Each summer exceptional undergraduate students and post-baccalaureates from UNH and across the United States are paired with municipal, educational, corporate, and non-profit partners to work on transformative sustainability initiatives through the Sustainability Institute’s Sustainability Fellowship program.??

This summer is seeing the largest cohort of Sustainability Fellows since the program’s launch in 2015. The cohort of 31 is undertaking challenging sustainability projects that are designed to create an immediate and tangible impact in the work that our partners do in New Hampshire and beyond.?The projects, created and hosted by 29 partner organizations and developed in collaboration with our staff, offer Fellows’ autonomy with mentorship and cover a broad range of sustainability topics such as renewable energy, greenhouse gas emissions, climate resilience, social justice, equity, food systems, and responsible investing. Fellows are involved in various types of work, from community engagement to data analysis, science to policy, and research to implementation.??

It’s an extraordinary learning experience and fosters meaningful collaboration within the cohort and with our state and regional communities. While working with their host mentors, Fellows are supported by their cohort peers as well as an active network of partners, alumni, and the UNH Sustainability Institute team. This intensive career experience helps “fast-track” and launch careers for this next generation of sustainability leaders – like it did for 2021 Fellow, Jill Durkin ‘22 who recently landed a job with her host organization, and our long-time partner, Prime Buchholz, LLC. ?

Meet the 2022 UNH Sustainability Fellow Cohort

Aarti Singh?
Tufts University, M.S. (Nutrition) Agriculture, Food, Environment ’23G?
Birsa Agricultural University, M.S. Forestry ‘18?

Caitlin McLennan?
Tufts University, M.S. Environmental Policy and Planning ‘23G?
University of Wyoming, B.S. Environment and Natural Resources, Political Science ‘20?

Bangor Savings Bank: Corporate Environmental Sustainability Roadmap?
Aarti and Caitlin are working to review and document current environmental practices at Bangor Savings Bank, research potential practices similar companies employ, and develop a recommended roadmap for Bangor Savings Bank to use as a foundation to future growth.

Aarti headshot
Caitlin headshot

Alessandria Schumacher?
Emory University, MPH Environmental Health and Epidemiology ‘23G?
Middlebury College, B.A. Geography ‘17?

Conservation Law Foundation: Urban Forestry?
Alessandria is working to support Conservation Law Foundation’s programmatic work on urban forestry as part of a broader suite of work on natural climate solutions and support staff in CLF’s Healthy and Resilient Communities program.?

Alessandria headshot

Benjamin Silver?
UNH Law ’23JD?
Brandies, B.A. Environmental Studies ‘20?

Burlington Electric Department: Electric Vehicle Charging Strategist?
Benjamin is working with Burlington Electric Department to develop opportunities to increase public electric vehicle charging stations in Burlington, VT. Key to this work is the development of partnerships with other City departments, specifically the Department of Public Works, and to gather insight from other organizations interested in hosting public charging stations.?

Benjamin headshot

Catherine Taylor?
University of New Hampshire, B.S. Environmental and Resource Economics ‘22?

Hypertherm: Carbon Pricing and Implementation at an ESOP Manufacturer?
Through research of various carbon pricing programs, Catherine is determining the costs and benefits other entities have found in implementing carbon pricing programs. Through further research of those programs including the costs and benefits, Catherine is creating a phased roadmap for implementing internal carbon pricing at Hypertherm.??

Catherine headshot

Christopher McClurg?
University of Pennsylvania, M.A. Environmental Studies ‘23G?
Trinity College, B.A. International Studies ‘16?

Clean Energy NH: Drive Electric New Hampshire?
Christopher is working with the host organizations and others, including New Hampshire municipalities and the New Hampshire Auto Dealers Association,?to assemble existing information on state, municipal, and national programs to create a guide, and associated communication materials, for New Hampshire municipalities for acquiring electric vehicles, developing electric vehicle service equipment, and determining best practices for use and implementation of local, state, and national regulations.?

Christopher headshot

Clara Feigelson?
Colorado State University, PSM Ecosystem Science and Sustainability ‘22G?
Goucher College, B.A. Environmental Studies ‘18?

City of Concord, NH: Augmenting a Greenhouse Gas Inventory Using ICLEI Tools?
Clara is working to build on the City of Concord’s 2019 GHG inventory by using ICLEI’s?ClearPath?software to conduct scenario modeling for infrastructure investment and policy decisions. Clara is also aiding Concord in better understanding the sequestration value of Concord’s land and forests by researching and applying nature-based greenhouse gas accounting approaches.?

Clara headshot

Clara Richards?
University of New Hampshire, B.A. Economics ‘23?

Scrapp Recycling: Helping the World Recycle Right?
Clara is working to help Scrapp expand the number of products with recycling guidance in their database, as well as expand their carbon footprint database of household packaging and increase brand outreach.?

Clara headshot

Connor Robinson?
University of New Hampshire, B.S. Environmental Conservation and Sustainability ‘23?

Lonza Biologics: Lonza 2030 Sustainability Roadmap?
Connor is helping to review and calculate the impact of Lonza’s four-pronged sustainability study which focuses on four areas: energy, CO2, waste, and water. This will drive their sustainability activities to reach their 2030 Sustainability goals. ?

Connor headshot

George Anderson?
University of New Hampshire, B.S. Environmental Science ‘22?

Walden Mutual: Creating the Walden Mutual Food Stewardship Toolkit?
George is working to create a?toolkit that meets Walden Mutual’s borrowers where they are and aids them in applying social and environmental measures to their own businesses so they can take action?on issues where they have room to grow, whether that involves guidance on how to write a mission statement, how to measure carbon emissions, how to implement more equitable labor practices, or more.????

George headshot

Isabella Luca?
University of New Hampshire, B.S. Community and Environmental Planning/B.A. Sociology ‘23?

Upper Saco Valley Land Trust: Protecting the Upper Saco River?
Isabella is working to help USVLT and partners to research the “Wild and Scenic River” designation of the National Park Service (NPS), create an assessment of the Saco River based on?those criteria, collect data, and submit an application.?

Isabella headshot

Jason Plant?
University of New Hampshire, B.S. Business Administration: Entrepreneurial Studies ‘23?
Torrey Project: Venture-RBF Investment Fund Design?
Jason is working to help Torrey Project with the launch of a new venture fund serving female and under-resourced entrepreneurs. Jason will be refining the fund design, homing in on the financial model – which will offer a unique mix of Royalty and Equity Based Finance, developing and facilitating marketing and outreach efforts and marketing to investors, and presenting the fund design, financial model, and summary of outreach efforts to the Board of the Directors.?

Jason headshot

Joanna Field?
University of New Hampshire, Ph.D. Natural Resources and Environmental Studies ‘26?
Cardiff University, M.S. Science Communication ‘21?
Miriam Israel?

The Fletcher School, Tufts University, M.A. Law and Diplomacy ‘24G?
Tufts University, M.A. International Relations and Middle Eastern Studies ‘18?
Union of Concerned Scientists: State of the New England States: Inventory and Analysis of State Climate Action Plans Using the ICS Resilience Gap Framework?
Joanna and Miriam are working to evaluate state-level climate resilience efforts: to document and analyze?state adaptation and mitigation plans and?assessing progress?in states?on both greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions and resilience and what that progress can mean in the aggregate to the New England region and nation.?In this context,?Union of Concerned Scientists?views?resilience as an outcome that?requires a?robust?combination of climate mitigation and adaptation?measures. ?

Joanna headshot
Miriam headshot

Jordan Moyer?
University of New Hampshire, B.S. Information Systems and Business Analytics, Sustainability Dual Major ‘23?
Makenzie Gagne?

University of New Hampshire, B.S. Finance, Sustainability Dual Major ‘24?
Prime Buchholz LLC: ESG and DEI Data Collection?
Jordan and Makenzie are working to engage investment managers on their environmental, social,?and governance (ESG) and diversity, equity,?and inclusion (DEI) practices, help Prime Buchholz enhance impact reporting to clients such as the University of New Hampshire,?and?identify ways to augment sustainability efforts at the firm.

Jordan headshot
Makenzie headshot

Joshua Arroyo-Torres?
Antioch University New England, M.S. Environmental Studies, Advocacy for Social Justice and Sustainability ‘22?
University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus, B.A. Psychology; minor in Cooperativism ‘16?

Town of Concord, MA: Increasing Community Engagement Capacity and Effectiveness?
Joshua is working to advance climate resilience and racial equity in and beyond the borders of the Town of Concord, evaluate current engagement efforts, identify strategies, messages and partnerships with community-based organizations, and build capacity of the Sustainability Division to develop reusable and replicable tools.?

Joshua headshot

Kaelli Gehrung?
University of New Hampshire, B.S. Public Service & Nonprofit Leadership ‘22?
Tom's of Maine: Everyday Good Fellowship?
Kaelli is working to support Tom’s of Maine’s corporate social responsibility program. Kaelli is working closely with members of the Tom’s of Maine organization and outside sustainability consultants to create the 2022 Goodness Report – their report on their sustainability efforts, their Giving for Goodness grant program, and an overview of their Everyday Good (brand purpose).?

Kaelli headshot

Kaiden Bedell?
University of New Hampshire, B.S. Mechanical Engineering ‘24?
Hurricane Island Center for Science and Leadership: Sustainability Steward?
Kaiden is working to engage with Hurricane Island’s sustainable energy, waste, water, and food systems (agriculture and aquaculture) on multiple levels with a focus on learning, teaching, and critical thinking about how to optimize the sustainable systems in use on the island.?

Kaiden headshot

Kathia Caceres Huisacayna
Carnegie Mellon University, M.S. Civil and Environmental Engineering ‘22G
Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, B.S. Civil Engineering ‘15

Unitil: Climate Change Physical Risk Impact Assessment
Kathia is working with Unitil to analyze and?document the risk climate change poses to?Unitil’s?assets, specifically related to sea?level rise impact, using sea level rise maps and the company’s Geographic Information System (GIS) maps.?Along with the company’s engineering department, use this information to determine the value of the impacted assets to be used in future company planning.?

Kathia headshot

Kelsey Ouellette
Arizona State University, Master of Sustainability Solutions ‘23
University of New England, B.S. Environmental Studies, Secondary Education ‘14

City of Bath, Maine: Community Outreach and Policy Development
Kelsey is working with city staff and the Climate Action Commission in the implementation of elements of the Climate Action Plan, including researching relevant policy items, reviewing regulatory frameworks, engaging in community outreach and education, developing educational materials and workshops designed to engage the public in?sustainability, resiliency, and the goals of the Climate Action Commission.

Kelsey headshot

Khampha Stempel
Arizona State University, M.A. Sustainability ‘23
Goshen College, B.A. Sustainability Management ‘21

Impax Asset Management LLC: Diversity Disclosures, Identifying Successful ED&I Strategies
Khampha is working to synthesize existing studies and papers about diversity programs focused on corporate efforts to promote gender and race/ethnicity, articulate the attributes of successful strategies, and then identify observable, company-provided data to measure the performance or effectiveness of those strategies.

Khampha headshot

Kyana Burgess
University of New Hampshire, B.A. Anthropology, Sustainability Dual Major ‘22

Center for Environmental Peacebuilding: Amplifying Climate Justice Leadership
Kyana is working to address barriers local organizations face in achieving scale by developing a program specifically tailored to support them in?facilitating knowledge sharing?around achieving large-scale change,?accessing funding opportunities, and?obtaining wider recognition. Kyana is helping to develop the new program which will help the Center for Environmental Peacebuilding effectively scale up their work supporting grassroots leaders who are seeking climate justice for their communities. Led by young women who are expert researchers from the region, the first pilot of this program serving community leaders in the Lake Chad Basin is planned at the beginning of 2023.

Kyana headshot

Madelyn Bradley
University of New Hampshire, B.S. Environmental and Resource Economics ‘23

Resilient Buildings Group: Energy Efficiency in the Foodservice Industry
Madelyn is working with Resilient Buildings Group, members of the foodservice industry, and trade associations to develop a plan that can be used to inform members of the foodservice industry of the benefits and financing options to upgrade to high-efficiency equipment.??Madelyn will use this information to reach out to members of the foodservice industry.?

Madelyn headshot

Madison Quill
University of New Hampshire, B.S. Environmental Science ‘23

Amherst Department of Public Works: Stormwater Outfall and Catchment Analysis
Madison is working with DPW staff on investigating, sampling, and assessing stormwater outfalls throughout the Town of Amherst. Madison is collecting field data on water quality at stormwater outfalls and using that data to rank the outfalls for further investigation and remediation. Collected data will be entered into the Town’s GIS system which will allow for mapping of impacted outfalls and their catchments.

Madison headshot

Peter Federico
Tufts University, M.S. Sustainability ‘22
Bates College, B.S. Biology ‘19

Black Heritage Trail of New Hampshire: Coastal Resiliency and Water Encroachment and Mitigation
Peter is working with the Black Heritage Trail of New Hampshire’s Coastal Resiliency NOAA grant NOAA to study the extent to which water encroachment in the basement of its ca. 1810 headquarters is exacerbated by?sea-level?rise. Peter is working to provide engineers with?additional?information and working closely with the City of Portsmouth, and other stakeholders. Peter will identify and provide impact statements on sites of significance to the Black Heritage Trail of New Hampshire located in the 13 coastal resilience towns on the seacoast and bordering Great Bay.?

Peter headshot

Rafidah Rahman
Tufts University, M.S. Sustainability ‘22
North South University, B.S. Environmental Science ‘17

Town of Durham, NH: Community Climate Action Planning and Outreach
Rafidah is working to help complete and publish?Durham’s Climate Action Plan (CAP), with special focus on “energy accessibility” (i.e., energy equity and justice) and launch the CAP with?strategic community engagement?efforts that promote buy-in and participation from Durham residents and businesses. Rafidah?will be supporting climate action?collaboration and coordination?with key community partners and work?on in-depth planning and implementation of?GHG reduction projects.

Rafida headshot

Samantha Simpson
University of New Hampshire, B.S. Environmental Conservation and Sustainability ‘24

Community Development Finance Authority/Department of Business and Economic Affairs: Digital Mapping – Economic Revitalization Zones/Downtowns
Samantha is working to digitize maps of State/BEA-designated “Economic Recovery Zones” in 76 towns (233 zones), update contact information for community-level economic development entities and identify and digitize existing municipal downtowns/main streets/village centers.??

Samantha headshot

Shadia Garrison
Tufts University, M.S. Environmental Policy and Planning ‘23G
NC State University, B.S. Industrial Engineering / B.A. International Studies ‘18

Data for Progress: Enacting a Progressive Vision for Direct Air Capture in the U.S.
Shadia is working directly with communities that Data for Progress identifies as potential hosts for a Direct Air Capture hub (an emerging technology that removes carbon dioxide from ambient air for storage in long-lived products or in geologic formations) to tease out levels of interest, community pre-conditions for development, opportunities for co-benefits, and red lines. Shadia will be jointly organizing and conducting workshops and/or interviews with community leaders, workers, and issue advocates.?

Shadia headshot

Venkat sasank Chavalam
University of New Hampshire, MA Information Technologies ‘23G
Vellore Institute of Technology, B.S. Information Technologies ‘20

African Alliance of Rhode Island: Opening a New Farmer’s Market at Bami Farm
Sasank is working to develop key relationships and logistics needed to plan, implement and sustain the new pop-up farmer’s market at Bami Farm and corresponding online CSA, with guidance from the African Alliance of Rhode Island team.

Venkat headshot

Victoria Wyman
University of New Hampshire, MBA ‘22G
University of New Hampshire, B.S. Business Administration ‘21

Bristol Seafood: Continual Improvement with B Corp Assessment
Victoria is working to support the documentation of Bristol Seafood’s existing B Corp supporting documents to position them for a successful B Corp certification audit. Victoria will identify additional areas where they earn points, document?implementation?steps for these actions, and make concrete recommendations on areas where they should focus their energy next?to?earn additional points.??

Victoria headshot