Contact Us

There are several ways to contact our office for help and information. You do not need to be in crisis to call SHARPP. We're available whether you're looking to discuss your current relationship, unsure how to support a friend, or just want to talk about a recent or past experience. We are here to listen and provide you support, in whatever way we can.

If you or a friend is in imminent danger of being hurt, please call 911.

Welcome to SHARPP!

24 hours, 7 days a week Support Helpline

  • 24/7 Support: (603) 862-7233
  • 24/7 Toll-Free Support: (888) 271-7233
  • TTY (confidential): (800)735-2964 (available to the UNH Community)

Location and Hours

SHARPP?is located at the University of New Hampshire in Wolff House, next to Health & Wellness.

Wolff House ? 2 Pettee Brook Lane ? Durham, NH 03824?
Metered parking is available on Main Street & behind Wolff House.
?map of UNH

Drop-in/Office hours: Monday – Friday | 9:00 am – 4:00?pm
During drop-in hours, staff members and trained advocates are available to meet in-person with anyone in the University community.?No appointment needed. Our office is closed during University holidays and curtailed operations.

Text or chat with SHARPP

Monday-Friday | 11am-3pm

Our web chat and text helplines are available to provide confidential one-on-one crisis support.?Through these features, you can speak with a trained staff member who can provide you with emotional support, validation, information and referrals, as well as?a safe place to talk about what you have experienced.?
Learn more

Leave Us Some Feedback!

SHARPP welcomes?feedback?from everyone in our UNH community. If you have thoughts on services SHARPP could offer, things you'd like to see us do, if you had a great experience working with our staff or volunteers, or something you'd like us to know, we'd love to hear it! Feedback can be left anonymously.