Retirements shift roles

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

There have been a number of recent changes in the Office Business Affairs. Paul Roberts, director of Print and Mail Services, and Dirk Timmons, director of Transportation Services, have retired. Rick MacDonald?will add transportation to his portfolio, which currently includes Print and Mail, Service, the ID Office and procurement for the Office of Business Affairs.?

In addition, the following additional changes have been made:

Brandon Karcher will supervise Print and Mail Services with support from Kim Barton, who will focus mainly on mailing.???

Beverly Cray will supervise the transit and garage components of Transportation Services.??

Amy Gray will manage Parking Services as well as supervise the ID Office in advance of the merger of the two offices.?A student services office located in the MUB will be created by merging parking and the ID Office and is anticipated to be operational in FY ‘22.?

