Officer Life

Air Force officers are offered the following:

Career Broadening Opportunities

Special Duty Assignments, Retraining, Overseas Duty, Contingency Temporary Duties, assignments in the Pentagon, teaching Air Force ROTC at a university, working with other services, etc.

Family Support Centers

This support agency offers families services such as assistance with transitions and moving, as well classes and support groups covering many family challenges.

Child Development Centers (CDC)

CDCs are certified by the Department of Defense and accredited by the National Academy of Early Childhood Programs. Fees are based on total family income. After-school programs are available at some CDCs or youth centers.

Other Entitlements Include

  • Transportation for dependents on duty changes
  • Shipment of household goods overseas and in the United States
  • Schooling for dependents overseas and at some bases in the continental United States
  • Station housing and cost-of-living allowances at many locations
  • Travel allowance for privately owned vehicle (POV) pickup/delivery at port
  • Storage of POV when reassigned to POV-restricted area

Programs for Documented Personal Difficulties

  • Emergency leave with priority on military aircraft
  • Humanitarian reassignment
  • Permissive reassignment
  • Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP)
  • Air Force Aid Society

Information courtesy AFROTC.?