Tuesday, August 29, 2017
UNH alumnus and Rangel fellow Aseebulla “Aseeb” Niazi ’15

Aseebulla “Aseeb” Niazi ’15 was recently awarded a 2017 Charles B. Rangel International Affairs Fellowship. Funded by the U.S. Department of State and managed by Howard University, the fellowship program supports “extraordinary individuals” seeking careers as Foreign Service officers.

“I was incredibly honored and humbled when I received news that I would be a Rangel Fellow. I have been working toward joining the Foreign Service since my junior year at UNH, and this fellowship is my first step toward achieving that goal.”

“I was incredibly honored and humbled when I received news that I would be a Rangel Fellow,” Niazi says. “I have been working toward joining the Foreign Service since my junior year at UNH, and this fellowship is my first step toward achieving that goal.”

Niazi, who is originally from Afghanistan, was a dual major in international business and economics and international affairs during his years at UNH. He also studied abroad in the United Arab Emirates, and his experience includes working for the Organization for Refugee and Immigrant Success, the World Affairs Council and Rep. Ann Kuster, D-New Hampshire.

“We are thrilled to have Aseeb join our program. Our selection panel was very impressed by his intelligence, achievements and commitment to service,” says Patricia Scroggs, the Rangel program’s director.

Niazi credits his studies at UNH with providing “essential skills such as composure, resourcefulness and both written and oral communication that I will be utilizing in my career with the State Department.”

Scroggs agrees, noting, “His experiences at the University of New Hampshire have provided an outstanding foundation for him in these areas.”


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Originally published in?UNH Magazine Fall 2017?Issue
