
Creative and Sustainable UNH Gifts That Keep on Giving This Holiday Season

The holidays are just around the corner and it’s time to get a jump on that gift list — and check it twice. If you’re looking for something unique and not easily found at a big box store, here are some ideas from the creative students, faculty and staff at the University of New Hampshire that are sure to make your friends and family smile — because every day is a great day to be a UNH Wildcat!

Carol Shea-Porter Honored as 2024 Pettee Medal Recipient

Some might say Carol Shea-Porter’s first political campaign is especially memorable because it carried her into Congress as the first woman ever elected to federal office by the state of New Hampshire. But Carol recalls it fondly for another reason.

“I’m very proud of the fact that we had all volunteers on our first campaign — everybody from the top down was a volunteer. Which makes it somewhat of a miracle, right?” she quips.

Could Microplastics Be a Problem for New Hampshire's Estuaries?

At the University of New Hampshire, Bonnie Brown, professor of ecological genetics, and Gregg Moore, associate professor of coastal restoration and resilience, along with two graduate students and several undergrads, are working to establish baseline data on microplastics in New Hampshire’s estuaries. These coastal regions, which provide critical nesting and breeding habitats for many animal species and serve as important ecosystems for cleaning and filtering ocean waters, are also known to trap and retain microplastics.