Kristin Carpenter

Kristin Carpenter

Associate Director of Residential Life
Phone: (603) 862-2268
Office: Residential Life, Hitchcock Hall Rm 13A, Durham, NH 03824


  • Supervision of five?Hall Directors
  • Coordinator of departmental efforts toward Programming.
  • Coordinator of departmental efforts toward Residence Hall Educational Curriculums.
  • Member of Behavioral Intervention Team
  • Coordination of New Staff education
  • Coordination of Res Life's sustainability efforts
  • Coordination of family/guardian outreach
  • Coordination of developmental individual student contact efforts

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Our jobs are not rocket science, brain surgery or molecular genetics; theoretically, our work is easy. You'd think that people being people with people is as simple as a walk on the beach. Student success hinges on their ability to be interconnected individuals. Yet, roommate conflicts, fear of talking to professors, residence hall respect issues and lack of meaningful engagement with peers hinders a full-bodied college experience. Our work, therefore, is difficult in its simplicity.

Students don't learn by sitting on their futon. 80% of learning in college comes from direct experience. We should provide a wealth of opportunities that allow students to DO and REFLECT. Linking classes to internships, lab work, study groups and summer jobs are just a few ways to help students engage in their UNH experience. To round things off, students should muddle through social situations and leadership opportunities in order to practice and perfect who they are and how they will engage in our world.

Why do I work at UNH?
New Hampshire runs through my blood. What other state provides ocean, mountains, beautiful lakes, cities, cow fields and a terrific education? You can take a cruise in the Atlantic Ocean on Saturday and a hike up Mt. Washington on?Sunday. This mid-sized institution offers a place where students can take time exploring their academic interests or dive right into their specific major. The variety of courses as well as the wealth of experiential options is just perfect. Where but at UNH can you have horse barns, a sawmill, an observatory and Pulitzer Prize winners all in one place?

More importantly, I work at UNH because I've found a family here which supports my work and lifestyle goals. My colleagues are top-notch. I am challenged every day and am fortunate to see the results of my work influence those who are most important: students. We are professionals who take our work seriously, yet we joke, laugh and sometimes wear slippers in the office during breaks.

Who am I?
I am an INFJ and use pronouns She/Her/Hers. I love to hike. I love the solitude of cross country skiing and snowshoeing. I listen to music for the melody, not the words. I don't watch movies twice, because the suspense is gone. I'm an avid change-jar saver. In the winter, take your boots off at my door...I hate getting my socks wet when the snow melts! I especially love re-living my childhood with the two joys of my life: Max and Sierra.