthcare and insurance organizations, pension plans, and high-net-worth families.? We work closely with our clients to create, implement, and monitor investment policies and asset allocation strategies to meet their unique investment goals.?

      Throughout our history, Prime Buchholz has partnered with clients who have sought to align their investments with their missions.? We have been helping clients—from endowments divesting from fossil fuels to foundations proactively investing in solution-oriented products, to organizations seeking to address inequality and promote diversity, to clients seeking managers that integrate environment, social, and governance (ESG) factors into their investment process—create portfolios that reflect their values for three decades.?

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Fellowship position:?
      Our Fellows will engage investment managers on their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) practices, help the firm enhance impact reporting to clients such as the University of New Hampshire, and identify ways to augment sustainability efforts at the firm.?

      Under the supervision of the Firm’s Mission-Aligned Investment Committee and research team, our Sustainability Fellows will:?

      • Collect responses, policies, and supporting documentation to ESG and DEI focused questionnaires across our recommended investment managers.?
      • Work with data, information systems, and research professionals to score the managers with respect to ESG and DEI implementation and update this information in our central data repository.?
      • Participate in Mission-Aligned Investment Committee meetings.?
      • Actively make recommendations to improve upon the survey, scoring rubric, and reporting, as well as recommendations to maximize impact of the firm’s sustainability initiatives.?
      • Partner with the firm’s other interns on a cross-functional project to be presented to senior management.?

      In addition to updating our internal database with the responses received from investment managers, the Fellows will analyze and summarize the findings, produce a report for clients, and present the findings and report to the firm including senior leadership. The Fellows will also work on a collaborative project alongside the firm’s other summer interns bringing the lens of sustainability to the effort.?

      This project offers exposure to investment professionals across our firm, as well as leading investment firms across a variety of asset classes (equities, fixed income, hedge funds, private equity). In addition to offering the opportunity to build broad knowledge of the investment industry-and specifically how the industry addresses ESG and DEI, the Fellowship will provide exposure to project planning and management, client reporting, teamwork, and making presentations.?

      As signatories to the UN Principles for Responsible Investing (UN PRI) Prime Buchholz views this project as critical to its ongoing commitment to the Principles including promoting acceptance and implementation of the Principles within the investment industry. In addition to engaging investment management firms on their integration of ESG and DEI, the output of this project supports our clients’ knowledge of what they own and allows them to better assess how their investments align with their missions. The demand for this data continues to expand and this project has become mission critical.?

      Desired Qualifications:?
      We welcome students from a wide range of academic disciplines. Academic training or practical experience in finance and investment management is not a pre-requisite. We look for students who have:??

      • Ability to engage meaningfully and professionally with internal and external parties
      • Strong communication (verbal and written) skills.?
      • Critical thinker and strong analytical skills?
      • Attention to detail
      • Demonstrated success working independently/self-starter
      • Flexibility
      • Intellectual curiosity
      • Comfortable with technology/systems

      Prime Buchholz LLC
      273 Corporate Drive, Portsmouth, NH??

      Hybrid - Work will be performed onsite in Portsmouth and online.??

      Jared Fuller, Principal and Co-Head of Research, Co-Chair Mission Aligned Investment Committee?
      Valentina Dingle, Managing Principal, Chief Diversity Officer, Co-Chair Mission Aligned Investment Committee?

      Recycling & Product Data Ambassador


      Burlington, MA
      Position is fully remote

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Host Organization:?
      Scrapp is a start-up dedicated to making recycling simple, fun & rewarding for everyone. Scrapp’s Co-Founders (Evan and Mikey) met in 2019 in the back of their sustainable engineering class at UNH. Since then, we’ve grown from a team of 3 to 6 to help over 400 million people in the US, UK, and Canada recycle right with location-specific recycling guidance delivered right to their phones. We are a fully remote international team (working across 3 time zones), but some members do conduct on-site visits in New England at local businesses. We deliver our services with a combination of both hardware and software for businesses and campuses to make their journey toward low waste.?

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Fellowship position:?
      This summer, Scrapp is looking to take on an ambassador for our data-driven recycling and composting programs. As a data ambassador, you will have two main tasks for the summer outlined below in the outcomes. You will be working alongside your three mentors, Mikey, Evan, and John, to aggregate data and turn it into action. The solid waste industry is known as a passive receiver, which means they don’t control what comes into their facilities they are just left to deal with it. This rings true at UNH and our other customers, where they are often left to conduct waste audits and understand their waste stream once it has become waste. Scrapp is looking to track inventory data and products at the source to reduce packaging footprints before they become waste. That way, we can help reduce waste at the source while attaining significantly higher data accuracy than being a typical passive receiver.?

      The purpose and big-picture goals of this project are to create a sustainable data-driven platform catered to universities, campuses, and stadiums so they can control and develop a greater understanding of their solid waste programs. Ultimately once understanding is had, the goal is to then create recycling/composting programs that directly benefit the campus’ sustainability initiatives and reach low-waste goals. The best mechanism we have to reduce our impact on the environment in terms of solid waste is to simply produce less waste.??

      Serve as an Ambassador to UNH’s Recycling & Composting Program?

      • Visit the site to understand how UNH manages its recycling and compost program.?
      • Work with UNH procurement to understand the types of products and volume being brought onto campus.??
      • Help identify key areas of improvement around customer solid waste and recycling programs.?
      • Help inventory E-waste and more product-centric waste on UNH’s and other customers' campuses.?
      • Create a Low-waste action plan for customers around what they can do to improve their solid waste programs.??

      Expansion of Scrapp’s Packaging and Recycling Datasets?

      • Help Acquire Statewide Recycling Data in the New England Region.?
      • Help Acquire Product Data from local supermarkets around how items are packaged to ensure a high product hit rate on UNH’s campus.?
      • Expand on the students’ own knowledge of recycling and composting (Key Learning objective).?

      For the Fellow:
      As a Fellow of Scrapp, you will be on track to gain valuable experience in a field that is going through a renaissance, which is solid waste management. It has moved far past the days of driving a trash truck and working at facilities. There are careers in education, logistics, sales, sustainability, packaging design, and more to make up a very diverse and relatively recession-proof career. Waste tells a story, and waste unites us all.??

      For the host organization and other organizations:
      Along this same vein this same process will carry over to other organizations so they can start their journey to low waste. Through this summer Fellowship, you will play a part in developing a framework that will catalyze change across numerous organizations.??

      On top of knowledge in the solid waste industry, we will teach you how to use tools ranging from Microsoft Excel and data management to waste auditing to entry-level UI & UX design to make sure users of the platform have a pleasurable experience.??

      Desired Qualifications:?

      • No specific academic background is required. A degree in sustainability is a plus.?
      • 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 with Microsoft Excel & Google Sheets.?
      • Ability to communicate with a fully remote team through software such as Gathertown and Slack.?
      • Strong Communication skills and the ability to ask for help when needed are a must.?
      • Interest in recycling and solid waste management.?
      • Interest in Data Analytics and storytelling is a plus.?
      • Able to self-start and stay task-orientated in a remote working environment.?
      • Strong ability to listen to customer needs and feedback.?
      • Hardware Requirement: Have a working location and technology suited to remote work.?

      Overall, we want creative thinkers and people who can function in a startup environment. As long as we respect one another and get work done, Scrapp is an environment where you can be yourself. We aren’t looking for another suit to fit into a corporate environment. Your individuality and creativity are valued.??

      We are based out of the New England area but, all work will be performed online with optional site visits.?

      Mikey Pasciuto: Co-Founder?
      Evan Gwynne Davies: Co-Founder?
      John Scarfo: Chief Information Officer?

      Sustainable Engineering Fellow?

      Shoals Marine Laboratory

      Appledore Island, Maine?
      Position is hybrid

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Host Organization:?
      Shoals Marine Laboratory (SML) is a remote field station located on Appledore Island, Maine. The lab is jointly operated by Cornell University and the University of New Hampshire and is a leader in marine science undergraduate education. The lab has also made great progress towards sustainability with the inclusion of renewable energy conversion, energy and water conservation, and desalination into the island’s energy and water systems. The SML microgrid has grown in response to the island community’s living, research, and teaching needs. The microgrid consists of solar PV panels, a Bergey 10kW wind turbine, two 27kW diesel generators, a reverse osmosis unit and battery storage. The lab and its microgrid serve as a natural test bed for understanding how the various systems can be best integrated and optimized to meet the island population’s utility needs.??

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Fellowship position:?
      SML’s microgrid is an essential aspect of the lab’s day-to-day operations, providing all the power, water, and sanitation systems that the island requires. The lab has made significant strides towards minimizing its reliance on fossil fuels through the installation of solar and wind power and battery storage capacity. Recent upgrades made in fall 2023 are projected to further reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. The Fellow will assist SML with the management of our microgrid in two primary areas: (1) scenario planning to evaluate and mitigate potential future stressors to the microgrid and (2) assist SML in evaluating the effectiveness of the new microgrid upgrades.???

      Scenario planning will focus initially on three main scenarios that pose a risk to the lab’s infrastructure. These include: the impacts of global warming, specifically increased summer season temperatures on the grid’s infrastructure; sea level rise; and disaster preparations related to extreme events.Evaluation of the recent green grid upgrades will rely on a comparison between the new and old systems. The lab has multiple years of data on solar and wind power production along with diesel usage and water consumption. This data can all be compared relative to changes in island population size to estimate per capita consumption patterns. A comparison between historic data from the ‘old’ grid relative to real-time data collected during summer 2024 will assist the lab in understanding the performance of the new microgrid. The Fellows will be asked to help establish metrics for evaluating the success and performance of the micro-grid and to make suggestions for future optimizations.??


      • A report detailing risks to SML micro-grid infrastructure due to (1) expected summer-time temperature increases and (2) sea level rise associated with climate change.?
      • This report will include recommendations for disaster preparations and measures to mitigate these risks.?
      • A report evaluating the performance of the recent upgrades to SML’s microgrid.?
      • This report will include relevant comparisons between the new and old systems. Data for these comparisons will be provided by SML staff.?
      • This report will also include recommendations for metrics and measures for evaluating the success of the micro-grid upgrades (e.g., diesel consumption, ease of operation, etc.).?
      • A presentation of findings will be made to SML and UNITIL staff along with our partners.??

      For the Fellow:
      The Fellow will receive mentorship and guidance from experts in the fields of life cycle analysis, scenario modeling and utility/power distribution. This Fellowship will provide valuable training in the development of risk assessment and scenario planning related to temperature and sea level rise projections and their potential impacts on utility infrastructure. The Fellow will become familiar with the components of a hybrid microgrid and modeling approaches that can be used to simulate, evaluate and optimize microgrid operation towards a goal of reduced fossil fuel reliance.??

      Broad Impact:
      Community-based energy models, such as is found at SML, are being put forth as a solution for how isolated, islanded communities can bridge financial and logistical barriers that currently exist for establishing green power grids and freshwater creation systems. One aspect of these systems that needs to be addressed is how to efficiently and effectively control the energy-water systems to maximize output and sustainability.? Another aspect of these systems is to design them to be resilient to extreme/harsh environmental conditions. To this end, SML’s energy-water microgrid system serves as a testbed for companies and practitioners to evaluate microgrid system components. The existing grid is scalable, making it adaptable for applications across a variety of circumstances.?

      Work conducted during this Fellowship will help establish strong relationships with mentors in both higher education and the private sector. The practical skills learned will be directly applicable in future academic and professional pursuits.?

      Desired Qualifications:?

      • Environmental or Electrical Engineering majors preferred?
      • Interest in microgrid technologies, sustainable energy systems?
      • Self-starter; ability to take initiative and contribute actively to designing a work plan, organizing meetings and calendar of activities, etc.?
      • Excellent written and verbal communication skills?
      • Excellent word processing and spreadsheet management skills?
      • 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 with ArcGIS or related mapping software preferred but not required.?

      Shoals Marine Laboratory?
      Appledore Island, Maine??

      Work will be performed primarily virtually with opportunities for short overnight visits to the island as housing permits.?

      Weiwei Mo, Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of New Hampshire?
      Roozbeh Ghasemi, PhD student, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of New Hampshire?
      Sara Sankowich, Director of Sustainability and Shared Services, UNITIL?
      Zach Charwicz, Lead Engineer, Shoals Marine Laboratory?
      Ross Hansen, Director of Facilities, Shoals Marine Laboratory?

      Land Use for Education, Partnerships & Carbon Drawdown

      St. Paul's School

      Concord, NH
      Position is hybrid

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Host Organization:?
      St. Paul’s School (SPS) is a coeducational, fully residential independent high school serving more than 500 students with access to roughly 2,000-acre of forests, wetlands, rivers, lakes, with an expansive trail network providing access to SPS and broader Concord community. The School is committed to pursuing the highest standards of excellence in character and scholarship by sustaining a supportive, expansive learning environment where everyone feels a full sense of belonging. St. Paul’s School educates students to build purposeful lives in service to the greater good. We engage young people in a diverse, inclusive, and ethical community, dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in character and scholarship and inspired by the beauty and spirit of our ‘Millville’ home. All of this work is inspired and guided the school’s Episcopalian values which prioritize environmental justice and stewardship. We work together to create a community where each member feels a sense of belonging and strives to practice and promote the values that have defined our School for more than 150 years.?

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Fellowship position:?
      In 2022-2023, St. Paul’s School conducted an inventory of its course offerings using the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals as a framework. One recommendation of this work is to further investigate the place-based educational opportunities afforded by the school’s location and land resources to enrich student’s outdoor experience, environmental education, participation in community partnerships and service, and climate literacy. This Fellowship is in support of this effort and includes three areas of focus: inventory, benchmark, and roadmap.??

      Inventory: The project will involve a holistic inventory of the land assets of the school, providing a visual and written overview of the ecological zones, with consideration of their current use for education, accessibility, community partnerships, species health and diversity, and as sinks and sources of carbon for drawdown. The outdoor and environmental resources of the broader region may be considered as time allows.?

      Benchmarking: Alongside the inventory, the project will gather benchmarking data for the areas outlined in the Inventory. This will include data about the environmental education programs, partnerships, and learning outcomes of other schools. It should also incorporate the best practices and innovative approaches from the literature and the programs of other schools or environmental education organizations.??

      Roadmap: The Fellow will synthesize the Inventory and Benchmarking into a roadmap to build the environmental education capacity of the School. This may include curricular goals, program development and improvements, capital and infrastructure needs, and other strategic areas identified by the Fellow. The roadmap should be focused on ways to increase student engagement in and through the following: outdoor experiences and place-based learning; environmental and/or climate education and literacy; programs for carbon drawdown on the land; species health, habitats and diversity; community garden and food systems; enhanced use, access, and learning on the campus trail network; and other key areas identified by the Fellow.?

      Brief background on current practices: The school tracks campus carbon emissions annually (Scopes 1 and 2, 2005 to present), compiling data and calculations using UNH’s SIMAP platform. A rough estimate of the carbon sources and sinks from the school’s land was completed in 2021 using the Global Forest Watch dashboard. Annual programs engage a limited number of students in trail maintenance and biodiversity through partnership with a campus forester, arborist, the School’s Grounds team, and the New Hampshire Audubon. The school also manages a community garden space for student co-curricular engagement and has a long-term land use partnership with the Fresh Start Farms immigrant and refugee farm cooperative.?

      This Fellowship is focused on two areas of the school’s current strategic plan environmental stewardship:?

      • Increase our students’ understanding of their role as global citizens … by demonstrating how the SPS grounds can serve as a model of the world, emphasizing interconnectedness and interdependency, and bringing insight into global systems.?
      • Set climate action and environmental sustainability goals … through enhancements in outdoor education and by incorporating environmental sustainability into the fabric of our learning, campus, and community.?


      • A written and visual inventory of campus land assets and ecological zones, with consideration of their current use for education, accessibility, community partnerships, species health and diversity, and as sinks and sources of carbon for drawdown.?
      • Benchmarking of school-based environmental education programs, partnerships, and learning outcomes, with a review of the best practices and innovative approaches from the literature and the programs of other schools.?
      • A roadmap for improving the areas listed above in the SPS formal and informal curriculum.?

      What you will gain:?

      • The opportunity to learn from experts on the campus in the areas of Environmental Stewardship, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice, Facilities Planning, foresters and arborists, and more.?
      • Relationships and contacts with important community, regional, and national organizations which are working for holistic sustainability.?
      • 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 effective, creative, and authentic learning experiences focused on environmental education, literacy, and sustainability.?
      • Knowledge of carbon accounting practices broadly, with a work product which analyzes land-based carbon sources and sinks.?

      The impact you will have:??

      • Findings related to land use partnerships will be considered in the evolution of these programs for the benefit of St. Paul’s community and may serve as case studies for other schools and organizations.?
      • The development of interpretive materials will catalyze the opportunity for formal and informal learning by students and the broader community of visitors and broaden community understanding of earth systems, ecology, and history (including a focus on indigenous perspectives).?
      • Proposed improvements to increase access and sustainability of trails will ensure these continue to provide the benefits of outdoor experience on the school’s land for students, the community, and visitors.?
      • A clear method for land-based carbon accounting for residential campuses can provide a transferable model and case study for other organizations.?

      Desired Qualifications:?

      • Familiarity with environmental education, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, education for sustainability, and/or environmental and climate literacy.??
      • Clear, proactive, thoughtful, and curious communication.?
      • Curiosity and creativity of thought.?
      • Strong written, oral, and visual communication skills.?
      • A desire to listen, learn, and synthesize complex information into clear questions and summaries.?
      • An ability to conduct and document thorough research to support conclusions.?
      • Competency with appropriate software tools (Adobe design suite, Microsoft Office suite, ArcGIS, SIMAP, etc.) or a willingness to learn as needed.?
      • Optional: Background in land-based carbon accounting methods and tools.?
      • Optional: Background in best practices for interpretive signage, accessibility, and/or sustainable trail maintenance.?

      St. Paul’s School
      ???????325 Pleasant St, Concord, NH??

      Work will be conducted in a hybrid format.?

      Nick Babladelis, Director of Environmental Stewardship and Teacher?

      Battery Energy Storage System Feasibility Study?


      Portsmouth, NH
      Position is hybrid?

      ?188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Host Organization:?
      Unitil Corporation is an interstate electric and natural gas utility company that serves areas in New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Maine. Unitil, a small investor-owned utility, was recognized as one of New Hampshire’s Best Companies to Work For and has previously hosted four UNH Sustainability Fellows. In 2019, Unitil released its inaugural Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility Report, which laid out our sustainability actions and goals for the next decade. We are currently working towards achieving our 2030 company carbon target, decarbonizing our electric supply, and planning for our region’s diverse climate impacts in the 21st century. In previous years, our Sustainability Fellows completed assessments of multiple climate-induced risks on Unitil’s physical assets, including sea level rise and extreme temperature events, making significant contributions to our continued strategic planning for climate change. Equipped with a better understanding of climate risk as it pertains to our physical asset, we continue to implement carbon reduction initiatives with the goals of meeting our 2030 carbon target and preparing our region for the most significant impacts driven by anthropogenic climate change.?

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Fellowship position:?
      The Fellow will help Unitil develop the business case for an electric distribution company to offer technical and financial mechanisms enabling our customers to install battery energy storage systems behind the meter to the mutual benefit of the host and the broader distribution grid.?

      The objective of this project is to produce a go-to-market product concept in the form of ‘recoverable investment costs’ for enabling Unitil customers to install behind-the-meter battery energy storage systems.? Any residence, business, or municipality can install battery storage technologies in their facilities today.? It is very expensive with long ROI and many layers of technical and local code compliance challenges to be navigated.? This technology also comes with a schedule of direct and indirect benefits including backup power to the host facility, potential for lower energy costs through intelligent scheduling and adoption of time-of-use electric rates, greenhouse gas emissions through better dispatching of existing grid power resources, electric grid resiliency, tangential ancillary services potential, and even health and societal benefits (no generator exhaust, no generator noise, etc.).???

      Crafting a business case for a regulated utility to offer technical and financial incentives to customers should include reviewing of, and accounting for, all of the costs and benefits.? The project will involve review of similar projects that exist around the country and the New England region, with particular focus on the regulatory structure of the jurisdiction and consideration of regulatory strategy to be employed in seeking approval for a NH-based electric distribution company to expend rate-payer funds in this manner.?

      The study should result in a report and presentation of the ‘product concept’ while detailing the business case that illustrates costs and benefits to NH ratepayers with strategies on how a program could be implemented across the state.?

      For the Fellow:
      The Fellow will be exposed to the complex nature of managing the electric grid at a time where various social, economic, political, and environmental forces are applying pressure on operating companies and regulators alike.? They will explore trends in national, regional, local, and corporate (private) policies mandating or otherwise pursuing net zero climate targets while maintaining steady economic growth and transformation.? They will think deeply about the economics of ‘product development’ in the fairly rigid context of a regulated electric utility, with opportunities to connect with thought leaders internal to the company and operating externally.? Finally, they will have the flexibility to shape their own experience over time if they particularly want to dive deep into policies, economic, financial models, climate models, or the process of building a coalition of subject matter experts that can fill in many of the blanks for them.?

      For the host organization and other similar organizations:
      The organization (Unitil) will learn about the viability of widespread energy storage and its benefits for residential customers in its territories (NH and MA). Unitil, and other electric utilities in the region, will use this information to inform its program development for battery energy storage systems and help determine if and how it can offer incentives to help increase market penetration of systems to help with the evolution of renewable energy installations and integration into the electric distribution system.?

      Desired Qualifications:?

      • Competency in conducting primary and secondary research that involves digging through federal and state utility commissions proceedings, national laboratory and non-profit industry reports, etc.?
      • Desire to network and build relationships with internal and external subject matter experts, attend local conferences and energy events to engage with industry professionals, set up inquiry calls and meetings.???
      • Ability to communicate at all levels of an organization.?
      • Comfortable with quantitative and financial analysis?
      • Proficiency in Microsoft suite – Excel, PPT??

      325 West Road, Portsmouth, NH 03801?

      Work will be performed onsite with opportunities for remote work.?

      Joe Van Gombos, Sr. Energy Efficiency Coordinator (Primary)?
      Matt O’Keefe, Sr. Energy Efficiency Coordinator?
      Tom Palma, Manager, Distributed Energy Resources?

      2024?positions open to post-baccalaureates?only

      Inaugural Life Cycle Analysis for Certified B Corp?

      Bristol Seafood LLC

      Portland, ME
      Position is hybrid

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Host Organization:?
      We're on a mission to make seafood your favorite protein.?

      Eating more seafood improves your health, reverses trends contributing to climate change, and preserves our freshwater resources. We make it simple for you to eat it more often by sourcing from quality, sustainable fisheries and responsibly producing seafood you love at our facilities on the waterfront in Portland, Maine.??

      Bristol Seafood is a certified B Corp, joining a growing movement of business as a force for good. We think nice companies finish first and built our entire model around that idea. It’s not the easy way, but it’s the Bristol way. And that’s the only way we know how to be.?

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Fellowship position:?
      We earned our B Corp Certification in the fall of 2022 after three years of hard work, and we are eager to grow the positive impact we make on our stakeholders. We have instituted a number of changes to our operation to reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions we cause, and we are ready to gain a more in-depth understanding of our impact so we can formulate and implement a plan to drive further improvement.?

      During your fellowship, you’ll work closely with our team to get the information you need to build, develop, and explain a product life cycle analysis focused on our scallops and haddock businesses.??

      Positive Impact Measurement Metrics:?

      • Establishment of measurable metrics to track and evaluate the impact of Bristol Seafood's scallops and haddock businesses over time.?
      • Showcase the positive work that Bristol is doing in the scallop and haddock categories to minimize its environmental impact?

      Adoption of Best Practices:?

      • Identification of industry best practices for sustainable seafood production??
      • Identification of opportunities to drive further improvement.?

      Develop Educational Resources:?

      • Creation of educational resources for internal staff and external stakeholders to increase awareness and understanding of the environmental impact of scallop and haddock businesses.?
      • Integration of sustainability education into the company culture.?

      Comprehensive Life Cycle Analysis (LCA)?

      • Preparation and dissemination of the LCA, strategically shared with Bristol's diverse customer base across North America.?

      This fellowship offers a unique opportunity to not only contribute to Bristol Seafood's sustainability goals but also to immerse oneself in its rich history and vibrant culture. The Fellow should expect to gain the following skills:?

      B Corp Immersion 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网:?

      • Spend the summer immersed in the operations of a rapidly growing B Corp with a 30-year history on the waterfront in Portland, Maine, providing a fun and enriching experience.?
      • Gain practical insights into sustainable business practices, certification processes, and the unique challenges and opportunities faced by a B Corp.?

      Sustainability Assessment and Analysis:?

      • Conducting a comprehensive life cycle analysis (LCA) for specific product categories (scallops and haddock).?
      • Evaluating and analyzing the environmental impact of seafood production, identifying areas for improvement.?

      Documentation and Validation:?

      • Organizing and validating documents related to the supply chain, demonstrating proficiency in maintaining accurate and compliant records.?
      • Developing skills in document management to support sustainability reporting and certification processes.?

      Educational Resource Development:?

      • Creating educational resources for internal staff and external stakeholders to increase awareness and understanding of the environmental impact of scallop and haddock businesses.?
      • Integrating sustainability education into the company culture, fostering a shared commitment to responsible practices.?

      Communication and Presentation Skills:?

      • Strategically preparing and disseminating the LCA to Bristol's diverse customer base across North America.?
      • Developing effective communication and presentation skills to convey complex environmental data in a clear and compelling manner.?

      Project Management:?

      • Managing the various components of the fellowship project, including the LCA and sustainability improvement initiatives.?
      • Developing project management skills to ensure the successful completion of objectives and timelines.?

      Stakeholder Engagement:?

      • Collaborating closely with the Bristol Seafood team, a diverse group of professionals who span different ages, backgrounds, and professional pursuits, to gather necessary information for the BIA assessment.??
      • Building skills in effective communication and collaboration with diverse stakeholders to support the verification and improvement processes.?

      Broad Impact:

      • It will influence our behavior and decision-making; you’ll know that your summer resulted in real decisions getting made and real impact happening in the world?
      • Our demonstration of this influence will drive other companies to take a similar approach and create a leveraged positive impact.?

      Desired Qualifications:?

      • Academic Background: Focused on sustainability, ideally with some exposure to environmental, marine, and/or food systems
      • 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网: Prior experience in completing an LCA?
      • General / Soft Skills: Organized, communicative, self-starter, positive, enjoys their work
      • Technical / Specialized Skills: Excel, LCA?
      • Interests: Seafood, B Corps, Portland, Maine?

      5 Portland Fish Pier, Portland, Maine 04101?

      Work will be performed both onsite and online.?

      Peter Handy, President & CEO?
      Brendan Landry, Supply Chain Manager?

      Supply Chain Review for Certified B Corp?

      Bristol Seafood LLC

      Portland, ME
      Position is hybrid

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Host Organization:?
      We're on a mission to make seafood your favorite protein.?

      Eating more seafood improves your health, reverses trends contributing to climate change, and preserves our freshwater resources. We make it simple for you to eat it more often by sourcing from quality, sustainable fisheries and responsibly producing seafood you love at our facilities on the waterfront in Portland, Maine.??

      Bristol Seafood is a certified B Corp, joining a growing movement of business as a force for good. We think nice companies finish first and built our entire model around that idea.? It’s not the easy way, but it’s the Bristol way. And that’s the only way we know how to be.?

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Fellowship position:?
      We earned our B Corp Certification in the fall of 2022 after three years of hard work, and we are eager to grow the positive impact we make on our stakeholders. We have instituted a number of changes to our operation to reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions we cause, and we are ready to gain a more in-depth understanding of our impact so we can formulate and implement a plan to drive further improvement.?

      During your fellowship, you’ll work closely with our team to get the information you need to verify and deepen the subset of our B Impact Assessment focused on our supply chain (fisheries, transportation, storage) so we’re in good shape to recertify in 2025 and grow our impact.???

      Supply Chain Compliance Review:?

      • A comprehensive review of our B Impact Assessment submission, specifically focusing on the subset related to our supply chain, including fisheries, transportation, and storage.?
      • Organization and validation of documents pertaining to the supply chain to ensure compliance with B Impact Assessment requirements.?

      Continuous Improvement Documentation:?

      • Identification of areas where our organization has demonstrated improvements beyond the original submission questions in the B Impact Assessment.?
      • Adjustment of our future B Impact Assessment response to accurately reflect the positive changes and advancements made.?

      Recommendations for Positive Impact Enhancement:?

      • Identification of areas within the B Impact Assessment where further enhancements can be made to increase our positive impact.?
      • Documentation of recommendations for additional work that aligns with sustainability goals and contributes to a more positive overall impact.?


      This fellowship offers a unique opportunity to not only contribute to Bristol Seafood's sustainability goals but also to immerse oneself in its rich history and vibrant culture. The Fellow should expect to gain the following skills:?

      B Corp Immersion 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网:?

      • Spend weeks immersed in the operations of a rapidly growing B Corp with a 30-year history on the waterfront in Portland, Maine, providing a fun and enriching experience.?
      • Gain practical insights into sustainable business practices, certification processes, and the unique challenges and opportunities faced by a B Corp.?

      Sustainability Assessment Expertise:?

      • Understand the existing B Impact Assessment submission and identify areas where enhancements have already been implemented.?
      • Recommend a strategic path for future improvement, aligning with Bristol Seafood's commitment to sustainability and positive impact.?

      Documentation and Validation:?

      • Organizing and validating documents related to the supply chain, demonstrating proficiency in maintaining accurate and compliant records.?
      • Developing skills in document management to support sustainability reporting and certification processes.?

      Stakeholder Engagement:?

      • Collaborating closely with the Bristol Seafood team, a diverse group of professionals who span different ages, backgrounds, and professional pursuits, to gather necessary information for the B Impact Assessment assessment. Building skills in effective communication and collaboration with diverse stakeholders to support the verification and improvement processes.?

      Project Management:?

      • Managing the fellowship project, including coordinating tasks related to the B Impact Assessment subset review.?
      • Developing project management skills to ensure the successful completion of objectives and timelines.?

      Positive Impact Enhancement Recommendations:?

      • Identify areas within the B Impact Assessment where additional enhancements can be made to increase positive impact.?
      • Document recommendations for additional work aligning with sustainability goals to contribute to an even more positive overall impact.?

      Broad Impact:?

      • It will influence our behavior and decision-making; you’ll know that your summer resulted in real decisions getting made and real impact happening in the world?
      • Our demonstration of this influence will drive other companies to take a similar approach and create a leveraged positive impact

      Desired Qualifications:?

      • Academic Background: Focused on sustainability, ideally with some exposure to environmental, marine, and/or food systems.?
      • 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网: Prior experience in the B Impact Assessment
      • General / Soft Skills: Organized, communicative, self-starter, positive, enjoys their work.?
      • Technical / Specialized Skills: Office365, B Impact Assessment
      • Interests: Seafood, B Corps, Portland, Maine?

      5 Portland Fish Pier, Portland, Maine 04101?

      Work will be performed both onsite and online.?

      Peter Handy, President & CEO?
      Josh Allen, Supply Chain Manager?

      Environmental Justice Engagement Fellow?

      Carsey School of Public Policy, UNH?

      Durham, NH?
      Position is hybrid

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Host Organization:?
      The Carsey School of Public Policy at the University of New Hampshire is widely known for its research, policy education, and civic engagement work. The school publishes policy-relevant research briefs, offers four master's degree programs, and brings people together for thoughtful dialogue to address societal challenges. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are a touchstone for our faculty, staff, and students as we strive to make our communities more equitable and sustainable.??

      NH Listens is a community engagement initiative of the Carsey School of Public Policy We are committed to being fair-minded in our mission of creating and sustaining an inclusive process for public engagement.?We partner with public officials, organizations, and leaders in all sectors to build relationships, talk about difficult subjects, build coalitions, and gather broad input that can lead to improved practice and policy.?

      Are you a bridge builder? Changemaker? Connector? So are we. In the same way that we need the physical infrastructure of roads and bridges, we need infrastructure in our communities to support and sustain democracy. Our team believes that change comes from all directions, and it happens through many different means of engagement in our communities.??

      We have worked with people in New Hampshire communities for over a decade to strengthen local, regional, and state efforts to improve public life. Since 2010, we worked at the local and state level to support respectful conversations of complex issues affecting New Hampshire residents’ everyday lives. Our work supports community-led action and change. We design thoughtful gatherings, meetings, and coalitions with state and local partners to achieve authentic engagement and more equitable decision-making.??

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Fellowship:?
      The Fellow, as part of the Engagement Team, will contribute to bridging gaps between underrepresented populations and decision-making partners, particularly in areas identified for environmental justice needs. The focus will be on engaging shareholders in planning for Climate Action Plans that address greenhouse gas emissions across key sectors, including those poised to implement activities outlined in the plans.??

      As a part of the Climate Pollution Reduction Grants (CPRG) Program awarded through the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), NH Listens is partnering with the NH Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) on shareholder engagement. With a focus on Environmental Justice principles, NH Listens will leverage our networks to engage shareholders in planning for the NH Priority Climate Action Plan (PCAP) and the NH Comprehensive Climate Action Plan (deliverables to the EPA). The Climate Action Plans will be designed to incorporate a variety of measures to reduce GHG emissions from across their economies in six key sectors (electricity generation, industry, transportation, buildings, agriculture/natural and working lands, and waste management).?

      This work includes bridging the gap between under-represented populations and decision-making partners in communities identified for environmental justice needs. The public/shareholder engagement activities are designed to benefit NHDES’ work to build fair and innovative opportunities as we work together with community partners and residents to facilitate planning informed with and by shareholders – focusing on the local knowledge and lived experiences among often underrepresented communities in NH.?

      This includes working with qualitative data, themes, facilitating engagement activities, including information booths at festivals and citizen science activities with a mix of members from underrepresented communities and decision-makers to talk and learn together about the climate hazards and need for prevention.??

      The Fellow will join a multiyear effort in progress and will work directly with the Engagement Team to understand the legislative climate in NH for climate planning, by engaging with local and regional grassroots environmental justice groups, connecting with the Region One Thriving Communities Center, and translating processes for implementation grants into concrete community impacts.??

      This fellowship will expose students to an experienced team focused on authentic engagement and social equity. Work will include time in the office in preparation for engagement as well as time in the field with groups and community members.?The fellow is expected to gain the following key skills:?

      Community Engagement and Facilitation:?

      • Facilitating meaningful conversations and engagements with diverse shareholders, including underrepresented communities.??

      Networking and Collaboration:?

      • Collaborating with local and regional partners, including environmental justice groups and community organizations.?
      • Networking with professionals in the field of climate policy, community engagement, and environmental justice.?

      Environmental Justice Understanding:?

      • Gaining a deep understanding of environmental justice principles and their application in climate planning and policy.?
      • Identifying and addressing disparities in environmental impacts on different communities.?

      Climate Policy Knowledge:?

      • Developing a comprehensive understanding of climate policies at the state and regional levels, with a focus on New Hampshire.?

      Qualitative Data Analysis and Qualitative Research:?

      • Working with qualitative data to inform decision-making processes.?
      • Analyzing themes and insights gathered from community engagement activities to contribute to the development of Climate Action Plans.?

      Cultural Competence:?

      • Developing cultural competence by working with diverse communities and understanding the unique perspectives and needs of different groups.?
      • Fostering an inclusive and respectful approach to community engagement.?

      Broad Impact:
      Most states in the nation have a similar outreach program as a part of the CPRG. There will be multiple opportunities to learn about other locations and strategies and share those with New Hampshire. We will also be connecting to the EPA Region 1 Thriving Communities and Technical Assistance Centers focused on making implementation projects and proposals accessible and successful. This fellowship will provide an up-close experience in translating bureaucracy into concrete projects.?

      Desired Qualifications:?

      • The preferred candidates will be enrolled in a master’s program or completed a master’s degree in the social or political sciences or environmental policy. Candidates with a completed bachelor’s degree will be considered.?
      • 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网: Demonstrated experience speaking with decision-makers, grassroots leaders, and a wide variety of community members. 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 synthesizing information, with strong written and verbal communication skills.?
      • Specialized Skills: Flexibility and the ability to work with an evolving project plan. Prior work reflecting on issues of power, historical patterns of bias and marginalization, and the complexity of low-income and disadvantaged communities.??

      University of New Hampshire??
      15 Strafford Avenue, New England Center, Durham, NH 03824?

      Work will be performed onsite / occasionally online.?

      Michele Holt-Shannon, Director NH Listens?

      Building-based Climate Policy??

      City of Bridgeport, CT ??

      Bridgeport, CT
      Position is in person

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Host Organization:?
      The City of Bridgeport is in Fairfield County at the mouth of the Pequonnock River on Long Island Sound. It is the most populous city in the state and is the fifth-most populous city in New England. Nicknamed the “Park City” for its over 40 public parks and 1,300 acres of public space, Bridgeport is a vibrant community home to numerous attractions. It is also notable for its dynamic and diverse community, boasting a diversity index of 68% and ranking as the fourth most diverse city in Connecticut.?

      This Fellowship falls within the purview of the City's Office of Planning and Economic Development (OPED), which encompasses five subdepartments: building, economic development, housing and community development, planning, and zoning. OPED maintains a close collaborative relationship with other city departments, such as GIS, Engineering, and Public Facilities. These collaborations are leveraged to enhance the overall success of initiatives.?

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Fellowship position:??
      OPED is leading the effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase climate resiliency on a city-wide scale. A 2021 community-wide greenhouse gas inventory revealed that 53% of emissions in Bridgeport were due to buildings. As the City prepares to conduct a risk and vulnerability assessment over the next two years to gauge the extent, it faces potential risks from storms, flooding, heat, and drought.?

      The Fellow will be developing policy measures aimed at reducing the carbon footprint and enhancing climate resiliency of existing and future building structures in Bridgeport. The project will focus on identifying and creating comprehensive policy interventions at various building lifecycle phases (i.e., design, construction, operation and maintenance, equipment replacement, major renovation, conversion, demolition) to reduce emissions and increase resilience. It will involve determining what types of policies are within the jurisdiction of a Connecticut municipality, conducting an examination of existing ordinances in other municipalities, drafting ordinances that align with our objectives, and identifying any obstacles that hinder the advancement of these ordinances. This project will address social justice considerations by incorporating equity elements into the ordinance framework, such as including equity assessments, community engagement, and monitoring requirements.


      • An analysis of similar existing ordinances and policies in other municipalities.?
      • Drafted ordinances and/or policies for Bridgeport to pass.?
      • A brief report that summarizes the project’s findings and outlines the municipality’s next steps for implementing the ordinances and/or policies, including barriers to success.?

      For the Fellow:
      This Fellowship provides students with hands-on experience in formulating and implementing environmental policies. The Fellow will gain practical skills in navigating municipal government operations, analyzing existing ordinances, identifying community-specific needs, and drafting enforceable policies. Additionally, Fellows will cultivate problem-solving skills by identifying and overcoming obstacles in policy advancement. The project’s interdisciplinary nature encourages building interpersonal relationships with governmental officials, stakeholders, and community members. This experience not only allows students to contribute to impactful policies but also helps them build a strong portfolio, positioning them well for future roles in sustainability, policy development, and environmental planning.?

      For the host organization and other organizations:
      While Bridgeport isn’t the first municipality to enact groundbreaking ordinances in the realms of decarbonization and resilience, it is poised to establish a precedent within the state, setting an influential example for other municipalities to follow and advocate for statewide implementation. The project’s commitment to equity stands out as a crucial element that should be adopted by others undertaking similar initiatives.?

      Moreover, amidst a myriad of challenges facing the city, including transportation, equity, health and safety, housing, economic development, and more, City leaders are compelled to strike a delicate balance between climate change efforts and addressing immediate and long-term issues. OPED envisions leveraging this Fellowship as a platform to initiate these vital discussions and build a compelling case for a broader embrace of sustainability. This is especially pertinent given that a substantial portion of our residents are among those most vulnerable to the consequences of climate change, with limited capacity to adapt to its effects.?

      Desired Qualifications:??

      • Educational background in Engineering, Environmental Science, Law, Planning, Political Science, Sustainability, Policy, or a related field.?
      • 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 in crafting and implementing policies focused on carbon footprint reduction and climate resilience in building structures;?
      • 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 or education in building design, construction, or related fields, demonstrating practical insights into sustainable building practices;?
      • Understanding and proficiency in navigating and applying pertinent building and zoning codes, ensuring compliance with local, state, and federal regulations;?
      • Knowledge of climate change impacts on buildings;?
      • Proficient in analyzing data related to carbon emissions, energy efficiency, and climate risks for informed policy decision-making;?
      • Strong written and verbal communication skills, adept at conveying complex policy concepts to diverse audiences;?
      • Ability to collaborate with diverse stakeholders, including government agencies, community organizations, and industry partners;?
      • Creative problem-solving skills and a proactive approach to proposing and implementing novel solutions;?
      • Demonstrated success in managing projects, adhering to timelines, and efficiently allocating resources.?

      OPED encourages applicants who may not fulfill all the specified qualifications, but offer distinctive perspectives and experiences, to submit their applications.?

      City of Bridgeport
      999 Broad Street, Bridgeport, CT 06604?

      Work will be performed onsite. A hybrid or remote position may be considered.?

      Cathy Fletcher, Planner?
      Jackson Strong, Design Review Coordinator?
      Jonathan Delgado, Economic Development?

      Community Power & Renewable Energy Programs Public Engagement Fellow?

      City of Concord, NH

      Concord, NH
      Position is in person

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Host Organization:?
      Located among rolling forested hills and agricultural lands in the heart of the Merrimack Valley, New Hampshire’s capital city, Concord (pop. ~ 42,000) offers a vibrant New England downtown, commerce center and state government seat, and performing arts scene.? Recently, the city has also become known as a leader in the fight against climate change.? Following earlier moves to improve energy efficiency in municipal operations and to source its electricity from renewables, in July 2018, Concord adopted a 100% renewable energy goal for the entire community by unanimous vote of the City Council.? The city subsequently produced a strategic plan to guide implementation. Measures already implemented or underway include municipal energy efficiency upgrades, installation of LED lighting for 2,100 streetlights, and municipal solar energy projects. Concord hosted UNH Sustainability Fellows in 2020 and 2022 to work on a city-wide Greenhouse Gas Inventory and to test the impacts of different policies and implementation strategies on GHG emissions scenarios. Concord is a member of ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability and has signed on to the Climate Mayors Agreement, and the UN Race to Zero.? For more information about past City of Concord sustainability, climate action and clean energy initiatives, visit the webpage of the Concord Energy and Environment Advisory Committee (CEEAC): Energy & Environment Advisory Committee | Concord, NH - Official Website (

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Fellowship position:?
      The City of Concord Energy and Environment Advisory Committee (CEEAC) is working with city staff to explore the possibility of adopting a Community Power program as well as develop a weatherize and a solarize initiative for 2024 and 2025.? These programs will assist the community and city in reaching the ambitious renewable energy goals that have been adopted by the Concord City Council.???

      The Fellowship will focus on developing education and outreach materials and a website to share information on the various options available to community members to assist in reaching our collective renewable energy and emissions goals (e.g., Community Power, weatherization, solarization, heat pump transition, EVs, maintaining and planting trees).? The Fellow will also assist with organizing various outreach events throughout the summer of 2024 (community workshops, focus groups, neighborhood meetings, etc.) to roll out options and gather feedback on proposed strategies.??

      Intended outcomes of the Fellowship include the following:??

      • Increase and enhance understanding within the larger community around the different strategies the city and community could pursue to reach its energy goals, including community power as well as weatherize and solarize initiatives.?
      • Educate residents and businesses on energy efficiency and renewable energy options they could adopt to reduce their carbon footprint.?
      • Assist city communication efforts, including community forums, for the possible implementation of a community power program.?
      • Build support among various community sectors/stakeholder groups (businesses, institutions, neighborhood groups, etc.) for renewable energy development in the city and community.?
      • Improve the overall effectiveness of the planning process and the plan itself by obtaining buy-in from a broad array of community stakeholders.??
      • Inform community members on how natural carbon stocks (trees, meadows, wetlands) are critical to our overall strategy for reducing GHG emissions while enhancing quality of life and maintaining other ecosystem services such as stormwater management, air quality, and local climate regulation.?

      Desired deliverables include an enhanced project website (resources, FAQ page, success stories, videos, etc.), on Community Power and other energy efficiency and renewable energy alternatives that Concord residents can participate in.? The Fellow will also produce presentation slides and other supporting materials for outreach events. Outreach and education materials should be usable for both during and after the Fellowship.?

      For the Fellow:
      As a result of this project, the Fellow will gain a better understanding of local government, the planning process, and public engagement strategies. In addition, the Fellow can expect to gain or improve the following skills: meeting facilitation, public speaking, graphic design, writing, and website development. The Fellow will also create a variety of outreach materials to add to their portfolio.??

      For the host organization:
      This project is critical to the success of the City of Concord’s renewable energy initiatives, particularly in terms of educating and engaging the community regarding the benefits of Community Power and energy efficiency programs.?

      The Sustainability Fellow would provide significant and immediate value to the city by helping to build support for the energy goals. This would involve enhancing the strategies within the plan by incorporating community feedback, and improving engagement regarding actions that community members and businesses can take to reduce their carbon footprint. The Fellow’s role would extend to increasing public trust in the planning process and facilitating partnerships with key stakeholders crucial for implementing the plan’s strategies.??

      The project will serve to develop best practices for effective community outreach, engagement, and communication.?

      Desired Qualifications:?
      Knowledge / understanding of energy efficiency and renewable energy as it relates to the residential and commercial sectors:?

      • Bachelor’s degree and experience working in a related field (e.g., local government, sustainability, renewable energy or energy efficiency, marketing & communications, etc.)??
      • Ability to create outreach materials and graphics to communicate technical information to a public audience.?
      • Strong writing, communication, graphics, design, and project management skills.?
      • Ability to organize the logistics of public meetings.?
      • High level of comfort with public speaking and interacting with members of the public who come from a variety of different backgrounds.??
      • 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 with meeting facilitation and public presentations.??

      City of Concord Community Development Department, 2nd floor City Hall
      1 Green Street, Concord, NH 03301.

      Work will be performed on site.???

      Rob Werner, Chair of the Concord Energy and Environment Advisory Committee
      Beth Fenstermacher, Director of Special Projects and Strategic Initiatives, City of Concord

      Development of Energy Data Analysis Tools?

      Lindt & Sprungli (USA)?

      Stratham, NH
      Position is in person

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Host Organization:?
      Lindt & Sprungli (USA) is a premium bean-to-bar chocolate manufacturing company, located in Stratham NH. Lindt USA is part of the Lindt & Sprungli group, a fortune 500 company, which operates factories in over 11 countries (Americas and Europe). Lindt’s key franchise product is the red Lindor truffle, which you might have already come across and tasted! The manufacturing site comprises an 800,000 square-foot state-of-the-art campus with R&D and quality assurance areas, sensory labs, two climate-controlled warehouses, and a 500,000 square-foot production facility. The site has adopted an increasingly automated and digitized operations model, leverage latest technologies in the industry to improve production efficiencies. As such, driving energy efficiency and developing a culture of energy conservation is inline with overall site goals. And yes the position does come with free chocolate!?

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Fellowship position:?
      The main objective of the project is to develop pragmatic tools for our organization to use in energy conservation work, both in identifying new opportunities and tracking impact of implemented projects. This work will align very closely with Lindt’s sustainability goals of meeting science-based targets by 2030.?

      There are 2 main objectives:??

      • Improve our regression-based energy analysis tool used to track, forecast, and visualize energy consumption. Ensure the tool is set up according to best practices as defined by the Department of Energy (DoE) Better Plants program. The current tool (multiple regression in excel format) does not allow for easy updates, or to easily evaluate energy savings project, or scenario comparison. Using DoE tools or self-developed excel spreadsheets (or a combination of both), the goal is to create an energy management tool that can easily be used to measure impact of energy savings projects and track progress over time (ex. yearly energy intensity targets). The new tool/model must be delivered with a set of clear instructions for Lindt staff on how to input new project data, new consumption data, when and how to re-baseline, etc. according to best practices (DoE guidelines).?
      • Set-up a facility model using the MEASUR DoE tool. The MEASUR DoE tool is a suite of software tools and calculators to help manufacturers improve industrial system efficiency and identify potential savings opportunities. The goal is to use the tool to identify energy savings opportunities, for example during ‘energy treasure hunts’ conducted by plant staff. This will be especially useful to quantify savings from low/no cost energy opportunities such as turning off equipment or upgrading light fixtures.??

      For the Fellow:
      These projects will provide the Fellow with real-life examples of energy conservation in an industrial setting. This type of experience is invaluable in understanding the challenging and realities of implementing energy conservation in a large and complex organization – from both a people and a technology perspective. This experience will provide Fellow not only with technical skills (energy conservation tools), but also important communication, collaboration, problem-solving skills, and project management skills.??

      For the host organization:
      This project will have a significant impact on the site’s energy conservation, and improve our collective understanding of energy consumption and conservation. This last point is especially important as we want to cultivate a culture of energy conservation, which will impact individuals across the organization.???

      Desired Qualifications:?

      • Engineering, preferably Energy, Mechanical, Industrial, Electrical, or related field. Statistical analysis and modeling preferred.??
      • Knowledge of energy systems, energy efficiency, energy auditing, energy economics, and energy management?
      • Ability to perform data analysis, modeling, and simulations.??
      • Must be fluent in Excel. Knowledge of Power Bi an asset.?
      • 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 or interest in working with industrial processes, equipment, and systems, such as boilers, air-handling units, compressors, pumps, motors, etc.?
      • Strong communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills.?
      • Familiarity with energy codes, standards, and regulations, such as ASHRAE, ISO, EPA, etc. considered an asset.?
      • Ability to work independently, problem-solve and interact with staff members to get the work done.?
      • Interest in developing energy management & information systems (EMIS) to reduce energy consumption, costs, and greenhouse gas emissions.?
      • Interest in exploring the latest technologies and innovations in energy efficiency and smart manufacturing.?
      • Must wear PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) while on the production floor.?

      Work will be performed onsite, at the Lindt USA facility, located at One Fine Chocolate Place, Stratham, NH.?

      Elise Ringgenberg, Sr EHS Engineer.

      Low-Impact Hydropower Social & Governance Analyst Fellow?

      Low Impact Hydropower Institute

      Arlington, MA
      Position is fully remote

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Host Organization:?
      The Low Impact Hydropower Institute (LIHI) is a national non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to reducing the impacts of hydropower generation through the certification of hydropower projects that have avoided or reduced their environmental and social impacts pursuant to the Low Impact Hydropower Institute’s rigorous science-based criteria.?

      LIHI envisions a world where hydropower puts people and the environment first. LIHI strives to achieve this vision by recognizing and supporting hydropower facilities that prioritize environmental, recreational, historical, and cultural resource protection. We believe that hydropower plays a vital role in addressing climate change and that it can be built and operated in a manner that enables healthy ecosystems and biodiversity preservation, societal wellbeing, and planetary health. As part of our efforts, LIHI supports renewable energy and climate change policies and practices that provide incentives for positive environmental and social outcomes at hydropower facilities. Our efforts are focused on advocacy and education, not lobbying.??

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Fellowship position:?
      Nationally as well as internationally, there is a growing demand to report—both on a mandatory and voluntary basis—the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) performance of organizations. In turn, this has given rise to a plethora of frameworks to assess and report on ESG criteria. The rise in ESG considerations paired with the availability of assessment frameworks has created a timely opportunity for LIHI to assess gaps in and shore up its own consideration of social and governance issues in its certification assessments which focus primarily on environmental performance. The Low Impact Hydropower Certification Program is a voluntary certification program that assesses hydropower generating facilities based on eight criteria: Flow Regimes, Water Quality, Upstream Fish Passage, Downstream Fish Passage, Shoreline and Watershed Protection, Threatened and Endangered Species Protection, Cultural and Historic Resource Protection, and Recreational Resources. These criteria allow for a thorough assessment of the environmental impacts of a facility, with some consideration of the social impacts. ?

      Against this backdrop, LIHI seeks to strengthen its understanding of social and governance assessment criteria that would apply to hydropower operations. The Fellow will be tasked with researching the S&G landscape to identify pertinent frameworks and criteria that apply to hydropower operations. The Fellow will also be expected to analyze gaps and recommend criteria for enhancing social and governance considerations in LIHI’s current certification program.?

      The initial stage of the fellowship will focus on integrating the Fellow into the daily operations of LIHI to understand its mission and programming. This will help the Fellow to better align their deliverables with the strategic direction of the organization. The Fellow will work with LIHI staff to understand the Program and the standards utilized so that the exploration of potential social and governance criteria is done in alignment with the established science-based criteria. Additionally, depending on the Fellow’s geographic location, tours of Low Impact Certified hydropower facilities will be organized to garner a better understanding of hydropower as an energy resource.??

      The subsequent stage of the fellowship will consist of an examination of the ESG reporting landscape more broadly. Current ESG frameworks assess many social and governance aspects – not all of which are applicable to hydropower facilities. Having a broad understanding of ESG reporting will help to orient the Fellow and ensure a holistic examination of its applicability to hydropower. The Fellow will review current ESG frameworks to collate the social and governance criteria they use and identify which may apply to hydropower operations/facilities. With this information, the Fellow will complete a gap analysis of those criteria in relation to the Low Impact Hydropower Certificate Program. Through the gap analysis, the Fellow will then identify criteria that may be considered for us in the Certificate Program. Further, the Fellow will assess similar certification programming at the international scale to see how thought leaders around the world utilize ESG considerations in their offerings. This includes examination of how businesses report ESG performance, where reporting is most prevalent, and the reasons why ESG transparency matters to these organizations. Also, the Fellow will examine how ESG considerations factor into products from policy makers and financial institutions.??

      Concurrent to the stages above, the Fellow will assess proxy organizations that could provide independent, third-party review of S&G considerations identified throughout the fellowship. Additionally, the Fellow will conduct interviews with Certificate Holders to glean first-hand information about what factors impact their facilities and how they view the ESG landscape in relation to their projects.??

      This will culminate in the final stage of the fellowship in which the Fellow will be expected to produce a report detailing the findings of their research into the ESG landscape, its relevance to hydropower facilities and operations, and social and governance criteria that could be used to assess S&G performance in low-impact hydropower facilities. This report will include a synthesis of the data gathered during the research phase of the fellowship, analysis of said data, and recommendations and considerations for LIHI.??

      The Fellow will develop research, analysis, synthesis, and communication skills that will be widely transferrable and critical for success in most professional settings. Through their final report, the Fellow will have a work product that demonstrates their familiarity and experience with identifying and analyzing ESG considerations, specifically for the hydropower sector. This fellowship will hone the Fellow’s topical knowledge of state and federal hydropower regulation, environmental justice, transformational governance, scientific communication, and the renewable energy transition. LIHI is fortunate to have established a network of environmental leaders, policymakers, hydropower industry experts, and biological scientists that help guide the organizations trajectory. This network will be available to support the Fellow as they navigate the fellowship and to nurture their career growth post-fellowship.??

      Broad Impact:
      The LIHI Program is recognized nationally as well as around the world for its transparent, science-based approach to hydropower facility evaluation. Though LIHI only operates in the United States, organizations the world over request that LIHI expand operations to their country so that their facilities may undergo the rigorous review required by our Program. With inclusion in programs like the US Environment Protection Agency’s Green Power Partnership and the Green-e Energy Program, many rely on our independent, third-party review of hydropower facilities. This has garnered LIHI an expert reputation among the hydropower industry, environmental organizations, and government agencies alike. This fellowship attempts to assess broadening LIHI’s offerings to include social and governance considerations and will further the conversation among hydropower and conservation interests to achieve better environmental, social, and governance outcomes at hydropower facilities.??

      Desired Qualifications:?

      • Advanced degree in relevant field (energy policy, social justice, natural resources, renewable energy, environmental justice, etc.)?
      • Familiarity with state and federal energy policy, the renewable energy transition, social justice issues, and transformational governance.??
      • 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 working in both the environmental and social spheres.??
      • Scientific communication proficiency.??
      • Ability to manage multiple priorities.?
      • Self-motivation.?
      • Excellent written and oral communication skills.?
      • Ability to collaborate.??
      • Social science familiarity (interviewing/surveying, coding, analysis).??
      • Dedication to social and environmental justice principles.??
      • Dedication to continued learning and growth.??
      • Professional networking.??

      This position requires a self-motivated, proficient researcher familiar with the intersection between energy and society. An understanding of both of these expansive landscapes is imperative. The candidate must demonstrate a capability to analyze large swaths of data and effectively communicate said data. Much of the fellowship work will be self-driven, though the Fellow will also work closely with each of LIHI’s staff members to ensure organizational alignment as well as to support the Fellow’s career growth and experience. Strong organizational skills and excellent oral/written communication skills are paramount, as well as a commitment to continued learning and growth.?

      A degree in an applicable field – energy policy or markets, social justice, natural resources, renewable energy – is preferred but not required with commensurate experience.?LIHI is built on the principles of transparency and collaboration – the prospective Fellow is expected to uphold these principles.??

      Low Impact Hydropower Institute
      1167 Massachusetts Avenue, Arlington, MA 02476?

      Work will be performed remotely. Depending on the Fellow’s geographic area, opportunities to tour nearby Low Impact hydropower facilities will be organized.

      Whitman Constantineau, Program Coordinator?
      Shannon Ames, Executive Director?
      Surabhi Karambelkar, Policy Director?
      Maryalice Fischer, Certification Program Director

      New England Clean Energy Policies Fellow

      University of New Hampshire?

      Durham, New Hampshire?
      Position is flexible: in person, hybrid, or remote

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Host Organization:?
      The New England Onsite Energy Technical Assistance Partnership (NEOETAP) is funded by the US Department of Energy with a mission to increase the adoption of onsite energy technologies in the region. Through the development of educational materials and outreach aimed at the industrial, commercial, agricultural, and institutional sectors, the NEOETAP will engage with potential end-users and provide technical screenings for the feasibility of onsite energy technologies such as solar photovoltaics (PV), battery storage, heat pumps, thermal storage, wind, renewable gas, waste heat recovery, and combined heat and power. The NEOETAP will work closely with the national Onsite Energy Technical Assistance Support Center (TASC) to perform more in-depth feasibility studies for sites that pass the initial screenings and continue to engage with end-users through the process providing detailed energy analysis and procurement. While end-user awareness and access to no-cost unbiased screenings is one of the barriers to greater market penetration that the NEOETAP aims to address, the diverse landscape of state energy policies throughout region poses another significant barrier.? The NEOETAP will build on relationships developed over the years to engage with stakeholders throughout the region including utilities, state energy offices, financial services providers, and other non-governmental organizations, and convene a set of workshops to identify the barriers, opportunities, and strategies to overcome them.??

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Fellowship position:?
      State energy policies are a key component when determining the viability of clean energy technologies.? These policies vary from state to state, and oftentimes within states.? The goal of the project is to develop a baseline understanding of the policies in each of the New England states that can either aid or inhibit deployment of clean energy technologies for large energy users.???

      The Sustainability Fellow will work with other members of the NEOETAP team and stakeholder partners to develop a geographic database of policies and programs that impact the deployment of clean energy technologies.?? For example, these may include aspects of Renewable Portfolio Standards in each state for different energy flow related to different technologies, utility-supported programs that either offset upfront costs or reduce rates charged to customers, state energy office programs to deploy federal funds, significant city-level policies that strive to reduce the reliance on natural gas, and policies that aim to assist DOE-designated disadvantaged communities.? Policies will be categorized by type and associated with a geographic region for input into a geographic information system.??

      With support of NEOETAP faculty and staff, the Sustainability Fellow will produce a set of PowerPoint slide decks, one for each of the six New England states, describing key energy policies that impact the adoption of renewable energy technologies.???

      The Fellow will gain important knowledge about energy policies throughout New England and their impact on promoting or inhibiting the adoption of renewable energy technologies in the industrial, agricultural, institutional, and municipal sectors.? Working with NEOETAP stakeholders, including state energy offices, utilities, financial service providers and NGOs, will also help the Fellow build professional connections in the New England energy sector.??

      The results of this project will not only provide key information on the New England region but will also be shared with the other nine regional Onsite Energy Technical Assistance Partnership programs throughout the United States.? As most of the New England states are leaders in developing state policies to promote renewables and reduce emissions, other regions will benefit from learning about these policies and the successes and challenges in

      Desired Qualifications:????????

      • Some familiarity with energy policies at the state and utility levels.??
      • Excellent organizational skills.??
      • Ability to engage remotely with individuals in state energy offices, utilities, non-governmental organizations.?
      • Proficient in Microsoft365 software suite.?
      • Preferred, experience in geographic information systems.?


      New England Onsite Energy Technical Assistance Partnership -???????University of New Hampshire???
      James Hall Room 234, 56 College Road, Durham, NH??

      Work location is flexible and can be onsite, remote, or hybrid.??

      J. Matthew Davis and Ivo Nedyalkov

      Mapping Behavioral Health Prevention across NH?

      New Hampshire DHHS - Division for Behavioral Health?

      Concord, NH?
      Position is?flexible: in person, hybrid or remote?

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Host Organization:?
      New Hampshire state government, responsible for the health, safety and well-being of the citizens of New Hampshire. The Division for Behavioral Health includes a Policy Unit and the Bureaus of Mental Health Services, Children’s Behavioral Health, Homeless Services and Drug and Alcohol Services.?

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Fellowship:?
      There are inequalities or differences in certain aspects—geography, gender, and specific populations—across the state of New Hampshire. These disparities are observed in various risk factors related to substance misuse, mental health conditions, homelessness, and suicidal tendencies, affecting individuals of all age groups.?

      In line with the New Hampshire State Health Assessment and State Health Improvement Plan health outcome measurements this project would aim to reduce inequities in Behavioral Health for youth across New Hampshire.??

      The sustainability Fellow would review existing data to highlight known disparities including the Youth Risk Behavior Survey, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance, the State Point in Time Count, Health Statistics & Informatics, Suicide Prevention Council Annual Report5 and information on age groups, suicide and overdose means, etc.??

      The Fellow would produce a map of the state identifying where prevention strategies are happening and coding for the following categories:??

      • Evidence-based, research informed, or innovative
      • Universal, selected, or indicated?
      • Setting??
      • Age group

      The sustainability Fellow would utilize this information to overlay the data for risk with the map of where high-quality prevention is happening to determine if there are gaps in quality, type, region, gender, or age receiving prevention. This would inform future planning for prevention delivery, including Social Emotional Learning, Choose Love6 and MTSS-B.???

      Create a statewide landscape that overlays risk data with prevention efforts to assess quality, type, region, gender, age receiving prevention education to inform future planning for prevention delivery and where prevention resources are needed most.?

      For the Fellow:
      The Fellow will be situated within the Policy Unit at the Division for Behavioral Health. The supervision will be conducted by two Policy Unit Staff, with expertise in prevention, project management, facilitation, and policy. The Fellow would also work with many members of the Division for Behavioral Health bureaus and community providers to assess the prevention landscape and risk demographics. This would allow the Fellow the opportunity to learn from many different perspectives and experiences throughout the Fellowship and make excellent connections throughout New Hampshire.??

      The Fellow would develop proficiencies in engagement and collaboration across varying organizations and entities, as well as learning how a mixture of diverse stakeholders can come together to collectively address health disparities and gaps within populations, leading to actionable change and progress through the analysis and utilization of data.?

      The project has the potential to catalyze long-term, substantial change and provide a replicable model for other organizations through:??

      • Data-Driven Decision-Making??
      • Mapping and Visualization?
      • Focus on Youth Behavioral Health?
      • Inequity Reduction?
      • Collaboration and Partnerships?
      • Scalability and Adaptability?
      • Monitoring and Evaluation?
      • Community Engagement?
      • Knowledge Sharing?

      This project's data-driven, equity-focused, and community-engaged approach, along with its use of evidence-based interventions, positions it to catalyze long-term, substantial change in addressing behavioral health disparities among youth. Additionally, its adaptable and scalable elements make it a potentially replicable model for other organizations striving to address similar issues in their communities.?

      Desired Qualifications:?
      The most important qualities DHHS is looking for in a Fellow are interest and passion. DHHS recognizes that this is a learning experience, and the Fellow will have mentorship to assist them in meeting the project goals. DHHS aims to be a strengths-based team and will adapt the project to work with the strengths of the Fellow.??

      Fellows DO NOT need all the below listed experiences or skills to apply. Examples of the types of skills and experience that could be beneficial to taking on this project include:??

      • Passion and Commitment?
      • Data Analysis and Interpretation?
      • Understanding of Behavioral Health?
      • Policy and Public Health Knowledge??
      • GIS and Mapping Skills?
      • Research Skills?
      • Community Engagement and Outreach?
      • Project Management?
      • Communication?
      • Understanding of Social Justice?
      • Networking and Collaboration?
      • Adaptability and Problem-Solving?

      Overall, a combination of technical skills, knowledge, community engagement experience, and a commitment to social justice is essential for the potential Fellow to succeed in this project.?

      129 Pleasant Street Concord NH?

      Work can be onsite, online or hybrid.?

      Jennifer O’Higgins, Senior Policy Analyst and Katherine Cox, Suicide Prevention Coordinator?

      NH Community Center Investment Fund Community Mapping Fellow??

      New Hampshire Community Development Finance Authority

      Concord, NH?
      Position is?fully remote with option for hybrid

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Host Organization:?
      The NH Community Development Finance Authority (CDFA) supports the development of vibrant, resilient communities by providing financial resources to municipalities and nonprofits for activities that include but are not limited to affordable housing, job creation and retention, and community economic development projects.? Specifically, CDFA manages the New Hampshire Community Development Tax Credit program, the federal Community Development Block Grant program, and Clean Energy programs.??

      In December 2022, CDFA was contracted to administer the Community Center Investment Program, which aims to provide $20 million in grant resources to eligible entities to support infrastructure improvements to community spaces across the state. The Program aligns well with CDFA’s mission as the organization annually invests approximately $20 million of state and federal resources to support meaningful community economic development projects across New Hampshire.??

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Fellowship:?
      In New Hampshire, there are varying degrees of individual inventories of community centers across its 234 municipalities. However, there is currently no centralized inventory of centers at a statewide level. Centralizing this information could be helpful for future planning, distribution of grant funding, and development throughout the state.??

      Thus, the Fellow will work with the CDFA’s Community Development team with responsibility for key aspects of developing and conducting a Community Facilities Study for the State of New Hampshire. We want to ensure NH’s facilities are developed and/or improved to meet community needs in a changing world.? New Hampshire’s towns and cities have a have a portfolio of community facilities, and there are other groups in New Hampshire who provide community spaces, services and support to enable people to come together to connect, learn and create.? In addition, there are groups who currently do not have community facilities that meet their specific needs.??

      Thus, this project will continue the work started by last summer’s Fellow to conduct an inventory of all of New Hampshire’s community facilities. The outcome of this summer’s Fellowship will be a completion of the New Hampshire Community Facility inventory and assessment that has been initiated by the CDFA. This will involve reviewing information on existing community facilities , assessing currently available data, performing benchmarking analyses and other foundational work.??

      This will tee up the subsequent post-summer project work as follows: (1) Analyzing the populations and needs in New Hampshire using existing data and to compare that to the existing facilities; and 2) Publishing the inventory and analysis in a final report and likely a map layer of NH Granite.???


      1. Complete the data gathering of all state-based community facilities.?
      2. Compile information and instructions for the next group of Fellows to carry on the project.???
      3. Assist the CDFA and associated partners with designing and implementing the initial steps towards creating a gap analysis of the state’s community facilities (e.g., what is needed by different municipalities in order to have a satisfactory presence of community facilities in their community?)

      This Fellow will develop an in-depth understanding of community facility needs in New Hampshire. They will also gain experience and insight into working within a non-profit with a focus on statewide community development finance, program implementation, and evaluation.?

      The Fellow will develop the below skills:?

      • Community engagement?
      • Study development?
      • Research?
      • Presentation/ public speaking?
      • Non-profit? development and coordination?
      • Increased knowledge of community economic development finance, New Hampshire community economic development partners and mapping capacity across the state.??

      Desired Qualifications:?
      This fellowship would be ideal for any array of candidates earning their degrees in Sociology, Economics, Geography, Community Economic Development, Political Science, and Law. Other degrees and concentrations will be considered. This fellowship would require the below skills:?

      • Strong communication skills??
      • Writing/editing?
      • Study methodology development?
      • Training and presentation?
      • Community outreach?
      • Teamwork?
      • Microsoft Office proficiency?

      14 Dixon Ave., Concord, NH 03310?

      Mainly online with potential for some hybrid work.?

      NH Community Development Finance Authority. Will work directly with the Director of Community Facilities.?

      Developing a Data-Powered Food System in New Hampshire?

      NH Food Alliance ?

      Durham, NH?
      Position is fully remote or hybrid

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Host Organization:?
      NH Food Alliance is a statewide network supported and coordinated by the University of New Hampshire Sustainability Institute that engages and connects individuals and organizations dedicated to growing a thriving, fair, and sustainable local food system in the Granite State.??

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Fellowship position:?
      Currently, the information about where consumers, wholesalers, retailers, and others interested in sourcing locally grown and produced food in New Hampshire is disparate. And the system used to collect that information is taxing for New Hampshire’s farmers, fishermen, and food producers. In any given year, a New Hampshire farmer will receive multiple different surveys requesting their business information so it can be funneled into various publications, maps, or lists.??

      The NH Food Alliance, UNH Cooperative Extension, the NH Department of Agriculture, Markets and Food, and other direct-to-consumer food system nonprofits are invested in streamlining this information collection and sharing process for New Hampshire’s food system. They envision a growing season where New Hampshire’s food producers only have to respond to one survey: a survey that thoughtfully collects an exhaustive set of data that can dynamically serve the needs of all their organizations, as well as the local food publications, maps, and lists in the state that provide the vital information we all need to support local food producers. This Fellowship will produce the foundational work to achieve this vision.??

      The Fellow for this project will lead this group of partners in researching and designing a survey and process for dissemination to New Hampshire food producers that meets the most critical needs of all engaged partners. Included in that work will be strategic thinking in selecting a surveying service that will meet the needs of all partners and have the ability to integrate the data collected into data management software and mapping software. Not only will this new dynamic survey and process streamline and centralize data gathering for both farmers and organizations, but it will also allow the opportunity to develop systems to increase the purchase of New Hampshire grown, caught and produced food in the consumer, wholesale and retail, and institutional markets.???


      • A draft survey to be sent annually to all New Hampshire farms, fishermen, and food producers.?
      • A proposed annual process for creating and disseminating the survey.???
      • A robust and engaged action team of network partners to develop and advise this work, which will be launched by the NH Food Alliance team but shepherded and developed by the Fellow.?
      • If time and interest, a proposal for an improved NH Farm Products map that could be built on the NH Eats Local platform.?

      This Fellow will gain experience working with an engaged network of 160+ organizations working to create a more sustainable and equitable local food system in New Hampshire. While there will be oversight and support, a successful candidate will be given autonomy and independence to take the reins of this foundational project. This Fellow will gain first-hand experience communicating with and coordinating among a diverse group of shareholders. They will balance both quantitative and qualitative input from all constituents to create a comprehensive proposal for the NH Food Alliance and key partners, which will serve as a tangible portfolio piece for future opportunities.???

      This project will lay the groundwork for a food community that is well-informed about how and where to source local food. The scope of this project is the foundation for future projects and work that will not only increase consumer purchases of local food, but provide the opportunity to develop lasting wholesale, retail, and institutional buyer relationships with New Hampshire’s food producers, increasing farm viability in the state. This project also provides a needed level of capacity for the network partners involved; the partners in this work need a strong leader to help them collaborate more effectively to better serve New Hampshire’s consumers, farmers, fishermen, food producers, and other interested parties.???

      Desired Qualifications:?

      • Demonstrated interest in and understanding of agriculture and food systems issues??
      • 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 with survey development, design, and implementation??
      • Strong organizational skills and attention to detail??
      • Strong written communication skills??
      • Ability to plan and facilitate meetings with many shareholders in a respectful, organized and effective way??
      • Creative thinker, problem solver??
      • Optional: experience with data analytics; familiarity with ArcGIS and/or other mapping programs?

      Location:??Applicants can work their choice of remotely or a combination of remote and onsite. To be discussed during the interview process.
      UNH Sustainability Institute
      131 Main Street, 107 Nesmith Hall, Durham, NH?

      Nicole Cardwell, Program Director, NH Food Alliance
      Katelyn Porter, Value Chain Coordinator, NH Food Alliance?

      Sustainability Analytics Hub Fellow

      UNH Peter T. Paul College of Business & Economics

      Durham, NH
      Position is hybrid

      ?188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Host Organization:?
      Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics (Paul College) at the University of New Hampshire is the highest ranked public business school in New England. It excites, engages, and empowers students to think critically and globally, apply knowledge analytically, make decisions ethically, and communicate ideas persuasively.??

      At Paul College, we emphasize rigorous, multidisciplinary sustainability research with real-world implications for public policy and sustainable business practices. Sustainable development is a major challenge in our society. Our faculty members tackle a diverse range of topics in business sustainability, including corporate social responsibility, sustainable innovation, social franchising, artificial intelligence for SDGs, corporate governance, social inequity, and misinformation. We aim to address pressing issues at the intersection of business and sustainability, such as disruptive technologies, political polarization, social inequities, and shifting international relations. Through our research, we continuously expand the scope and depth of business sustainability studies.?

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Fellowship position:?
      Paul College, in collaboration with the College’s Center of Business Analytics, wants to launch a sustainability analytics hub, promoting a data-centric approach to developing, measuring, and managing sustainability strategies and initiatives. The goal is to hold companies more accountable for their sustainability performance, and support faculty research and teaching in the sustainability domain.?

      For this project, we want to develop a data hub for quantifiable business-related sustainability analytics for both research and teaching purposes. The idea is to compile a list of resources, including key performance indicators of business sustainability, corporate sustainability reports, science-based climate targets, and sustainability data from NGOs such as United Nations, World Bank, etc. We will also compile a list of academic papers that examine the social/environmental impact of business sustainability. By compiling data sets and relevant academic papers, we could use the resources to support interdisciplinary faculty research in the business sustainability area and facilitate the process for faculty to integrate sustainability projects into their courses.??

      In terms of the domain of sustainability, we will draw upon the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and look at three areas and how they intersect with business: (1) the environment and natural resources, (2) social equity and well-being, (3) the social and ethical ramifications of big data and artificial intelligence (AI). We want to collect data not only on climate change and renewable energy, but also on social inequity in various forms (e.g., economic inequity, gender/racial/age/LGBTQ+ inequity, access to education and healthcare, etc.), and on the emerging areas of the ethics of AI (e.g., AI algorithmic biases, privacy rights, carbon footprint of AI, etc.).?

      The final product will be an online data hub that consists of a compilation of various resources related to business sustainability analytics, including analytics, datasets (or links to datasets) and sample academic papers in the aforementioned three areas - (1) the environment and natural resources, (2) social equity and well-being, (3) the social and ethical ramifications of big data and artificial intelligence (AI). Integral to the website would be a section that explains and classifies analytics and data resources on business sustainability.??

      One important outcome of the project will be promoting greater understanding on the analytics side of business sustainability and supporting the sustainability strategy of Paul College. The outcomes of this project will support various initiatives at Paul College to further embed sustainability into faculty research, student experience, and community outreach, as well as foster interdisciplinary research across the different colleges at UNH.??

      The fellow will gain valuable research experience in data collection and data analytics. He/she will develop expertise in data engineering, that is, developing interfaces for data acquisition from different sources, dashboards for exploratory analysis and visualization, and modeling for data storage and retrieval. Also importantly, the fellow will hone his/her complex problem-solving skills, system thinking skills, and importantly, become an expert in sustainability analytics after the program.?

      Broad Impact:
      The long-term impact of this project is to promote a data-centric approach to developing, measuring, and managing sustainability strategies and initiatives. Such an approach will hold companies more accountable in their sustainability performance. It will also support faculty research and teaching in the sustainability domain.? Paul College is a signatory member of the United Nation’s Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) community. We plan to share our learnings from this project with the larger PRME community, as well as best practices in integrating sustainability analytics in research and teaching. This project has great potential to contribute to the broader movement of a more science-, data analytics-based approach to sustainability.??

      Desired Qualifications:?

      • The preferred candidates will be enrolled in a master’s program or completed a master’s degree in the areas of decision science, data analytics, computer science, or other related fields.??
      • 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网: Demonstrated competence in conducting quantitative research, and ability to work with datasets; prior experience conducting research with a faculty member is desirable.??
      • General / Soft Skills: Good written and oral communication skills; highly motivated, detail-oriented, and responsible; good time management skills.?
      • Technical / Specialized Skills: A working knowledge of sustainability and AI/machine learning, competent in statistics and data analytics, capable of identifying, collecting/scraping, and compiling data from multiple sources, familiar with big data analytics and able to do some programming and analyze unstructured data (e.g., text, audio, video).???

      Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics
      10 Garrison Ave, Durham, NH 03824??

      Work will be performed mostly online, with a some in-person meetings.??

      Shuili Du, James R. Carter Professor of Marketing, Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics.??
      Nagaraj Bukkapatnam, Director, Center for Business Analytics, Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics.??

      A small team of faculty who work in the business sustainability area will also provide guidance; these team members will be identified prior to the start of the summer fellowship.?

      Everyday Good Fellow?

      Tom's of Maine?

      Kennebunk, ME?
      Position is hybrid

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Host Organization:?
      Tom's of Maine has been making safe, effective natural personal care products for over 50 years. We are on a mission, the same mission since the day our company was founded - to make products that are good for you and good for the planet! Our commitment to the planet, people, and health all intersect with our mission to create a healthy future for all people. And it shows up in everything we do - being a Certified B Corp, measuring our impact and setting sustainability goals, creating an inclusive environment for our employees, engaging with our communities and perfecting our ingredients. We are real people who care, working to make positive change by doing good. We call this “doing good, for real” and you’ll see our focus in our products, our policies, and our partnerships. Visit us online at??

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Fellowship position:?
      Tom’s of Maine is looking to fill a fellowship position to support our corporate social responsibility (CSR) program.? The Fellow will report to our Steward for Sustainability and Everyday Good and work closely with members of the Tom’s of Maine organization and outside sustainability consultants, to support Tom’s of Maine’s sustainability goals and enhance our yearly Goodness Report. View the 2022 Tom’s of Maine Goodness Report here.?

      The Tom’s of Maine?Goodness Report?is our chosen format for sharing the story behind the company and a way for people to learn about the company’s relationship with ingredients, packaging, waste, water, energy, and community. With the launch of its innovative?Goodness Report, Tom’s of Maine is making it easier for people to learn about the way it does business, its goals, and its progress against those goals.?

      The role will support the Steward for Sustainability and Everyday Good (who embeds Tom’s Everyday Good - stewardship, sustainability, and Giving for Goodness program - across the organization), in identifying opportunities to enhance our (Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) report with updated goals.???

      The main responsibilities:?

      • Review 2022 sustainability goals and 2023 Goodness Report?
      • Create analysis of action plans and activities, identify roadmaps (and gaps)?
      • Conduct landscape analysis of like-minded brands; identify gaps and opportunities??
      • Support sustainable product and ingredient exploration?

      The outcome would be a presentation of findings with actionable recommendations for next steps.?

      Overall, the fellowship offers a comprehensive and real-world learning experience at a purpose-driven company, supporting CSR/sustainability and ESG reporting gaining practical skills in sustainability reporting, strategic analysis, research, and collaboration.?

      1. Sustainability Reporting: Skills in reviewing, analyzing, and contributing insights to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reports.?
      2. Strategic Analysis: Evaluating action plans, assessing effectiveness, and proposing actionable recommendations for sustainability goals.?
      3. Gap Analysis: Conducting comparative analyses of like-minded brands to identify gaps and opportunities in sustainability practices.?
      4. Research and Exploration: 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 in researching sustainable product and ingredient options.?
      5. Data Analysis and Presentation: Analyzing sustainability goals, distilling complex information, and presenting actionable findings.?
      6. Critical Thinking: Evaluating current sustainability practices, identifying gaps, and proposing innovative solutions.?
      7. Project Management: Coordinating tasks, ensuring timely completion, and delivering actionable insights for project enhancement.?
      8. Sustainability Strategy Development: Actively contributing to the development of sustainability strategies aligned with organizational goals.?

      Broad Impact:
      The fellowship at Tom's of Maine will have a significant and multifaceted impact on the organization's sustainability initiatives and beyond. By enhancing the ESG report and contributing to the development of updated sustainability goals, the fellow will play a crucial role in elevating Tom's of Maine's commitment to CSR and helping us create something that is best in class. The impact extends across several dimensions:?

      1. Enhanced Transparency: Improve the clarity of Tom's of Maine's sustainability efforts through an updated and comprehensive ESG report.?
      2. Strategic Alignment: Align the company with industry best practices, positioning Tom's of Maine as a leader in sustainable business practices.?
      3. Innovative Recommendations: Explore sustainable product and ingredient options, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and innovation.?
      4. Educational Impact: Educate internal and external stakeholders about the complexities of sustainability, promoting awareness and understanding.?
      5. Industry Influence: Set high standards, share best practices, and influence the broader industry toward sustainable business practices.?
      6. Long-Term Sustainability: Contribute to the long-term sustainability of Tom's of Maine by navigating evolving social, environmental, and governance challenges.?
      7. Stakeholder Trust: Build and reinforce stakeholder trust through increased transparency, strategic alignment, and educational initiatives.?

      Desired Qualifications:?

      • Marketing and Communications skills?
      • 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 in Sustainable Product Design and understanding of sustainable ingredients?
      • Familiarity with ESG reporting?
      • Strong interest or background in climate and environmental matters?

      Tom’s of Maine
      2 Storer Street, Kennebunk, ME

      We are hybrid, 3 days a week in the office.?Work will be performed mostly onsite.?

      Michelle Waring, Steward for Sustainability and Everyday Good?

      Municipal Fleet GHG Inventory & Transition Timeline

      Town of Amherst, MA

      Amherst, MA
      Position is?in person with possible hybrid

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Host Organization:?
      The Town of Amherst has a population of close to 40,000 (including the student population) and is located in the picturesque Pioneer Valley of Western Massachusetts. It is a diverse, inclusive community offering numerous educational and cultural opportunities. The Town is home to Amherst College, Hampshire College, and the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, and enjoys a tradition of open, professional, and high level of government services, quality education, support for open space and agriculture, and respect for its history. The Amherst Town Council has made a commitment to equity and sustainability as two of the driving goals for the Town Manager and as such are focus areas increasingly infused throughout town governance and municipal operations.

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Fellowship position:?
      The Town of Amherst established a baseline greenhouse gas community wide emissions inventory in 2017. Based on this baseline inventory analysis, the Amherst Town Council set emissions target reductions of 25% below baseline by 2025, 50% reduction by 2030, and 100% reduction by 2050. To support these goals, in 2021 the town released a Climate Action, Adaptation and Resiliency Plan (CAARP) which identifies a Roadmap to meet the 2025 carbon reduction goals.??

      The Town of Amherst seeks metrics to assess whether it is on track to meet its short term 25% greenhouse gas reduction goal as established in the CAARP. The Town of Amherst is seeking a Fellow to conduct a municipal fleet greenhouse gas inventory with an associated timeline to transition vehicles off fossil fuels.? The Amherst Town Council has identified this as a priority for the Town Manager in reaching the Council’s interim goal of achieving 25% carbon reduction below the baseline 2016 emissions by 2025.???

      The Town currently maintains a vehicle fleet inventory; however, it does not track carbon emissions of individual vehicles. The Fellow will work under the supervision of the Town’s Director of Sustainability. This position will require that the Fellow contact various municipal departments as well as school district personnel to gather data.??

      The Town of Amherst is seeking a Fellow to develop a municipal fleet greenhouse gas inventory with a transition timeline for vehicle replacement with fossil fuel free alternatives. The data and transition timeline will inform a replacement strategy that will guide and prioritize future vehicle purchasing decisions.??

      The Municipal Vehicle Fleet Greenhouse Gas Inventory Fellow will work with the Director of Sustainability to create an inventory of fleet vehicle GHG emissions, providing vital information from which progress will be tracked and new opportunities will be identified. Specific tasks will include the following:?

      • Gather vehicle data, from multiple sources across Amherst.?
      • Use publicly available tools and methodologies to complete vehicle emissions estimates.?
      • Create a vehicle emissions inventory report to support internal planning and external community education and engagement.?
      • A detailed roadmap or phased plan outlining the steps to transition Amherst’s current fleet to more sustainable options, such as electric or hybrid vehicles, to meet the town’s emission reduction goals.?

      This project provides an excellent opportunity to gain a real-world understanding of municipal energy management and its associated challenges. It is a chance to make a lasting and direct contribution to sustainability in Amherst and to gain experience with a professional skill/process (i.e., carbon accounting) that is fundamental for sustainability professionals (across sectors).?

      Desired Qualifications:?

      • 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 collecting and analyzing large data sets.?
      • Familiarity with greenhouse gas inventories.?
      • Demonstrated analytical skills.?
      • Organized and systematic.?
      • Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills.?
      • Extremely strong communication (written, verbal) and interpersonal skills.?
      • Interest in environmental science and sustainability issues pertaining to local government.??
      • Demonstrated ability to work independently.?

      Amherst Town Hall
      4 Boltwood Avenue, Amherst MA 01002?

      On-site work is preferred, but a hybrid schedule is possible.??

      Stephanie Ciccarello, Director of Sustainability, Town of Amherst, MA?

      Strategic Planning for Municipal EV Charging?

      Town of Concord, MA

      Concord, MA
      Position is hybrid

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Host Organization:?
      The Town of Concord, MA is an historic town of about 18,000 people located about 20 miles northwest of Boston. Concord is known for its revolutionary, literary, abolitionist, and agricultural history. It is home to the Minute Man National Historical Park, Walden Pond State Reservation, and many other historic sites. Concord also has a long history of progressive thought and action regarding sustainability, starting with Henry David Thoreau at Walden Pond and continuing to today as a community at the forefront of sustainable policies and practices. The Town completed its first comprehensive climate action and resilience plan, Sustainable Concord, in the summer of 2020, which outlines priority actions for addressing climate change, including a goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050.???

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Fellowship position:?
      Although relatively small in size (18,500 residents), the Town of Concord is a recognized leader in the establishment of sustainability policies and practices for Massachusetts and beyond -perhaps most famously for implementing the first plastic water bottle ban in the country in 2013, and most recently as one of only 10 towns in the State to participate in the Massachusetts Fossil Fuel Free Building Demonstration Program, which empowers municipalities to ban the use of fossil fuels in new construction and major renovations.? Concord is also a leader in decarbonizing our electricity - the Concord Municipal Light Plant purchases renewable power from developers in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, and Maine and purchases Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs).? In 2022 99% of CMLP’s sales were supplied by non-carbon emitting power sources. As a town, Concord is also committed to supporting the electrification of transportation for the municipality and its residents.? Concord is among the top three communities in Massachusetts for the adoption of electric vehicles (BEV/PHEV registrations are 6.4% of total vehicles), the Town completed a Fleet Electrification Study in 2021, and it also developed the first ‘EV First Municipal Vehicle Procurement Policy’ in Massachusetts in 2021, which has since been replicated in other communities.??

      The objective of this project is to develop strategies and opportunities to increase public and municipal electric vehicle (EV) charging stations in the Town of Concord. The Town has invested in promoting the adopting the use of electric vehicles, including several administrative studies and policies, but does not currently have a strategy in place for public and municipal EV charging infrastructure to support the increase in electric vehicles. Concord currently hosts 9 public charging stations, with the Town’s first public Level 3 rapid charging station expected to be installed by the end of 2023.? Concord is also positioned with direct access to significant regional highways and has an opportunity to consider public charging in the context of highway corridors. EV charging infrastructure for the Town is managed by the Concord Municipal Light Plant (CMLP, a Town-owned electric utility) in coordination with the Sustainability Director, Public Works Department, and Energy New England (ENE), a municipal light plant cooperative that offers EV charging technical assistance and EV awareness and education program services. The Fellow will have the unique opportunity to engage with the Sustainability Director, CMLP, ENE, Town departments, and community stakeholders to gather information and assess needs to create a framework for a strategic plan for siting public and municipal charging stations.?

      The following tasks are expected to define the fellowship:??

      • A review and compilation of other municipalities policies/plans for EV charging, including case studies and demonstrated best practices, and rate structures and policies.?
      • Support the development of a public EV charging plan that coordinates with CMLP and ENE, including public/private partnerships with owners of commercial properties and multi-dwelling residential units, strategies for marketing public EV charging to Concord visitors and business owners, and the inclusion of Direct Current Fast Chargers/Level 3 chargers) to support both community and corridor needs.?
      • Determine municipal EV charging needs as they relate to Concord’s 2021 Municipal Fleet Electrification Study?
      • Develop criteria for selecting public and municipal locations that take into consideration equity, site availability, grid capacity, potential partnerships, etc.?
      • Evaluate program financing options, rebates/incentives, and grant opportunities to support charging infrastructure.?

      The anticipated outcomes of these efforts are anticipated to be:?

      • A report that outlines strategies and opportunities for municipal and public charging infrastructure.?
      • A presentation that the Fellow and others can use to communicate the process, products, and messaging developed for stakeholder audiences.?
      • Website content that the Town can use to share the project with residents and other stakeholders and audiences, potentially including a GIS layer.?
      • Contribute to Concord’s greenhouse gas reduction goals as outlined in the Climate Action and Resilience Plan.?

      For the Fellow:
      This experience will provide the Fellow with an understanding of the considerations and challenges required when planning for the rapidly growing electrification of vehicles. In particular, it will provide experience in the context of meeting the sustainability needs, goals, and values of a community via the workings of a smaller municipal government. The Fellow will help develop and contribute to the development of a strategy that requires a multi-disciplinary approach with multiple stakeholders, and the activities performed, and skills gained during the Fellowship will translate to work in municipal government and beyond. Some of the skills that will be gained include: market analysis, stakeholder analysis, some data analysis, Excel skills, program design, relationship building, and community outreach. The Fellow will finish the program with an appreciation and understanding of how sustainability policies and initiatives in a smaller municipal setting can impact change directly locally and serve as inspiration regionally and beyond.?

      For the host organization and other organizations:
      It is expected that the work done for this project will serve to inform other, similar communities more broadly throughout Massachusetts and beyond.? Many smaller municipalities do not have the resources to hire consultants, interns, or Fellows to address topics such as EV charging (the need for which is quickly increasing and evolving) and outcomes such as those developed through this project will hopefully serve as an important resource for them. In particular, the efforts may serve as a model to the 40 other MA communities that are also unique in that they have municipal light plants that are directly involved in planning and supporting EV infrastructure. Finally, the outcomes of this project can also help to inform models and strategies that can be used by Energy New England in their efforts and strategies to help MA communities electrify their transportation.?

      Desired Qualifications:?

      • Sustainability, Earth Sciences, Business, Economics, Marketing, Environmental Science, Natural Resources, Engineering, Planning-related majors.?
      • Self-starter; ability to take initiative and proactively contribute to designing a work plan, organizing meetings and calendar of activities, etc.?
      • Strong communication and listening skills, and the ability to understand the different challenges involved with EV charging infrastructure.?
      • 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 and interest in community engagement and outreach is a plus, including with the commercial property and business communities.?
      • Interest or experience with GIS is a plus, but not required.?
      • Interest in broader transportation electrification issues, and interest in pursuing a career in the field (or related field) is a plus.?
      • Has a desire to learn about various ways that municipalities engage with stakeholders to address complex, multi-faceted challenges related to sustainability.?
      • Desire to be a part of a teamwork focused environment that supports sustainability in municipal government.?

      Concord Town House
      22 Monument Square, Concord, MA 10742?

      Work will be performed both onsite and online for different elements of the project. Some onsite work will be required in order to visit different EV charging sites and potential locations around the Town, including municipal and public locations, and to engage directly with various stakeholders (e,g., Town departments, business community and commercial property representatives, private institutions). Some of the work is anticipated to be performed online, including data research and analysis, some mentor and stakeholder meetings, and the development of a report and presentation/outreach materials.?

      Eric Simms, Sustainability Director, Town of Concord (primary mentor)?
      Mark Scribner, Asso. Director of Transportation Electrification, Energy New England?
      Jan Aceti, Energy Efficiency and Electrification Coordinator, Concord Municipal Light Plant?

      Revising Municipal 2025-2030 Climate Action Plan

      Town of Durham, NH

      Durham, NH
      Position is hybrid or fully remote

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Host Organization:?
      The Town of Durham, host to the University of New Hampshire, has hosted Sustainability Fellows for the past six years; the Fellows have worked for the Town full-time during the summer and continued their projects part-time while completing their graduate degrees during the academic year. Their work has helped Durham gain an understanding of the carbon footprint of both the municipal operations and the broader community and has spurred further leadership.??

      In summer 2020, a local government operations (LGO) greenhouse gas (GHG) and nitrogen pollution inventory was completed, and a process was established for continued utility benchmarking through the EPA Portfolio Manager.??

      In 2020-2021, the Town completed a community-scale GHG and nitrogen inventory utilizing 2019 data, including a focused look at the sources and sinks associated with community land use; created a new section of its website to focus on its sustainability efforts; and joined the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy (GCoM). In the context of that commitment, Durham has developed and adopted a Climate Action Plan (CAP) which will be updated in 2024.??

      In 2022/early-2023, a Climate Action Plan and a Climate Risk & Vulnerability Assessment was submitted to GCoM, and Durham’s Sustainability Fellow worked with the local Energy Committee to author a series of articles outlining how residents might take steps at home to be more sustainable and lower their carbon footprint.??

      Most recently, in the summer of 2023, the UNH Sustainability Fellow updated Durham’s community-wide GHG inventory using 2021 data, performed a knowledge audit, and developed several carbon accounting resources for future inventory updates. Community-wide emissions data will also be assembled for 2022 by the current Fellow, along with a detailed quality assessment of the first-generation CAP.??

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Fellowship position:?
      Durham is seeking a 2024-2025 Sustainability Fellow to update and begin implementing a revised 2025-2030 Climate Action Plan in collaboration and coordination with internal and external community stakeholders as necessary.??

      In addition to pursuing ambitious emissions reduction goals, Durham’s updated CAP will also prioritize actions that support underserved and underrepresented communities wherever possible.??

      During the CAP planning process, the Fellow will engage members of the community from the Durham Energy Committee, Conservation Commission, Agricultural Commission, Integrated Waste Management Advisory Committee, Town Council, municipal department heads, etc.??

      Timeline: The Fellow will spend the first half of June familiarizing themselves with the previous CAP and its quality assessment, reviewing CAPs from peer communities, meeting with the Climate Working Group to draft an updated progress report, and reviewing ICLEI workshop materials on CAP development. The second half of the month will be spent independently and jointly identifying new or updated CAP goals and actions.??

      The first half of July will be dedicated to finalizing the goals of the updated CAP by securing commitments from key stakeholders and developing an implementation plan. The second half of July will be spent drafting the updated CAP.??

      The Fellow will spend the first half of August incorporating feedback from the Working Group and broader community into the second draft, preparing for the UNH showcase, and submitting the second draft to ICLEI for additional feedback.??

      Tasks: The primary deliverables of the Summer 2024 Sustainability Fellowship Program are as follows (with a focus on #1-7 during the summer and #8-11 during the academic year)??

      1. To become familiar with all Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy (GCoM) and reporting requirements and Durham’s previous sustainability reports;??
      2. To review the Town’s first-generation CAP, the 2023 CAP Evaluation and Progress Report, and peer community CAPs to identify opportunities for improvement;??
      3. To become familiar with best practices for CAP development by reviewing the trainings, webinars, and written materials in the shared “CAP Update” folder;??
      4. To reconvene the Climate Working Group and lead monthly meetings to identify ambitious and feasible objectives for the updated CAP;??
      5. To author a CAP update and submit the draft to ICLEI for feedback;??
      6. To attend the Town's bimonthly staff meeting to keep municipal departments up to date with sustainability and climate planning efforts;??
      7. To attend monthly Durham Energy Committee meetings and offer support when needed, including updating their website, researching useful tools, and performing outreach tasks to help reduce residential energy use;??
      8. To submit the final CAP update to GCoM along with the 2022 community-wide GHG inventory and the 2024 CDP Questionnaire;??
      9. To support continued climate action collaboration and coordination with key community partners: local Town boards/committees/commissions, the University of New Hampshire, Oyster River Cooperative School District, and Strafford Regional Planning Commission as necessary;??
      10. To support the monitoring and implementation of innovative sustainability projects and initiatives within Durham in furtherance of the updated CAP;??
      11. To enhance Durham’s knowledge and capacity in sustainable practices and solutions by attending relevant webinars and workshops, as time allows.??


      1. Updated Climate Action Plan for the period 2025-2030;??
      2. 2024 CDP Questionnaire;??
      3. Ongoing work with Durham in support of local climate action efforts 10-15 hr/wk in a part-time capacity following completion of Fellowship during fall 2024 and spring 2025 semesters.?


      • The Fellow will gain an intimate understanding of the climate planning and implementation process. They will also develop strategic planning, communications, community engagement, and project management skills.??
      • Without the Fellow’s assistance, Durham would not have the internal capacity to plan, implement, and monitor its climate action goals. In 2024, the Fellow will take the lead on Durham’s CAP update by working with community members to outline the actions the town will take between 2025 and 2030. The Fellow will also establish a process for implementing each climate action and monitoring the town’s progress, creating a replicable model for future Fellows and other municipalities to follow.??

      Desired Qualifications:
      Durham is looking for a Fellow with the following specialized skills and professional experiences:??

      • Background knowledge in climate action planning and municipal government is preferred;?
      • Ability to manage time effectively and stay on task without direct supervision;??
      • 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 prioritizing tasks to meet deadlines and maintain productivity in a remote work environment;?
      • Capable of independently solving problems that may arise during the Fellowship, including technical issues or task-related challenges;??
      • Strong written and verbal communication skills;?
      • Technical proficiency using digital tools and resources, including Zoom, Google Drive, Excel and other relevant software;??
      • 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 building and maintaining relationships with community leaders, organizations, and stakeholders;??
      • Demonstrated history managing and coordinating events, meetings, and programs;?
      • Ability to use (or learn how to use) ICLEI’s climate forecasting software and other carbon accounting applications as needed.?

      Town of Durham, NH
      8 Newmarket Road, Durham, NH 03824 USA
      or?Via Remotely Zoom?

      Work will be performed onsite and/or online to meet needs of the selected candidate. This position was developed with a remote Fellow in mind, though in-person work could be accommodated. All meetings can be held virtually over Zoom, including the monthly Energy Committee and biweekly Town meetings.??

      Todd Selig, Administrator, Town of Durham, NH?
      Gail Jablonski, Business Manager, Town of Durham, NH?
      Jennifer Andrews, UNH Sustainability Institute, Member of the Durham Energy Committee?

      Climate Change Vulnerability & Resilience Assessment

      Town of Eliot, ME

      Eliot, ME
      Position is hybrid

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Host Organization:?
      The Town of Eliot is home to over 7,000 people, located along the Piscataqua River in York County, Maine. Eliot is proud of our beautiful natural resources, trails and other recreation assets, agricultural activity, small businesses, and engaged community members. It’s an exciting time in Eliot, with updates to the Comprehensive Plan and Open Space Plan underway. We have two municipal solar arrays and are actively working to expand our walking and bicycling network. The Town is a member of the Community Resilience Partnership (CRP), a program of the Maine Governor’s Office of Policy Innovation and the Future (GOPIF). With the help of this partnership, we are excited to expand our work on climate resilience.?

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Fellowship position:?
      In early 2023, the Town of Eliot successfully completed enrollment in the CRP, which offers grants to support Maine communities to reduce emissions and prepare for climate change impacts. This process included completing self-assessments about the town’s potential needs related to climate resilience, and then holding a community workshop to discuss and prioritize resilience actions. In December 2022, the Eliot Select Board voted unanimously to adopt a resolution to join the CRP. This resolution identified a range of impacts affecting Eliot and the region and underscored the need for Eliot to take action to mitigate and adapt to climate change.??

      The Town identified a climate vulnerability assessment as the priority next step and was selected to receive a Community Action Grant for this work. The Town is in the process of identifying a consultant to work with for this project. This grant-funded project will run through September 2025, and the Fellowship will overlap with the project’s early stages.

      During their tenure, the Fellow will:?

      • Review existing literature, data, and reports on climate change vulnerabilities most applicable to Eliot (e.g. SLR effects on the Piscataqua River, riverine flooding, intense rainstorms, impacts to agriculture, etc.) to help us begin to understand how these trends may negatively affect our community in the future??
      • Research potential resilience strategies to introduce ways the community can reduce risks from these vulnerabilities, and research funding sources that can help us implement these strategies?
      • Create GIS maps that show climate-vulnerable areas and risks?
      • Analyze community survey data collected using Maptionnaire, the Town’s survey platform?
      • Plan, prepare for, and help facilitate community engagement activities?
      • Support and participate in Community Working Group meetings?
      • Develop a report that summarizes the Fellow’s findings – including the above research, maps, and analysis, as well as recommendations – to be incorporated into the overall Vulnerability Assessment?

      Overall project objectives and deliverables include:??
      The Town of Eliot establishes an assessment of climate change impacts, vulnerabilities, and resilience capacities.??

      • The Fellow will contribute to various work products as part of this assessment (e.g., data collection and analysis, GIS mapping, literature review, etc.)?

      Eliot community members are engaged in the assessment process, share input about local climate impacts, and identify opportunities to build resilience.?

      • The Fellow will contribute to Community Working Group meetings, including supporting development of agendas, meeting materials, and notes/summaries.??
      • The Fellow will also support development of products related to the community engagement activities, such as an engagement plan, survey data analysis, and communication products related to the project.??

      A Fellowship-specific final deliverable, such as a summary of the Fellow’s findings and recommendations for the remainder of the assessment project.?

      The Fellowship will offer the Fellow the opportunity to gain or further develop the following skills and experience:?

      • GIS and mapping?
      • Data collection/analysis (quantitative and qualitative), literature reviews, synthesis of information, data visualization?
      • Planning and implementing community engagement activities – e.g., public workshops, surveys?
      • Communication skills – e.g., developing written, visual, and/or audio content such as a factsheet, poster, video, social media posts, StoryMap, etc.?
      • Meeting planning and facilitation?
      • 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 working with municipal staff and volunteer boards, as well as the consultant, likely with opportunities to engage with additional organizations/agencies in the state/region working on climate resilience?

      There is room for the Fellow to identify priority skills they would like to develop through this project that can be emphasized in the Fellow’s work. The Mentor team can also support the Fellow to identify relevant professional development and networking opportunities they would like to pursue during the Fellowship.??

      This vulnerability assessment project has been identified by the Town as a critical next step that will set Eliot up to prioritize subsequent actions to prepare for climate impacts and build resilience. The Town built funding for a Fellow into the proposal for this work, which could be an example for other organizations/municipalities to replicate. The Fellow’s work will occur at an important stage in the larger project to provide added capacity and creative input that can inform the remainder of the project after the Fellowship. Eliot’s resulting vulnerability assessment, to which the Fellow will contribute, can offer an example for other municipalities in the region which haven’t yet taken this step, and much of the information and actions will likely be relevant to nearby communities as well.?

      Desired Qualifications:?

      • A bachelor’s degree in environmental sciences, urban planning, or a related field?
      • Interest in climate adaptation/mitigation particularly at the municipal scale??
      • Familiarity/experience with climate vulnerability assessments?
      • Transferrable skills that would be helpful include:??
      • 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 with literature reviews and data collection/analysis?
      • 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 facilitating or supporting community engagement activities?
      • Communication skills – e.g., developing written, visual, and/or audio content such as a factsheet, poster, video, social media posts, StoryMap, etc.?
      • Basic GIS proficiency?

      Town of Eliot, ME
      1333 State Rd., Eliot, ME 03903?

      The Town of Eliot can offer the Fellow a flexible work arrangement, including the option to work remotely most of the time. Some in-person work is expected, such as attending an initial orientation meeting, participating in an in-person tour of climate-vulnerable areas of town, and assisting with setting up and facilitating public information sessions. For weekly check-ins and Working Group meetings, the Fellow has the option to participate in-person or remotely.?

      Jeff Brubaker, AICP, Town Planner (primary mentor)
      ???????supported by Lisa Wise, project consultant (TBD) and Conservation Commission member

      Resilience-Building Support for Local Businesses?

      Town of Groton, CT?

      Groton, CT
      Position is hybrid

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Host Organization:?
      Groton is a coastal town located in southeastern Connecticut. The town government was established in 1705 to provide public services to the town’s residents, which today number approximately 38,000, and its business community. The town is governed by a town council and is assisted by numerous boards and commissions. Town staff work across 12 departments; this Fellow with be working with the town’s Office of Planning and Development Services (OPDS). The OPDS mission is to guide development through the sound and orderly use of land and conservation of energy and resources; to promote the economic well-being of the community; and to ensure the safe occupation of buildings, structures, and uses. The 17 OPDS staff are organized into four divisions: planning, inspection services, resiliency and sustainability, and economic and community development.???

      The OPDS Resiliency and Sustainability Division was launched in August 2021 and currently has one staff member, Megan Granato, who will be the Mentor for the Fellow.? Megan’s Division is leading a number of initiatives as ranging from electric vehicle charging station installation to a fish passage project. The Fellow will be encouraged to learn about and participate in other division and OPDS efforts as time allows.?

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Fellowship position:
      Small local businesses are essential to the Town of Groton’s economy and culture. From downtown Mystic to the Thames River corridor, independently-owned shops, restaurants, and service providers help support Groton’s communities as well as bring in visitors from the surrounding towns and beyond. In 2023, Mystic was ranked by USA Today as the fourth top summer tourist destination in the country as well as by Trips to Discover as Connecticut’s top summer vacation destination. Both of these distinctions mentioned local businesses in their descriptions of what makes the area a great place to visit.?

      Unfortunately, Groton’s local business community is vulnerable to climate hazards.? According to a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) statistic, approximately 25% of businesses do not re-open after a disaster.? However, impacts far less severe than a disaster can also strain a business.? For example, nuisance flooding can impair the ability of staff, clients, and suppliers to access the business and extreme heat and humidity can reduce foot traffic. Fortunately, there are resources that can help small business owners prepare for climate hazards. Disaster preparedness checklists can ensure that they have the materials and processes needed to protect infrastructure and inventory. Business continuity plans can help them think through potential risks and develop response strategies that they can deploy if the risks are realized. Using these types of tools to take action before a disaster can be very economically beneficial. Research conducted by the Critical Infrastructure Resilience Institute found that businesses avoided $4.57 in losses for every $1.00 invested on resilience actions related to Superstorm Sandy and Hurricane Harvey.? However, the challenges of keeping a business open day to day can make it very challenging for business owners to plan ahead for these types of issues.?

      The focus of this Fellowship is to develop and implement a strategy to work with local businesses town-wide to help them prepare for climate hazards, providing the added capacity needed to do this crucial planning work. The Fellow will start the summer by researching ways climate change will impact local businesses and selecting a suite of tools to reduce risk. Once those preparations have been completed, the Fellow will work with OPDS staff to build and implement an outreach campaign to engage local business owners on this topic. The results of that campaign will be responses from local businesses who would like assistance preparing for climate hazards. The Fellow will then work with those businesses to employ the tools needed to increase their resilience.?

      We anticipate that the Fellow will achieve the following outcomes:?

      • Review of local business climate vulnerability.?
      • Assessing business resilience tools and the selection of a suite of tools most applicable to our local businesses.?
      • Creation of an outreach campaign, including materials and the approach to share them, to engage the business community.?
      • Creating case study reports that share the experience working with local businesses, obstacles faced, and results achieved.??
      • Compiling a recommendations report with suggestions for continued resilience work with local businesses.?

      The town has not previously engaged in this type of interaction with the business community and is open to making flexible adjustments based on lessons learned along the way.?

      For the Fellow:
      The Fellow will gain several types of experience and skills from this Fellowship. The most important will likely be the experience working hand in hand with people whose livelihoods are impacted by climate hazards and finding ways to support them in reducing risks to their businesses.? The Fellow will also gain insights into local business operations and the varied ways that disruptions, such as those caused by natural disasters, can impact them. Creating and implementing a new approach to tackling a problem will help develop the Fellow’s ability to think outside the box and adaptively manage a project. The experience will also give the Fellow a new perspective into how municipalities operate by working as a member of the OPDS staff for the summer.??

      For the host organization and other organizations:
      We are not aware of other local governments in Connecticut providing this type of support to local businesses as it relates to climate resilience. As a result, this Fellowship has the exciting potential to demonstrate a new partnership approach and create a model that other municipalities could adopt. The lessons learned and information gained from this Fellowship may also catalyze changes to how the Town works with the business community on other initiatives.?

      Desired Qualifications:?

      • We will consider Fellows from any academic background, but will give preference to those with education and experience in business administration, communication, sustainability, and/or environmental science.?
      • The Fellow will need to be an independent worker who is comfortable developing new connections and relationships.???
      • Finding ways to gain the buy-in of local business owners can be challenging, given the demands on their time and resources. The Fellow will need to be a creative thinker who can find ways to reach out, engage, and adjust their approach as needed.??
      • Although their mentor and other OPDS staff will assist and support them, they will also need to feel comfortable implementing a significant portion of the work on their own.?
      • Project management skills (such as adhering to a timeline, keeping work products well organized, and proactively problem-solving) will also be prioritized.?

      Town of Groton
      134 Groton Long Point Road, Groton, CT 06340?

      Work will be performed onsite or hybrid – partially in-person/partially remote.

      Megan Granato, Sustainability and Resilience Manager
      ???????Jon Reiner, OPDS Director

      Advancing Local Climate Action with Data Dashboard?

      Town of Lexington, MA

      Lexington, MA
      Position is hybrid

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Host Organization:?
      Lexington is a forward-looking town in Massachusetts, located just 10 miles from downtown Boston, with a population of approximately 34,000. Sustainability and climate action are top priorities for the town, and that longstanding commitment has made Lexington a leader on sustainability in Massachusetts and beyond. Lexington was the first town in the state to require large building owners to publicly report their energy and water use; it is home to two net-zero schools and has a policy to ensure that all future town and school buildings strive to be net-zero as well; it recently launched a pilot program that provides free curbside composting to 2,000 households; and it has a goal to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 or sooner. Town staff, committees, community organizations, and residents routinely come together to advance clean energy, green building, waste reduction, sustainable transportation, and more.??

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Fellowship position:?
      The Town of Lexington completed its Climate Action and Resilience Plan (“Resilient Lexington”) in August of 2023. The plan laid out an ambitious workplan to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 and to become more resilient to the impacts of climate change. Tracking data and progress on the plan’s identified actions is critical to meeting the town’s climate goals.?

      Lexington’s Fellow will establish a comprehensive data tracking system, and use existing data to design and launch a public-facing online dashboard. The dashboard will serve as a centralized platform for community members seeking to understand Lexington’s progress on climate action. Once complete, visitors can access the dashboard to learn more about community greenhouse gas emissions, energy usage across various sectors, local renewable energy generation, electric vehicle adoption, waste reduction, and more. While most, if not all, of this data is already available in Lexington if you know where to look, the goal of the dashboard is to make this data easily accessible. It will provide the necessary context and background information for widespread understanding, fostering a more nuanced conversation about climate action in town. In addition to serving as a valuable educational tool, the dashboard will hold the Town accountable to ongoing progress towards its climate goals.?

      The Fellow will spend the summer becoming familiar with Lexington’s Resilient Lexington plan and other ongoing sustainability programs and initiatives. They will compile and organize existing sustainability data into a data management system for the Town staff to use going forward. Ultimately, the Fellow will design and create a web-based platform to display and explain the data to the Lexington community. The Fellow will research web platforms that can be used to effectively display sustainability data and track climate action plan implementation, and will work with Town staff to choose the best fit for Lexington’s needs. In the event of gaps in the Town’s existing data, the Fellow will make recommendations for additional data that should be collected by the Town to track progress. As time allows the Fellow may also create promotional materials to inform residents of the website, and/or create a short video that shows the functionality of the website and explains why it is important.?

      For the Fellow:
      Over the course of the summer, the Fellow would gain a holistic understanding of climate action planning at the municipal level. Working with the data from a variety of existing municipal initiatives would provide valuable insight into what the work of municipal sustainability professionals entails. The Fellowship would be a great fit for someone interested in advancing climate action in the public sector. The Fellow would also gain experience in climate communication by turning datasets into meaningful narratives that are accessible to a general audience. At the end of the summer, the Fellow will have a completed website they can highlight in their professional portfolio.??

      For the host organization and other organizations:
      While there are some models of effective sustainability data tracking platforms at the local level, very few communities have the capacity to make it a priority, especially in communities with a sustainability staff of one or zero. This Fellow would not only create a long-term asset for the Lexington community but would also create a replicable model that would lessen the work load for other communities to create something similar. In a community like Lexington, data is a powerful motivating tool. Active volunteers want to understand the town’s progress on climate goals, and other residents would be drawn into the work through improved messaging that would be made possible by a public sustainability dashboard. The website would be a catalyst for individual and collective action in Lexington.?

      Desired Qualifications:?

      • An academic background in Environmental Planning, Environmental Policy, Sustainability, or related fields of study;?
      • Familiarity with climate policy and sustainability metrics;?
      • 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 or coursework in GHG analysis;?
      • Data management and analysis skills;?
      • Proficiency with basic web design and graphic design platforms;?
      • Excellent written communication skills;?
      • Ability to work independently and collaborate effectively;?
      • Interest in public administration, climate planning, or related areas.?

      Lexington Town Offices
      1625 Massachusetts Ave, Lexington, MA?

      This project offers flexibility on working in-person or remotely. If desired, the Fellow could work in person in the Town Manager’s Office alongside the project mentor, but the project could also be completed remotely. Either way, a community tour and /or occasional in-person days are highly encouraged to get to know the Lexington community and interface with Town staff.??

      Maggie Peard, Sustainability & Resilience Officer

      Fleet Transition Roadmap?


      Exeter, NH
      Position is fully remote

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Host Organization:?
      Unitil Corporation is an interstate electric and natural gas utility company that serves areas in New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Maine. Unitil, a small investor-owned utility, was recognized as one of New Hampshire’s Best Companies to Work For and has previously hosted four UNH Sustainability Fellows. In 2019, Unitil released its inaugural Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility Report, which laid out our sustainability actions and goals for the next decade. We are currently working towards achieving our 2030 company carbon target, decarbonizing our electric supply, and planning for our region’s diverse climate impacts in the 21st century. In previous years, our Sustainability Fellows completed assessments of multiple climate-induced risks on Unitil’s physical assets, including sea level rise and extreme temperature events, making significant contributions to our continued strategic planning for climate change. Equipped with a better understanding of climate risk as it pertains to our physical assets, we continue to implement carbon reduction initiatives with the goals of meeting our 2030 carbon target and preparing our region for the most significant impacts driven by anthropogenic climate change.?

      188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 the Fellowship position:?
      Along with Unitil’s development of its sustainability reporting, greenhouse gas emissions accounting, and carbon reduction goals, we are evaluating the feasibility of implementing carbon reduction initiatives tailored to our day-to-day operations as an electric and gas utility company. Emissions from our fleet represent nearly 11% of our 2019 Scope 1 baseline and are a major focus of our strategy to meet our 2030 Scope 1 carbon reduction target of 50%. As of 2023, we have made two public commitments to a fleet transition:??

      • By 2030: 60% of Unitil vehicles will be run on alternative fuel technology (hybrid, CNG, EV, etc.).??
      • By 2035, 25% of Unitil vehicles will be battery electric.???

      This summer, our Fellowship will focus on the implementation of fleet technologies that balance our emissions reduction and fleet goals with our company’s commitment to efficiency, customer service, and emergency response capabilities.?

      The goal of this project is to develop a roadmap for Unitil’s adoption of electric and alternative fuel vehicles, idle mitigation technology, and other applicable fleet emission reduction technologies and initiatives to meet our company’s emission reduction goals. This Fellowship will consist primarily of desk research, reviewing similar initiatives from peer utilities, staying up to date with and taking advantage of state and federal incentive programs, exploring emerging opportunities and challenges, and communicating with relevant Unitil stakeholders to support a successful fleet transition. To accomplish this goal, the Fellow will have access to data from existing fleet initiatives and pilot programs. The Fellow will be able to fulfill their role remotely, with opportunities to visit Unitil’s operation centers and facilities if they are based in New England. Or, if travel permits, the Fellow should plan for an extended site visit near the in-person midterm of the Fellowship.?

      The deliverables of this Fellowship include:?

      • A detailed roadmap or phased plan outlining the steps to transition Unitil’s current fleet to more sustainable options, such as electric or hybrid vehicles, to meet the Company’s emission reduction goals.?
      • The roadmap will include an evaluation of the financial implications of the fleet transition, including initial investment, operational costs, and potential savings over time.?
      • The roadmap will include recommendations for training programs or resources required for employees to adapt to new vehicle technologies.?
      • Metrics and methods to track the progress of the transition, including key performance indicators to ensure the roadmap’s effectiveness.?
      • Research and recommendations for potential vehicle vendors, including cost comparisons, features, and suitability for the company’s needs.?

      For the Fellow:
      The Fellow will gain strong familiarity with the current landscape of alternative fuel/low-emissions vehicles and their supporting infrastructure, such as charging stations. Additionally, the Fellow will gain valuable insight into the complex regulatory environment for charging infrastructure expansion and federal and state grants/incentive programs for fleet emissions reductions. They will be exposed to vehicle emissions calculations for future fleet planning and will work closely with a variety of internal and external stakeholders, both in the field and in strategy positions, to craft a successful fleet transition program and communication strategy.?

      For the Host organization and other organizations:
      This project not only builds directly on Unitil’s commitment to leadership in climate change mitigation, but also serves as a potent model for other organizations seeking to adapt for a more sustainable energy future. Unitil, as well as other energy distributors, are often looked to as leaders in the energy sector. If an electric and gas utility, which is responsible providing safe and reliable energy, even during electric supply and distribution emergencies, can successfully transition from a traditional fleet, it can serve as a catalyst for a broader movement towards sustainability in transportation practices. The Fellow will have an excellent opportunity this summer to be a primary contributor in this process. The completed roadmap will be used directly in the company’s greater emissions reduction strategy and will position Unitil with local and national industry leaders in fleet electrification.?

      Desired Qualifications:?

      • An academic background in a quantitative field, such as mathematics, finance, engineering, or a related field is desired.?
      • Familiarity with New Hampshire’s energy policy landscape, as well as state, regional, and federal incentive programs is beneficial.?
      • Ability to work independently, attention to detail, willingness to collaborate and communicate about climate related topics with multiple departments and diverse audiences within an organization.?
      • Strong technical writing and research skills are a must.?
      • Interests in electric and alternative fuel vehicles, utility operations, and emissions accounting will be helpful in deliverable preparation and day-to-day communications.?

      30 Energy Way, Exeter, NH??

      Work will be performed online, with the option of site visits or in-person work at the Fellow’s discretion.?

      Sara Sankowich, Director of Sustainability & Shared Services?
      George Anderson, Sustainability Project Manager?
      ???????David Larson, Sustainability Impact Analyst?

      Thank you for your interest in the Sustainability Fellowship!
      The summer 2024 Application is closed.
      Summer 2025 applications will open in December 2024.

      QUESTIONS??Contact Alexis Dwyer at

      1. Review the information in the sections above,?including program goals, benefits, compensation & expectations (including?important dates).

      2. Review the list of Sustainability Fellowship Position Descriptions; choose up to two (2) that interest you and are aligned with your background and skills. You may apply for up to two (2) Fellowships. Application who apply for more than two (2) Fellowships? will not be considered.??

      3. Gather your application materials?prior to beginning the online application form.?(Consider referring to these?UNH Career and Professional Success?resources.)?

        Prepare a unique cover letter for each Fellowship for which you would like to apply (up to 2). In your cover letter, indicate exactly which project you are applying for, using the complete name of the project and host organization.?The best cover letters not only express enthusiasm for the project or general passion for the topic, but they also draw a clear connection between the skills and attributes you bring to the position and the needs for that project.?
      • RESUME
        Prepare one (1) resume that highlights your background relative to the Fellowship(s)?for which you plan to apply.
        List three (3) academic, professional, or volunteer references who can speak to your specific skills and experiences, as well as your ability to work independently, synthesize ideas, communicate well, collaborate among diverse groups, and adapt to new situations. Letters of Recommendation are not required. For each reference, include:
        • title
        • organization
        • preferred contact information (phone and/or email)
        Select a 1-2 page writing sample from your academic or professional work, this will help us gauge your skill in written communication - it is not necessary to demonstrate knowledge of relevant content. Select a piece of writing that demonstrates your ability to communicate in a style that is most relevant to the project(s) of interest to you (e.g. academic research, public outreach, etc.) If you want to represent more than one style, you may include two (2) one-page samples. Excerpts from longer pieces are fine and can include an explanatory note.

      4. Assemble your application package:
      Combine your materials into a single PDF in the following?order (and?name your PDF file as follows:? FirstName_MiddleName_LastName_2024.pdf?):

      1. Cover letter(s): If submitting more than one, order letters according to preference.?
      2. Resume?
      3. References?
      4. Writing sample(s)

      5. Complete the online application, upload your application package and submit by February 10, 2024. The 2024 Application period has closed. Thank you for your interest.

      What happens next?

      We look forward to reviewing your applications! Most applicants who are invited to interview for a Fellowship(s) position will be contacted by mid to late February. Interviews are conducted from the end of February through the beginning of March, and most offers are extended by mid-March/early April. The Fellowship program begins with orientation, May 28 - May 29, which will be conducted online. ??

      QUESTIONS??Contact Alexis Dwyer at

      Sustainability Fellow Spotlights

      • Katie Rascoe Headshot
        2021 Sustainability Fellow - Values Messaging, Expanding Our Community | Timberland
        Originally from Queensbury, New York, Katie was pursuing a BS in Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing and dual degree in Sustainability at the University of New Hampshire. She decided to center her academic journey around formative experiences that allowed her to excel at the intersection of business and sustainability. In addition to her studies, she was a Consultant in…
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      • Yadira headshot
        2021 Sustainability Fellow - Sustainability Reporting and Education | Unitil
        Yadira completed BS in Environmental Studies with minors in Graphic Design and Geography from Texas A&M University. Yadira began her sustainability journey during college after growing curious about how people and planet treated each other. It was not until she sought to help improve campus recycling signages that she was offered…
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      • Natalie headshot
        2021 Sustainability Fellow - Expansion of DEI | Goodwill Northern New England
        Natalie was pursuing a Masters of Public Policy (MPP) at the University of Connecticut. She previously completed a BS in Environmental Sciences and Human Rights with minors in Public Policy and Sustainable Food Crop Production. During her undergraduate career, she was engaged with a variety of educational, research, and policy…
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      • Michael headshot
        2021 Josephine A. Lamprey Sustainability Fellow - Climate Action Challenge | New Hampshire Businesses for Social Responsibility
        Mikey was a recent graduate from the University of New Hampshire, where he earned a BS in Mechanical Engineering, dual degree in Sustainability, and minor Sustainable Energy. He grew up working in manufacturing and did not start on his sustainability journey until college. As an undergraduate, he worked in manufacturing plants…
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      • Meg headshot
        2021 Sustainability Fellow - Building a Sustainability Management Plan | Oyster River Cooperative School District
        Meg?was originally?from Chicago, Illinois and?earned a MS in Environmental Science with a concentration in Sustainability?from the University of Dayton?in Ohio. She previously completed?a BS in Environmental Biology and minor in Sustainability?from UD. Meg worked part-time as a?Sustainability?Specialist for the City of Dayton, Ohio where she led the…
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