Give SHARPP Feedback

The SHARPP Center welcomes feedback from everyone in our UNH community. If you have thoughts on services we could offer, things you'd like to see us do, or if you had a great or difficult experience at one of our programs or events, please let us know!

Please use the form below to leave your feedback. It will be emailed only to the Assistant Director of Advocacy,?Julia Lihzis, and then shared if appropriate. If you'd like us to follow up with you, please leave your contact information; otherwise, you can leave feedback anonymously.

The SHARPP Center Grievance Procedure

If you have accessed our confidential services and would like to give us anonymous feedback about your experience - what went well or what we can improve upon, please submit?this?survey.? In addition, if you have concerns about your experience working with an advocate you may:

  • Discuss your concerns with the advocate or staff member you have been working with.
  • If you are dissatisfied with the response or would prefer not to speak with the advocate directly, you may speak with SHARPP’s Assistant Director of Advocacy, Julia Lihzis.
  • If you are dissatisfied with the response or prefer not to speak with Julia, you may request a meeting with SHARPP's Director.
  • If you are uncomfortable approaching the Director, or you are not satisfied with the outcome of this conversation, you may speak with the Dean of Students, Mike Blackman. He can assist you with preparing a written complaint to be sent to the Director of The SHARPP Center.
  • If the nature of the complaint is illegal behavior, you have the right to file a police report or take civil action.


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