Lending Library for Elementary Teachers

Students working in the STEM Discovery Lab building mousetrap cars

Did you know we have a lending library for elementary science and engineering? Contact us to check something out!

Engineering is Elementary Kits

Schools should plan to purchase the teachers’ guide (~$50) so that copyrights for student worksheets are preserved.

Each kit has enough for 30 students, and up to 3 kits available at a time with?student story books borrow (up to 15 books at a time):

Please do your best to refill the kits - ask parents and community members for donations of items (they don't have to be exactly the same). However, if you cannot summon the resources to refill the kits, just let us know what is missing so we can refill them for the next classroom.

Let your students' imagination run wild! We have a class set of MakeyMakeys to lend you and your students. Students can make their own controllers, build circuits, or create their own sensors. Pair the MakeyMakeys with Scratch, and students can code their own games, animations and stories that are controlled by the devices they create. The possibilities are endless!

Want to Borrow Robots?

We also have robots for elementary teachers and technology integrators to borrow for their schools.?

Ozobot - Bits (6)

Bits get?kids coding and loving robots with the stroke of a marker. Customize, code with colors, and advance to OzoBlockly.?OzoBlockly allows you to?program Bit’s movements, speed, and LED light. Load your code just by holding Bit up to the screen!

The following technology works best with OzoBlockly:
  • Most laptops with a modern web browser, including Chromebooks
  • iPads (except iPad Mini)
  • Android tablets

Dash and Dot Wonder Pack (2)

You will need a mobile device to program Dash and Dot. Here is a list of devices to use with them.

We are sorry, but we do not have mobile?devices for loaning.