UNH Undergraduate Students

Microcredential Category Stackable Type
Responsible Conduct of Research & Scholarly Activity
The earner of this badge gained knowledge of professional and ethical standards of conduct in research and scholarship as well as pertinent…
Research No
FIRE Library Research Basics
The earner of this badge has completed and orientation to library research at UNH. Earners gain familiarity with UNH Library resources, strategic…
Literacy No Online
Lean Yellow Belt
The earner of this badge has applied Lean concepts over a 4.5-day course. The earner is able to understand the basics of project documentation,…
Lean, Project Management No In-Person, Online
Lean White Belt
The earner of this badge must complete a 3.5-hour course. Lean White Belt prepares professionals to participate on teams that are designed to improve…
Lean, Project Management Yes In-Person, Online
English 401 Research Starter Badge
The earner of this badge has acquired foundational information literacy skills applied to UNH library services for undergraduate researchers. These…
Literacy No Online