International Agreements

Partnerships between UNH and foreign institutions often take the form of an International Memorandum of Understanding (IMOU). An IMOU is a binding, legal contract formalizing terms of collaboration between the University of New Hampshire and one or more international institutions. The types of agreements may include (but are not limited to) general friendship and cooperation, reciprocal student exchange, study abroad, faculty/staff/specialist exchange, research collaboration, and/or technical assistance. USNH legal counsel has reviewed and approved several IMOU templates. The following IMOUs focus on students. To view these templates, click on the appropriate link below or contact UNH Global:

For other types of agreements, please visit the UNH Research Office resource page.


To initiate an international student-focused partnership, please consider the?Steps for International Partnership?and the?Partnership Process Flowchart, and then complete the?International Partnership Proposal Form. UNH Global Education is available for consultation at any stage in the process. For international contracts, agreements or grants facilitating international engagement, please see the?Checklist for Initiating an International Opportunity.