
Photo of the Outside of the MUB


The Memorial Union Board of Governors (MUBOG) is governed by a series of documents that set out how MUBOG and its subsidiary bodies carry out the mission of the body as a whole. The autonomy of the MUBOG and its right to self-governance?is set out by the?Student Rights, Rules, and Responsibilities?and University precedent.

MUBOG Standard Operating Procedures

The MUBOG Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are the primary means by which MUBOG governs itself. This document includes sections on its structure, internal rules, the oversight of student organizations, the approval of the Memorial Union Building mandatory fee, and how MUBOG goes about serving its purpose:?

MUBOG Onedrive

Access MUBOG's Microsoft Onedrive, where you can find files pertaining to MUBOG business and meeting notes