The Arnold Air Society (AAS) is a national, professional, honorary, service organization of selected Air Force ROTC cadets from about 150 of the nation's colleges and universities, including the Air Force Academy. AAS is a private, non-profit group with approximately 3,000 member cadets. Harl Pease, Jr. Squadron at The University of New Hampshire is one of many AAS squadrons throughout the U.S. and Puerto Rico. All AAS members are also members of the Air Force ROTC corps of cadets, or are Air Force Academy cadets.
AAS accomplishes its goals by carrying out projects in the local community that serve the disadvantaged, foster environmental awareness, and promote awareness of the plight of Prisoners of War and those Missing in Action. Service projects range from joint national projects, which are established at the national convention each year, to local community or campus service projects.
AAS provides a cadet with additional leadership, organizational, and public relations opportunities, however, the corps takes precedence. Cadets are also afforded the opportunity of meeting and interacting with cadets from across the country. Cadets are encouraged to communicate with local government and business leaders, as well as the Air Force Association, the AAS sponsor.
Silver Wings is a student, professional organization dedicated to developing civilians' leadership skills and providing service to their community. Each chapter consists of college (undergraduate through graduate) students at different universities who volunteer together to help at various non-profit organizations within their community, increase professional skills through interactions with other organizations and workshops, and benefit from giving back to the community by being able to travel across the country gaining valuable leadership skills and experience in a professional/business environment. Unlike some other organizations, Silver Wings is a self-governed organization that is run by students from the chapter level all the way up to the national level. With minor supervision, Silver Wings works jointly with the Arnold Air Society (AAS) nationwide to promote leadership skills, military awareness, and professional development.
Visit the Arnold Air Society and Silver Wings website for more information on these organizations.