Hannah Bowler headshot

Hannah Bowler

Hall Director
Phone: (603) 862-3658
Office: UNH Residential Life, Hitchcock Hall, Durham, NH 03824


B.A., Psychology, University of New Hampshire
B.A., Justice Studies, University of New Hampshire

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Why did you choose to become a hall director?

I became a Hall Director after I spent my undergraduate years as an RA, where I found a love for connecting with students, programming, being a resource, and helping promote inclusive, safe spaces where people could be themselves. As a Hall Director, I want to use my passion for helping people to ensure every student is recognized, heard, and encouraged to grow. Being part of Residential Life made my four years at college so amazing, and now my goal is to help make others' time spent here just as incredible. From super silly hall programming to engaging in meaningful conversations on I&E and everything between, I want to help students have a memorable experience here at UNH!

Why did you choose to work at Res Life at UNH?

UNH ResLife has always known how they deeply care about students' wellbeing, whether through the many programs, curriculum objectives, or how they train their staff members. Not only did UNH ResLife's team make an incredible difference in my undergraduate experience, but I also saw the many impacts they made that helped students' lives in different grades, backgrounds, and identities. I saw how UNH ResLife stays true to its values and mission for students, which is vital to me and my values. I am grateful to be a part of the UNH ResLife team that fosters a welcoming and caring campus community!

What advice would you give to students?

My advice is something I told myself during my first year here at UNH, and that is "be the change you want to see," and it helped put things into perspective. Whether finding new friend groups, joining a club you are passionate about, or even doing things that will change the world, we all have the power to make a difference! College is a time where you can discover yourself and learn about different people, identities, movements, and projects that can make a lasting impression. It is up to you to use the resources surrounding you, reach out, step out of your comfort zone, and try new things to help you grow!