Calvin Mahony

Calvin Mahony

Hall Director
Phone: (603) 862-1181
Office: UNH Residential Life, Hitchcock Hall, 13A, Durham, NH 03824


  • B.A., Communication Studies, West Chester University
  • M.A., Higher Education Administration, Rowan University

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Why did you choose to become a Hall Director?
Out of all my different experiences within Higher Education, residential life was always my favorite. From the day that I moved into my first residence hall freshman year, I was enamored with the entire on-campus living experience. My on-campus living?experience helped me learn more about myself than I could in a typical classroom environment and I want to be able to provide those experiences to students through intentional programming and?important conversations with students in an?engaging, connected, and safe environment.?

Why did you choose to work for Res Life at the University of New Hampshire?
From my first conversation with a UNH Res Life team member, I could feel how much they genuinely cared about the needs of their student population. After moving throughout the process, I could see that this mentality, as well as many of my own values, were shared by the entire team. They are dedicated to creating the most wholly educated students through their mission and this was proven in each interaction I became a part of during the recruitment process. I did not have to think twice about accepting an offer to be a part of such an incredible group of professionals.

What advice would you give to students?
Be engaged! Engagement is essential to your success as both a student and in your career upon graduation. It also occurs in various places from classrooms to residence halls and everything in between. By being involved in these different groups and communities, you can get the most out of your college experience and grow as an individual. The college experience can be daunting, especially in your first year, but don't let that deter you from exploring new interests. Your time in college will go by quickly, so you should make the most of it whenever you can!