Natalie Roach

2021 Sustainability Fellow - Expansion of DEI | Goodwill Northern New England
Natalie headshot

Natalie was pursuing a Masters of Public Policy (MPP) at the University of Connecticut. She previously completed a BS in Environmental Sciences and Human Rights with minors in Public Policy and Sustainable Food Crop Production. During her undergraduate career, she was engaged with a variety of educational, research, and policy initiatives focused on environmental and climate justice. She was also an Officer of the student group Revolution Against Rape.??

During the summer of 2021, Natalie worked alongside the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee at?Goodwill of Northern New England to significantly advance the planning, development, and formation of a mechanism to consistently and authentically gather the feedback of their employees. Efforts this summer laid the foundation for achieving the organization’s goal of having the employee voice heard in critical conversations about diversity, equity, and inclusion, as well as increasing understanding of the employee experience, which will allow organization leaders to improve it. Natalie expanded her community organizing skills by navigating the complexities of implementing new models across a multi-state organization, and by working with a wide range of stakeholders?

Watch Natalie’s presentation?here.?