Past Mentors

Past Mentors, A-L

Funso Afolayan – History
Arturo Andrade - Biological Sciences
Semra Aytur - Health Management & Policy
Brigette Bailey – English
Thomas Ballestero - Civil & Environmental Engineering
Mary Banach – Social Work
Victoria Banyard – Psychology
Dale Barkey – Chemical Engineering
Marc Boudreau - Chemistry
Victor Benassi – Psychology
Jean Beno?t - Civil Engineering
Per Berglund - Physics
Francis Birch – Earth Sciences
Kelly Black – Mathematics & Statistics
Dennis Bobilya – Animal & Nutritional Sciences
Linn Bogle – Plant Biology
Jeff Bolster – History
Jennifer Borda – Communications
Stephanie Bramlett – Academic AchievementPrograms/Connect
Marla Brettschneider – Political Science/Women's Studies
B. Cliff Brown - Sociology
Julie Bryce – Earth Sciences
Rachel Burdin - English/Linguistics
Rosemarie Came – Earth Sciences
Rosemary Caron - Health Management & Policy
Vernon Carter - Social Work
Stephen Ciccone - Business/Economics
Michael Chambers - School of Marine Science & Ocean Engineering
John Chaston – Spanish/Classics
Pablo Chavajay– Psychology
Monica Chiu – English
Andrew Christie – Philosophy
Lisa Clark – Microbiology
Will Clyde - Earth Science
Ellen Cohn – Psychology/Justice Studies
Teresa Cohn - Natural Resources & the Environment
John Collins – Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Karen Collins – Kinesiology
Robin Collins – Civil Engineering
Russell Congalton – Natural Resources
Andrew Conroy - Equine Science
Vaughn Cooper – Microbiology
Rick Cote – Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Ronald Croce - Kinesiology
Kevin Culligan - Moledular, Cellular & Biomedical Sciences
J. Matthew Davis – Earth Science
Margaret Love Denman – English
Willem deVries – Philosophy
Pamela DiNappoli – Nursing
Kurk Dorsey – History
Joy Downs – Counseling
Allen Drake – Electrical & Computer Engineering
Ralph Draper – Engineering Technology
Rob Drugan – Psychology
Olof Echt – Physics
Bruce Elmslie – Economics
Sherine Elsawa - Molecular, Cellular & Biomedical Sciences
Jean Elson - Sociology
Wayne Fagerberg – Plant Biology
Ihab Farag – Chemical Engineering
Janet Flavey – Education
James Farrell – Communications
Michael Ferber – English
Liza Finkel – Education
Lester Fisher – English
Les Fitzpatrick - Anthropology
Scott Fletcher – Education
Jeffrey Foster - Moledular, Cellular & Biomedical Sciences
Thomas Foxall – Animal & Nutritional Sciences
Michael Fraas – Communication Sciences & Disorders
David Frankfurter – Religious Studies/History
Diane Freedman – English
Jeffrey Frenkiewich - Education
Cathy Frierson – History
Timothy Fukawa-Connelly - Mathematics & Statistics
Majid Ghayoomi – Civil Engineering
Brett Gibson - Psychology
John Gibson - Mathematics
Jillian Goldfarb – Chemical Engineering
Karen Graham – Mathematics
David Gress – Civil Engineering
Todd Gross - Mechanical Engineering
Thomas Gruen - Marketing
Robin Hackett – English
Iago Hale - Agriculture, Nutrition & Food Systems
John Halstead – Resource Economics & Development
Lawrence Hamilton – Sociology
Bill Harris – History
Stephanie Harzewski – English
Robert Haskins – Music
Philip Hatcher – Computer Science
Richard Haynes – UNH Admissions
Kevin Healey - Communication
Antonio Henley– McNair Scholars Program
Robert Henry – Civil Engineering
Marc Herold – Economics
Marc Hiller – Health Management & Policy
Shawna Hollen - Physics
Daniel Howard - Biological Sciences
Philip Isenberg – Space Science Center
R. Michael Jackson – Communications
Sally Jacoby – Communications
Kyung Jae Jeong, Chemical Engineering
Robert Jerard – Mechanical Engineering
Stephen Jones – Natural Resources
Mardi Kidwell – Communications
Deborah Kinghorn - Theatre & Dance
Nancy Kinner – Environmental Engineering
John Kirkpatric - JusticeWorks
Lynn Kistler – Space Science Center
Anita Klien – Biochemistry
Marko Knezevic - Mechanical Engineering
Thomas Kocher – Zoology
Adrienne Kovach - Natural Resources & the Environment
Gordon Kraft – Electrical & Computer Engineering
James Krasner – English
John LaCourse – Electrical & Computer Engineering
Dain LaRoche - Kinesiology
Thomas Laue - Molecular, Cellular, & Biomedical Sciences
Andrew Luadano – Biochemistry
Ronald LeBlanc – Russian
Michelle Leichtman - Psychology
Edward Lemay – Psychology
Gonghu Li, Chemical Engineering
Rochelle Lieber – English
John Limber – Psychology
Carl Lindblade – Hospitality & Management
Ernst Linder – Mathematics & Statistics
John Litvaitis – Natural Resources
Joe Lugalla – Anthropology
Mark Lyon – Mathematics
Alynna Lyon – Political Science

Past Mentors, M-Z

Lisa MacFarlane – English
Zachery Magdol – Civil Engineering
Robert Mair – Psychology
James Malley – Environmental Engineering
Mary Malone – Political Science
Aaron Margolin – Microbiology
VK Mathur – Chemical Engineering
Mary Beth Mattingly – UNH Carsey Institute
John Mayer – Psychology
Howard Mayne – Chemistry
Francis McCann – History
Mark McConnell – EOS/Physics
William McDowell – Natural Resources
Robert McGrath – Health Management & Policy
John McHugh - Mechanical Engineering
Gregory Mahon – History
Courtney Marshall – English & Women's Studies
Carolyn Mebert – Psychology
Ricardo Medina – Civil Engineering
Richard Messner – Electrical & Computer Engineering
Amy Michael - Anthropology
Mike Middleton – Education
Glen Miller – Chemistry
Subhash Minocha – Plant Biology
Catherine Moran - Sociology
Doug Morris – Resources Economics & Development
Shelly Mulligan, Occupational Therapy
Naomi Nagy – English
Tom Newkirk – English
Tarkington Newman - Social Work
Alyssa O'Brien - Nursing
Edward O'Brien – Psychology
Justus Ogembo – Education/Anthropology
Joe Onosko – Education
Andrew Ouimette – Environmental Conservation
Alison Paglia – Psychology
Samuel Paul – Psychology
Svetlana Peshkova - Anthropology
Peter Perkins – Natural Resources & The Environment
David Pillemer - Psychology
Thomas Pistole – Microbiology
David Plachetzki - Molecular, Cellular & Biomedical Sciences
Karsten Pohl - Materials Science
Natalie Porter – Anthropology
Chanda Prescod-Weinstein - Physics
Charles Putnam – UNH Justice Works
Timothy Quinn – Kinesiology
L. Chris Reardon – Political Science
Cesar Rebellon – Sociology
Sandra Rehan – Biological Sciences
David Richman - Theatre & Dance
Robert Robertson – Resource Economics & Development
Frank Rodgers – Microbiology
Julia Rodrigues – History
Bill Ross – Library
Robert Ross - Psychology
Andrezey Rucinski – Electrical & Computer Engineering
Wheeler Ruml – Computer Science
James Ryan – Space Science Center
Paula Salvio – Education??
Dante Scala - Political Science
Tom Schram – Education
Charles Schwab – Animal & Nutritional Sciences
Mark Schwarz – History
Michelle Scott – Biological Sciences
John Seavey – Health Management & Policy
Daniel Sedory – Kinesiology
Lee Seidel – Teaching Excellence
Judy Sharkey – Education
Realene Shippee-Rice – Nursing
Susan Siggelakis – Political Science
Harvard Sitkoff – History
Kondagunta Sivaprasad – Electrical & Computer Engineering
Andrew Smith - Survey Center
Laura Smith - English
Wayne Smith - Electrical & Computer Engineering
Edward Song - Bioengineering
Stacia Sower – Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
John Sparrow – Psychology
Robert Stibeer – Music
Sarah Stitzlein – Education
Murray Straus – Family Research Laboratory/Sociology
Michael Swack – UNH Carsey Institute
Robert Talbot – Climate Change Center
Matt Tarr - Forestry & Wildlife
Robert Taylor – Animal & Nutritional Sciences
May-Win Thein - Mechanical Engineering
W. Kelley Thomas – Hubbard Genomic Center
Lou Tisa – Microbiology
Steve Torosian – Microbiology
David Townson – Molecular, Cellular, and Biomedical Sciences
Stephen Trzaskoma - Languages, Literatures & Cultures
Rachel Trubowitz – English
Paul Tsang – Animal & Nutritional Sciences
Harish Vashisth, Chemical Engineering
PT Vasudevan – Chemical Engineering
Stacy Van Deveer – Political Science
Karen Van Gundy – Sociology
Charles Vorosmarty – EOS/Earth Sciences
Charles Walker – Zoology
Rebecca Warner – Psychology
David Watt – Mechanical Engineering
David Waters – English
Dwight Webb – Education
Thomas Weber - Mechanical Engineering
Cheryl Whistler – Molecular, Cellular, and Biomedical Sciences
Barbara White – Occupational Therapy
Christopher White – Mechanical Engineering
Deborah Winslow – Sociology/Anthropology
Wilfred Wollheim - Complex Systems Resource Center
William Woodward - Psychology
Cliff Wirth – Political Science
Charlotte Witt - Philosophy
Bill Woodward – Psychology
Nan Yi - Chemical Engineering
Jiadong Zang - Physics
Richard Zang – Mathematics
Sharyn Zunz - Social Work
