Welcome to the UNH Incident Report Form (IRF). This form replaces the Ethics Point Incident Report form.
These reporting forms are not 911 or Emergency Services. If you believe you have an immediate safety concern, contact local law enforcement or 911.?
The Sexual Misconduct form should be used to report all forms of sex-based discrimination that includes Sexual Harassment, Non-Consensual Sexual Penetration, Non-Consensual Sexual Contact, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking.?
The Bias/Discrimination form should be used to report bias, discrimination or harassment based on age, race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, genetic information, veteran status, or protective hairstyles.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the current reporting systems/tools that are being replaced by the Incident Report Form (IRF)?
The IRF will be taking the place of all previous electronic reporting methods including Ethics Point and ReportIt! This new technology will provide a more user-friendly reporting platform and more secure means of collecting, storing, and sharing information. ?In addition, the IRF will allow for a streamlined, expedited and accurate response to reports.
What incidents can be reported using the IRF??
The two forms are used for the reporting of incidents of (1) discrimination and discriminatory harassment, (2) bias and/or hate crime, (3) retaliation, and (4) sexual harassment and/or violence that involves any member of the UNH community.
Who can submit a report? ??
Anyone can make a report regarding an incident that involves the UNH community, regardless of their affiliation with UNH.
I am a Mandatory Reporter, can I use the IRF to report incidents?
Yes. The IRF should be used to report all matters of sexual harassment and violence you know, or suspect, may have impacted a member of the community. Mandatory reporters may NOT submit anonymously. More information on mandatory reporters can be found here.
Can I submit a report on a mobile device? ?
Yes. The IRF is compatible with all desktop and mobile devices.?
Can I still file a report if I do not have access to the Internet? ?
Yes. ?If you are unable to access the IRF you have the option to call the Civil Rights & Equity Office (CREO) directly at 603-862-2930 (or Relay NH line at 7-1-1) to report your concerns. ?You can still report anonymously via telephone call. ?You will just need to give the Civil Rights & Equity Office the information regarding the incident.?
If I observe a concerning incident but am unsure if it rises to the level of a policy violation, should I report??
When in doubt, submit a report. The Civil Rights and Equity Office welcomes any information about incidents of concern so our team can determine the best response. ?Even information about events that may not rise to the level of policy violations can still provide valuable insight into climate issues around our campus that can be addressed on a broader scale or be kept on file for cross-referencing future reports.
If I was told something happened but did not observe it personally, can I still complete a report??
Yes. ?A report can be submitted by anyone with information, regardless of whether you witnessed the event personally or were not personally impacted by the event. ?Reports from bystanders are key in the effort to keep our community safe.
Where do these reports go??
The Civil Rights & Equity Office?is responsible for receiving and coordinating the response to all reports submitted through these forms.? The Civil Rights and Equity Office will initially evaluate the nature of the report.? Information will only be shared on a strictly need-to-know basis with employees in other departments as deemed necessary to appropriately respond to the concerns.
What information will be shared with the impacted party identified in the report?
The Civil Rights and Equity Office will use the information provided in the IRF to reach out to the impacted party, inform them of resources for support at the university, explain the applicable university process for addressing the reported concern, and discuss their wishes regarding resolving the matter.
What information will be shared with the accused party identified in the report?
Instances in which information is shared with the accused party is fact-dependent and may differ based upon the nature of the incident reported and the expressed wishes of the impacted party. ?The university’s goal is to provide the impacted party with support and options to address the matter while balancing the university’s obligation to protect the safety of the community and comply with state and federal law. ?It is important to understand that the report will be sent directly to The Civil Rights and Equity Office and possibly result in the university taking additional action to address the reported concern, which may include sharing information with the accused party. ?However, information from the report will not be shared with any person(s) disclosed within the report without taking reasonable steps to notify the reporting party in advance.
I am a student who wants to file a Title IX sexual harassment and/or sexual violence “Formal Complaint.” ?Can I use the IRF to do so? ?
Submitting a report through the IRF does not automatically constitute filing a Formal Complaint under Title IX. ?Impacted parties completing this form (or identified in the IRF) will be contacted by the Civil Rights and Equity Office who will provide additional information related to their rights and options for making a Formal Complaint. ?Students seeking to file a Formal Complaint are encouraged to reach out to the Title IX Coordinator to fully discuss their options. ?Students who are not ready to contact the Title IX Coordinator are encouraged to seek assistance from?privileged confidential support providers?to discuss their options.
Can I submit other evidence along with the narrative of my report? ?
Yes. The Civil Rights and Equity Office welcomes the submission of any documents, notes, pictures, text messages, videos and any other evidence along with the report. ?The form allows you to upload files along with your report. ?
Some of the information on the IRF is designated as “required”, but I do not know the information or do not wish to provide it at this time, can I still submit a report??
Yes. ?Fields that are marked as “required” can be filled with any response including “I don’t know” or “N/A” for fields which you cannot, or do not want to, provide information.? The Civil Rights & Equity Office team encourages you to include as much information as possible as this allows for a more complete response. ?For Mandatory Reporters, all required fields must be completed if you have knowledge of the applicable information.
I am reporting a series of events that took place on different dates, what should I fill in for the “date of incident” section? ?
When reporting about incidents occurring on different dates, you can list them in the “incident description” section which will allow for you to clearly identify the date of each incident.?
My incident involves more than one impacted party, accused party, or witness, can I add more than one? ?
Yes. ?The “Impacted Person(s),” “Accused Person(s)” and “Witness(es) Information” sections all allow for additional entries.
What details should be included in the “Incident Description” section??
Any information that you are aware of concerning the incident(s) is helpful. ?While other sections will allow you to identify parties, location, date, time, etc. this section is an open text box which allows you to go into significant detail about any information you may have about what occurred. ?This will help provide clarity to your answers in the other sections and to increase the Civil Rights and Equity Office team’s ability to respond as effectively as possible.?
What can I expect as a response to my report??
Once your report has been received it will be reviewed by the Civil Rights & Equity Office. ?If you provide information for the impacted individual, a member of the team will reach out to them directly by their UNH email. If using their UNH email address will present a safety concern, please specify that in your report along with a safe method of communication (if you are aware).