January Teaching Workshops

CEITL offers one-day workshops in January on teaching and learning.

Thank you for your interest and registration in the 2024 January Workshop series.?

?Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, all professional success events from Engagement and Faculty Development and the Center for Excellence and Innovation in Teaching and Learning?this Winter Break have been postponed.

We look forward to your participation at future professional success events.

2024 January Workshops

  • This?January, all sessions will again be conducted via?Zoom.?Those registered?will receive a Zoom invite?one day?prior to the scheduled session.

  • CEITL Participation: 1 point to all who attend and are enrolled in the?CEITL Participation Certificate Program

?2024 January Workshop RSVP

Date/Time Tuesday, January 9, 2024 from 9:30am-11:30am
Workshop Title Design Your Slides with Cognitively Supported Multimedia Principles

Designing multimedia presentations that are consistent with the cognitive principles of multimedia learning has been empirically demonstrated to?promote student learning, retention, and transfer of to-be-learned multimedia-presented material (e.g.,?PowerPoint,?Keynote). In this presentation, Catherine will first describe 12 multimedia principles that can be used in designing any course presentation of to-be-learned material. Next, she will show examples of how effective multimedia principles can be easily applied as you design any face-to-face or online multimedia presentation of to-be-learned material.?

Participants will then view a series of slides prior to the application of multimedia principles and be invited to examine each of them and describe how they might be modified according to the principles of multimedia learning.

Presenter(s) Catherine Overson, Director, CEITL


Date/Time Thursday, January 11, 2024 from?9:30am-11:30am
Workshop Title Collaborative Learning -?Part 1

In this session, participants will explore collaborative, active learning techniques that they can quickly employ in their face-to-face classrooms and online courses. Participants will explore some research-based evidence for the learning effectiveness of these activities, then delve into strategies and tools for fostering collaboration and leveraging technology and interactive activities to enhance student learning.

For this session we'll explore triple-jump, journaling and blogging, group grid, and role-playing activities, and gain insight to tools that will help facilitate those activities. Participants will engage in some of these activities and will come away with resources for all tools to help them plan their own implementations.

Presenter(s) Fran Keefe, Learning Architect, CEITL;?Mike McIntire, Learning Architect, CEITL;?Scott Kimball, Learning Architect, CEITL


Date/Time Tuesday, January 16, 2024?from?9:30am-11:30am
Workshop Title Facilitating Collaborative Learning Activities in Your Course - Part 2

‘Collaborative Learning’ is term identifying a variety of intentional learning activities that involve at least 2 learners engaged in group work. Collaborative exercises, when incorporated into course design, are conceived to facilitate students’ progress toward achieving learning outcomes.?

We will review techniques for implementing various components of collaborative learning and explore a variety of collaborative learning exercises that can be used across disciplines for face-to-face, online, and large enrollment courses.?Participants will engage throughout the workshop in a variety of collaborative learning activities.

Presenter(s) Catherine Overson, Director, CEITL;?Lauren Kordonowy, Science of Learning Program Coordinator, CEITL
Date/Time Tuesday, January 16, 2024 from 1:00pm-3:00pm
Workshop Title UDL – What it is and Why it Can Help

Join us for an exploration of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in education. This session not only introduces the core principles of UDL but also traces its origins and outlines its broader impact on the educational landscape. Discover the transformative potential of UDL, gaining insights into why it is a key component for fostering inclusivity and effectiveness in education. This concise presentation offers a comprehensive overview, highlighting the significance of UDL within the broader educational context.

Presenter(s) Scott Lapinski, Ph.D., M.Ed. (he/him/his),? Director of Student Accessibility Services (SAS), Brianna Hayward, Ed.D, M.S. (She/her), Facilitator UNH-4U, Institute on Disability (IOD)


Date/Time Wednesday, January 17, 2024 from?9:30am-11:30am
Workshop Title Assess Student Mastery of Course Material Through Alternative Options for the Traditional Exam

In this session, presenters will invite you to consider alternative formats to the traditional major exam in an effort to enable students to demonstrate their mastery of course material in a variety of contexts. When learning goals for your course go beyond mastery of fundamental content to include verbal and/or visual communication, effective and efficient teamwork, collaborative problem-solving, and more, assessment formats should reflect those goals as well. In this session, we will discuss possible alternative options to traditional, written exams such as: oral assessments, group exams, and even periodic quizzing.

Presenter(s) Jennifer Calawa, Research Associate, CEITL;?Lauren Kordonowy, Science of Learning Project Coordinator, CEITL

?2024 January Workshop RSVP

Past Events






Tues: 1/10/23

Concept Map Activities for your course

Concept maps activities can be used by individuals or groups of students for a wide variety of course content. Your learning goals for concept map activities dictate how you use them in your course. We will discuss different ways to use concept map activities, software options, and how to instruct students to build concept maps.

Lauren Kordonowy, Science of Learning Project Coordinator, CEITL


Wed: 1/11/23

Blinded by Choice: How to Choose Technology Based on Pedagogical Need

With technology’s big claims of improving student engagement, it's easy to be lured by the shiny new tech in teaching... Session participants will learn about aligning assignments and their supporting technologies with desired course outcomes. We'll discuss a few models that will allow you to better decide if and how to implement these new tools, and you'll better know the team here ready to support you along the way.

Mike McIntire, Learning Architect, Learning Development and Innovation, CEITL

Thurs: 1/12/23

Group Work: Making it Work for Your Learning Goals Through Team- and Problem-Based Learning

Team- and Problem-based learning (TBL/PBL) are learner-centered, instructor-led collaborative learning strategies designed to facilitate student engagement in course content on an applied level. With TBL/PBL, students achieve course objectives through motivating attendance and participation and by promoting critical thinking, all while learning how to effectively function in teams through problem solving. After first detailing the primary elements of and past research on TBL/PBL, I will describe TBL projects completed by UNH faculty, with observed student perceptions of TBL and learning outcomes.

Catherine Overson, Director, CEITL

Tues: 1/17/22

Facilitating Collaborative Learning in a Face-to-Face and/or Remote Course

‘Collaborative Learning’ is term identifying a variety of intentional learning activities that involve at least 2 learners engaged in group work. Collaborative exercises, when incorporated into course design, are conceived to facilitate students’ progress toward achieving learning outcomes.? We will review techniques for implementing various components of collaborative learning, including the use of technology, and explore a variety of collaborative learning techniques that can be used across disciplines for face-to-face, online, and large enrollment courses.?

Catherine Overson, Director, CEITL

Lauren Kordonowy, Science of Learning Program Coordinator, CEITL

Wed: 1/18/23

Designing Inclusive and Accessible Writing Prompts

A collection of panelists from different perspectives offer guidance and suggestions on how to effectively create writing assignments that speak to any student with any learning background or (dis)abilities. This workshop will also offer faculty an opportunity to discuss and/or work on their own assignment prompts during the session. Faculty are encouraged to have their writing prompts accessible during the session for reference.

Meaghan Dittrich, Director of University Writing Programs

Katherine Lockwood, CL Asst Prof MCSBS/NUTR

Scott Lapinsky, Director of SAS?

Allyson Ryder, Assist Director of OCED

Ashley Barry, Nicole Frisbey, and Caroline Hall, Assistant Directors of the UWP?

We invite you to join us for one or more of the?January 2022 Workshops on College Teaching.??

All sessions:

  • Place: conducted by Zoom
  • Time: 9am – 11am ?(Tuesday, Jan 18 has an additional afternoon session?2pm - 4pm)
  • 1?CEITL Participation Certificate?Point for each event

Below is the schedule:





Tues: 1/11/22

Working With CEITL on Course Research Projects to Promote Student Learning

Discover how you can work with CEITL staff to promote and assess student learning in courses you teach. Arrive with a teaching and learning research question and/or course issue you would like addressed. During this session, we will present on the following:
  • Working with CEITL on a course project to promote learning
  • Case studies: Two examples of semester-long projects
  • Explore examples of possible course-related?research topics

Catherine Overson, Director, CEITL

Lauren Kordonowy, Science of Learning Program Coordinator, CEITL

Lou Ann Griswold, Associate Professor & Chair, Occupational Therapy

Karen Collins, Associate Professor, Kinesiology

Wed: 1/12/22

Setting Students up for Citation Success in the Era of Plagiarism Detection Software

Ease of access to online source material has led to a vibrant expansion in the range and types of sources utilized in student research projects. But has it also led to an atmosphere of plagiarism paranoia? In the twenty-two years since the launch of Turnitin, the use of software as a tool for detecting plagiarism has risen and fallen in popularity. But how has software and the threats it purports to detect influenced campus discussions surrounding citation and intellectual property?
  • During this workshop, we will discuss student and faculty experiences using software like Turnitin or Grammarly, low-stakes assignments to increase student knowledge of citation and intellectual property, and resources for supporting fair-use practices in the classroom and in scholarship.

Dr. Meaghan Dittrich,?Director of University Writing Programs

Dr. Kathrine Aydelott,?Associate Professor, Arts & Humanities Librarian

Dr. Cristy Beemer,?Associate Professor of English and Director of Composition

Alicia Clark-Barnes,?Associate Director of University Writing Programs

Nicole Cunningham-Frisbey,?Associate Director of University Writing Programs

Thurs: 1/13/22

Innovation Lab: Using Canvas Course Analytics to inform Course Design

Using analytic data, you can examine the relationship between student engagement and learning outcomes. You and your students can use this information to understand the learning process better and improve learning outcomes.

New Analytics is a Canvas tool that collects and analyzes student usage patterns, such as log-in information, participation in course activities, and grades. One of the most common usages of New Analytics is to identify students who are not doing well academically so you can take targeted interventions. Using New Analytics to track data like this can be very helpful in large classes.?

In this session, we will first introduce the New Analytics tool and then share some case scenarios to illustrate how to use New Analytics data to help with course design.?

Xuan Cai, Learning Architect, CEITL

Michael McIntire, Learning Architect, CEITL

Tues AM: 1/18/22

Facilitating Collaborative Learning in a Face-to-Face and/or Remote Course

‘Collaborative Learning’ is term identifying a variety of intentional learning activities that involve at least 2 learners engaged in group work. Collaborative exercises, when incorporated into course design, are conceived to facilitate students’ progress toward achieving learning outcomes.? We will review techniques for implementing various components of collaborative learning, including the use of technology, and explore a variety of collaborative learning techniques that can be used across disciplines for face-to-face, online, and large enrollment courses.?

Catherine Overson, Director, CEITL

Lauren Kordonowy, Science of Learning Program Coordinator, CEITL

Xuan Cai, Learning Architect, CEITL

Tues 2PM: 1/18/22

Building Racial Equity Into Your Curriculum

Are you interested in incorporating issues of DEI and racial equity into your course?

This session will share guidance, best practices and specific resources, including the UNH 21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge (April 4-21, 2022)?which provides an excellent opportunity to allow students to explore and consider issues of racial equity in the context of your course. The Challenge is an engagement tool that includes a set of resources and prompts focused on deepening understanding of, and a willingness to confront racial inequities and racism. It provides a framework to go beyond individual or interpersonal racism by also addressing the impacts of structural and institutional racism. Session will include voices of UNH faculty from a range of disciplines who have integrated the Challenge into their courses in prior years. Topics include how to:

  • help students understand that racial equity and DEI are foundational aspects of a sustainable world
  • create dedicated time and space to build skill and will to address racial inequities
  • help students explore their own bias and gain a deeper understanding of how that influences thoughts, behaviors and practices
  • provide a pathway for embracing the intersectionality of our academic disciplines of curriculum and careers with our humanity in a more just and equitable way.

?Karen Spiller, Thomas W. Haas Professor of Sustainable Food Systems, UNH Sustainability Institute

Wed: 1/19/22

Navigating Difficult Classroom 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网s

As a public institution, we have?both?an obligation to honor freedom of speech and allow for healthy and respectful learning environments.? As our curriculums work to include more topics around diversity, equity and inclusion, triggers can occur which interrupt the lessons and derail important conversations.? Join us as we discuss the tools for addressing disruptive behaviors in the classroom and how to ensure you are working to foster a culture of belonging and learning for all.??

Nadine Petty, Ph.D., Associate Vice President of Community Equity and Diversity and Chief Diversity Officer ?

Allyson Ryder, MPPM, Assistant Director of Community Equity and Diversity, and Adjunct Faculty, Granite State College

Thurs: 1/20/22

Universal Design for Learning – Designing for All Learners

Every learner is complex and unique, and has a unique way of learning. There is no “average,” and designing for average excludes learners with varied abilities and backgrounds. Universal Design for Learning is an inclusive approach to curriculum that minimizes barriers and maximizes learning for?all?students. In this interactive workshop, we will explore the principles and guidelines of the Universal Design for Learning Framework, and give participants the opportunity to connect guidelines to their teaching practice.

Scott Lapinski, Ph.D., M.Ed., Director of Student Accessibility Services

Scott Kimball, Manager: Learning Development and Innovation, CEITL

Monday, January 4: The Student Cognition Toolbox:?Promote Student Success by Empowering Them to Become Self-Regulated Learners in Any Course Delivery Platform

College students tend to use study strategies that are ineffective relative to strategies supported by research found to promote learning. In our own work, we found that most students report using less-effective strategies such as rereading and highlighting. Moreover, it is the relatively less-skilled, low background knowledge students who are especially prone to using these comparatively ineffective strategies. We found that students instructed to use deep processing strategies tend to perform better on exams compared to students who do not use the deeper strategies.In response, we have developed a set of open, online course materials, located with the?Student Cognition Toolbox?(SCT) that instruct students about effective study strategies. The SCT is situated within an internationally known online instructional platform. Distinctive features of the SCT include practice components that facilitate students’ mastery of each study strategy, and self-regulative components in which students identify and document learning strategies relative to course-related learning goals. The fourth edition of the SCT, based on performance measures and feedback from over 4,500 UNH students, was released this fall and is available on the worldwide web as an open educational resource. The SCT includes modules on retrieval practice, self-explanation, elaborative interrogation, worked examples, spacing, and interleaving.

Learn how you can help your students succeed by providing them with the tools that have been empirically demonstrated to promote learning.??

Presenters: SCT Team at CEITL: Catherine Overson; Victor Benassi

Moderators: SCT Team Colleagues:?Lauren Kordonowy; Jennifer Calawa

Tuesday, January 5: Interactive Activities to Promote Study Strategies:?Companion Activities for the Student Cognition Toolbox

This workshop will provide instructors with student activities which can be completed during or outside of class that are designed to promote study strategies to improve student learning.??These activities will allow your students to apply the study strategies included in the Student Cognition Toolbox directly to learning your course material.??Each of these activities can be tailored to either face to face or remote instruction and delivered synchronously or asynchronously. This workshop will provide you with several companion activities for the study strategies in the Student Cognition Toolbox that you can readily implement in your course.???

Presenters: Lauren Kordonowy, Science of Learning Project Coordinator, CEITL; Jennifer Calawa, Graduate Assistant and Research Associate, Student Cognition Toolbox, CEITL

Wednesday, January 6: Revisiting Strategies for Cultivating Connection in Large-Enrollment (Online) Courses: What worked? What wasn't successful?

In our January workshop, presenters and participants will share their experiences with new strategies or practices they have integrated into their online courses this year, and we’ll get a head start in course planning for Spring 2021. Presenters will share the end-results and student feedback from Fall semester’s cross-disciplinary, collaborative project—Anthroperspectives.? They will reflect on the results of the Fall-semester pilot project to explore best practices for sustaining meaningful connection and community in the (online, hybrid, and in-person) classroom, and they will discuss plans to scale up the smaller pilot project from Fall 2020 for use in their large-enrollment courses this spring. Participants will also be invited to share lessons and challenges from Fall 2020 and workshop plans for Spring 2021.? ??

Presenters: Sara Withers, Senior Lecturer, Anthropology; Jennifer Purrenhage, Senior Lecturer, Natural Resources and the Environment

Tuesday, January 12: The WI Guidelines and Your Course: Assigning Writing vs Teaching With Writing

In this workshop, we will re-envision the "content vs writing" approach to course design. The writing program director will cover the WI Guidelines, the concepts and goals behind them, and illustrate how they provide an integrative framework for incorporating writing in any course (WI included). A cross-disciplinary faculty panel will then share their approaches and practices for incorporating writing in their courses and also discuss what adjustments or impacts (if any) teaching under COVID 19 conditions had on writing in their courses. After presentations, there will be time for Q&A.

Presenter: Ed Mueller, Director, UNH Writing Program??????????????????????????????????????????

Faculty Panel: Elizabeth Caldwell, Lecturer, Psychology; Leslie Curren, Senior Lecturer, Biological Sciences; Vanessa Grunkemeyer, Clinical Assistant Professor, Animal Sciences; Stephanie Harzewski, Senior Lecturer, English (Women's Studies)

Wednesday, January 13: Reduce Mind Wandering and Increase Student Engagement in Your Course with Empirically Demonstrated Strategies for Any Course Platform that Promote Learning

Mind wandering – a shift away from task at hand (such as attending to a lecture, video, or when reading) toward internally generated thoughts or feelings – can have a deleterious effect on students’ learning and academic performance.? Capturing and sustaining the attention of students in a remote-learning course may be a particular challenge. This workshop will offer seven cognitively supported strategies that you can incorporate into your course that can help keep students on task?and promote learning.?

Presenter: Catherine Overson, Associate and Current Interim Director, CEITL

Thursday, January 14: Time Zones, Online Lectures & Social Isolation: International Students at UNH and the Virtual Learning 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网

Hear from and interact with a panel of international students taking UNH courses from within the US or their home countries during the pandemic.? In this session, students will discuss the challenges that arise from studying in a distant time zone, navigating a virtual or socially-distanced classroom as a multilingual student, and experiencing cultural differences related to the pandemic. Following the student panel discussion and Q&A, faculty and staff participants will have time to explore problems and solutions in a separate discussion.?

Co-facilitators: Gigi Green, Academic Transition & Integration Advisor, Office of International Students & Scholars; Juan Rojo, Clinical Assistant Professor in Molecular, Cellular and Biomedical Sciences, College of Life Sciences and Agriculture

Tuesday, January 19: Engaging Online Students with Active Learning

Student-centered active learning produces significantly greater learning outcomes and student success than teacher-centered pedagogy. How can we engage students with active learning online? In this session, participants will take an active role in the presentation through the use different types of polling, and engage in active learning exercises while learning about active learning and the implementation of active learning sessions in synchronous, online classes.

Presenters: Scott Kimball, Xuan Cai, Fran Keefe, Mike McIntire: Learning Development and Innovation, CEITL

Wednesday, January 20: Inclusion, Accessibility, and Accommodations: Putting the Pieces Together

As?an instructor, you have likely heard a lot about inclusion, accessibility, and accommodations. There are often great trainings on things like creating accessible materials and effectively teaching students with disabilities. The problem is that sometimes these concepts can seem disconnected or seem like separate initiatives. The reality is that all three are necessary and there is a great deal of overlap.?

The purpose of this presentation is to take a step back and look at the bigger picture to see how these important pieces fit together. In particular, we will talk more about the broader goal of teaching?all?learners. Within that context, we will?explore how you can?make connections to?the ways in which?inclusion, accessibility, and accommodations can help?you to?meet that important goal?as you work to help your students succeed in courses that you teach.

Presenter: Scott Lapinski, Ph.D., M.Ed., Director of Student Accessibility Services

Thursday, January 21: Tangible Strategies for Decolonizing the Classroom

Every learning environment is either a site of reproduction or a site of change. In other words, education can be liberating, or it can maintain the status quo. It can sustain colonization in neo-colonial ways or it can decolonize. Marie Battiste (2017) writes “For every educator, our responsibility is making a commitment to both unlearn and learn to unlearn racism and superiority in all its manifestations, while examining our own social constructions in our judgements and learn new ways of knowing, valuing others, accepting diversity, and making equity and inclusion foundations for all learners.” ?This highly interactive training is meant to invite reflection and dialogue on what educators can do to recognize and challenge ongoing colonial legacies in the classroom, course content, and pedagogical practices. Over the course of this training, participants will reflect on the following questions:?

  • How do we create inclusive classroom spaces??
  • What does equity look like at Primarily White Institutions (PWIs)??
  • How does one’s pedagogical philosophy either hinder or encourage marginalized students to feel like they belong??
  • ?How can we transform the curriculum, teaching, operations, and culture of an historically white university??

Learning Outcomes:?

Participants will be able to

  • create inclusive syllabi.?
  • understand the ways current educational practices sustain colonization and oppression.?
  • implement strategies for inclusion, equity, and liberation in the classroom.?

Presenters: Caché Owens-Velásquez, Ph.D., Director of the Beauregard Center for Equity, Freedom and Justice, Affiliate Faculty in Education, Social Justice Educator at UNH, and Honor’s College Faculty at UNC Charlotte; Allyson Ryder, MPPM, Director of Trainings and Programs, Office of Community, Equity and Diversity at UNH, Social Justice Educator, and Adjunct Faculty, Granite State College