STEM Workshops for Teachers at UNH

Research 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 for Teachers in Engineering

Late June - Early August, 2022, PAID.

The 2022 RETE will be held at the UNH campus in Durham, NH during the summer.??The duration will be six continuous weeks (there is scheduling flexibility for July 4 and vacations), with up to seven days of activities during the academic year.? Activities take place during a normal full time five-day per week schedule with holidays and weekends off (except where research schedule dictates). Room and board (in a single-occupancy UNH dormitory) is provided for individuals wishing to stay on campus to minimize commuting time and expenses and to take full advantage of university resources (laboratories, libraries, computer clusters, etc.).?? Commuters will receive a meal card loaded with some meals for lunch and for occasional dinners with the group. Contact Steve Hale,, for more information.

Marine Science for Teachers (Gr. 5-12)

Summer 2022, Appledore Island, $100

An amazing opportunity for New Hampshire's middle and high school science teachers! Participate in an intensive week-long marine science workshop at the Shoals Marine Laboratory on Appledore Island, Isles of Shoals, Maine.

The workshop will explore how teachers can utilize?inquiry-based marine science activities to address appropriate Next Generation Science Standards. Expect group projects, lesson plan building, and curriculum alignment exercises.?Sample workshop topics and activities include: water quality sampling, intertidal environment (abiotic and biotic factors), how to conduct a transect survey of a habitat, marine mammals, plankton, whale watch. Application and more information here.

Programs that schools/districts/regions may schedule with UNH

Engineering is Elementary Workshops for Teachers (K-6)

6-hour workshops per unit, 20 units available

Lending library kits available

Engineering is Elementary is the Boston Museum of Science’s award-winning curriculum that provides a hands-on approach to discover how engineering and the engineering design process can be brought into the classroom. Learn to solve real-life problems and how everyday items work while embedding science and engineering into your existing ELA curriculum.?This summer opportunity will provide ideas, practical?projects, and resources to help integrate exciting engineering lessons into the K-6 classroom.?

Inquiry Teaching Methods: Grounding STEM Education Programs in Science Practices (K-12)

8 classes:? 27 hours (3 hours each including one 6 hour class)

School Year support:? hours dependent upon teachers/district

Inquiry Teaching Methods welcomes teachers interested in exploring ways to support classroom teaching in integrating the Science and Engineering practices and moving towards an inquiry-based approach in which students take more responsibility for their learning.? Participants will practice shifting their existing curriculum to align with Science Practices that are within the Next Generation Science Standards. Participants will learn the fundamentals of inquiry-based instruction and how to integrate NGSS science practices including how to ask investigable questions, planning an investigation and sharing results. Teachers will conduct an inquiry investigation on their own and learn how to “shift” or change existing science activities into authentic inquiry-based activities that integrate NGSS science practices.? Teachers are asked to be “learners” throughout the course in order to really understand the implications of providing more responsibility to their learners:? engagement, curiosity, excitement, inventiveness and joy of learning.? Classroom observation, school-year coaching and support and follow up workshops are incorporated into the course. For more information, email

STEM Docent Stream Safari and Project WET/WILD Training, (Gr. K-8)

Join the UNH Cooperative Extension STEM Docents and volunteers to engage youth in their local environments. Curriculum includes indoor and outdoor activities, field work experiences, data collection and analysis involving stream ecology. Workshop includes Project WET and Wild certification, Stream Safari curriculum guide, and stream field work experience. Workshop is geared towards educators working with youth in grades K-8. More information here.

University Instrumentation Center


  • Tours – Tour the four laboratories of the UIC and get a first-hand look at some of the highest quality research instrumentation in the state

  • Instrument Demonstrations – Witness hands on demonstrations of instruments collecting data from your own provided specimens

  • Demonstrations in your Classroom – Bring the UIC into your classroom or auditorium by connecting remotely to live instrument data collection sessions using TeamViewer? software

  • Supplement Your Curriculum – Receive data collected on your provided specimens from research quality scientific instrumentation to support your current curriculum and lab practicals

  • Training – Receive hands on training of major scientific instruments for yourself or your students

Email the UIC for more information.?