Katharine Webster

Katharine Webster's Articles

  • primary memorabilia

    Much Ado 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 Student Voters

    On Election Day 2012, the line of people waiting to register and vote at Durham’s Oyster River High School snaked down long hallways and around corners, doubled back on itself and straggled out the...
  • Shawn Jasper '89

    Mr. Speaker, Public Servant

    Growing up on his family’s poultry farm in Hudson, New Hampshire, Shawn Jasper ’89 quickly learned about the pecking order. When new chickens are introduced to an existing flock, all the birds run...
  • change, rape, fear - graphic


    Chris Urbanski ’18 had gotten the message about sexual assault awareness at UNH long before he arrived on campus. At ?rst-year orientation in June, older students told the newbies they should use the...
  • horseshoe crabs


    Spring is the season of horseshoe crab love, when thousands of females come up on beaches at high tide to spawn, and the smaller males hitch a ride on their backs or scuttle behind them to fertilize...
  • pine tree closeup

    Forest Sentinels

    Imagine a class full of students arrayed around a white pine tree in a 30-meter square, staring up through toilet paper tubes at the foliage. Now imagine a satellite 500 miles above the earth taking...
  • Eric Wochholz '01, '07
freelance writer