Step 1: Register with SAS

Step one lets SAS know that you would like to request accommodations and provides us with more information on what you are requesting. This occurs through Accommodate, an accommodation management system that will help you easily request and manage your accommodations.

What To Do Before You Register

The accommodation process is an interactive one. SAS is here to help through the process, but students are required to take an active role in the interactive process. It is important to know your responsibilities and the responsibilities of SAS. These can be found in the accommodation basics section: Student and SAS Responsibilities.?

It is important to think about how your condition might affect you across your experience. Think about your courses (type of course, assignments, class participation, exams, notetaking, etc.), living on campus, eating on campus, and other campus contexts. Accommodations assist students in accessing experiences, so think broadly.

While previous supports may not all transfer, it is important to think about what supports you have received that could be helpful. This can include thinking about supports within your IEP or Section 504 plan or it can be reflecting more generally on what has been helpful.

Once you have thought about what has been helpful for you, think about what you would like to receive at UNH. You will be asked to list the accommodations you?are requesting in the intake form. We encourage you to share as much as you feel is helpful. Even if you think it might not be a specific accommodation, SAS can help determine what is reasonable and connect you with other resources on campus.

How to Register with SAS

Complete the Student Accommodation Request Form

Please note that when you register you will be required to talk about your condition, as well as the accommodations you are requesting and why. This will not be the only opportunity you have to share information with SAS (you will also submit documentation and meet with SAS), but we encourage you?to share as much as you feel is relevant to your accommodation request.