UNH Magazine Winter 2017

The impact issue: Read about the legal eagles and community champions who are building bridges in and beyond the Granite State.
  • UNH's Impact on New Hampshire Infographic

    New Hampshire Impact: UNH by the Numbers

    $1.5 billion. That’s the amount UNH contributes to New Hampshire’s economy each year through its expenditures in the state and the cost of educating... Read More
  • figures forming a bridge illustration by Anthony Freda

    Building Bridges

    When Chris Misavage, a middle school math and science teacher, took a job at Wentworth Elementary in rural northern New Hampshire, the community was... Read More
  • UNH Law students and faculty

    Ahead of the Curve

    Rick Weeks ’12 JD stepped off the sidewalk outside the University of New Hampshire School of Law and folded his 6-foot-3 frame into the passenger... Read More
  • Celebrate 150: One Hundred and Fifty Milestone Moments feature cover page from the UNH Magazine

    One Hundred and Fifty Milestone Moments

    We all experience moments that carve themselves into memory. Some of those moments are watershed — graduations, marriages, births, deaths — while... Read More
  • UNH Magazine Editor-in-chief Kristin Waterfield Duisberg talking with President Mark Huddleston

    In This Issue...

    I?had the privilege of being on hand when President Mark Huddleston formally announced UNH’s?$275 million comprehensive campaign at the “Hear Us Roar... Read More
  • a collage of UNH students

    Wildcat Welcome

    Whether you’re 50 miles from Durham or 5,000, wear UNH gear in public and chances are good that at some point, someone will approach you with a smile... Read More
  • UNH veteran-students in the veteran-student lounge in Thompson Hall

    A Place for Veterans

    It’s the first meeting of the Student Armed Forces Association and a handful of student veterans are gathered in a small suite on the third floor of... Read More
  • illustration of a person trying to sled down a grassy hill by Hal Mayforth

    Mild Memories

    Illustration by Hal Mayforth Read More
  • vaquita

    Professor with a Porpoise

    Chris Glass wouldn’t blame you if you’ve never heard of the vaquita. The small porpoise is so secretive that it wasn’t discovered as a species until... Read More
  • UNH women's cross country team with award

    Four Years Running

    The?women’s cross country team?made a run for the record books in October, taking home its fourth-straight America East championship. Elinor Purrier... Read More
UNH Magazine Winter 2017

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