Friday, January 28, 2022
Paul College students celebrate being nationally ranked in 2022

The University of New Hampshire Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics is ranked #59 in the national Poets&Quants for Undergrads Best Undergraduate Business Schools 2022 Rankings, the second-highest ranked public business school in New England. The college also ranked #50 in career outcomes and #51 for academic experience.

On the “alumni report card” that looks at how 2019 alumni rate their business school experience, Paul College received an “A” when alumni were asked if they would recommend the business program to a close friend, ?colleague, or family member interested in an undergraduate business degree.

Alumni also gave “A” or “B+” scores on availability of faculty and quality of teaching, opportunities to nurture and improve soft skills in business, and efforts to bring students into contact with practicing professionals including alumni.

Poets&Quants for Undergrads is the leading online publication for undergraduate business education., Its rankings are data-driven and considered the most comprehensive assessment of undergraduate business programs nationally.

"We believe the quality of business education comes down to three core issues," said Nathan Allen, project manager, Poets&Quants for Undergrads. "The quality of the raw talent coming through the door, what a school does with that talent over four years, and finally how the marketplace responds to the graduates coming off campus."

“Being ranked among the sixty best business schools in nation recognizes the excellence of our students, the professors who mentor and teach them, and the program staff who help them navigate their college journey,” said Dean Deborah Merrill-Sands." This is especially rewarding coming after another challenging year navigating the COVID pandemic.”

Paul College faculty and staff support enabled students to succeed in securing high-quality internships, employment, and acceptance to graduate school. Overall, the 2021 employment rate was 96% three months post-graduation.

The college’s 21,000+ alumni network is instrumental in connecting its students with top firms such as Ernst & Young (EY), Fidelity investments, Raytheon, Liberty Mutual, ALKU, PwC, Four Seasons, and Silicon Valley Bank, which contributed to an average reported starting salary of $54,328 and signing bonus or $3,791.

“What truly distinguishes Paul College is our focus on students once they arrive here. While other schools may hold up their low acceptance rate as their pride point, as a public university we see the transformation of our students between the day they come through our doors to the day they graduate as our greatest reward and our greatest success, “said Lu Echazú, associate dean for undergraduate education

With the focus on student outcomes, Paul College is a national leader in experience-based education that helps students put into practice what they learn in the classroom. From the first-year research and innovation experience (FIRE)—the college’s signature program for all first-year students—and the Business in Practice program taught by industry professionals, to capstone consulting projects with business partners and managing thousands of dollars in real investment funds, students at Paul College gain valuable real-world experience that sets them apart as young professionals.

Poets&Quants for Undergrads compiled the 2022 exclusive rankings based on a representative survey of more than 5,400 alumni and school-reported data. Recent grads across the 95 schools that met the requirements for the list were surveyed on aspects of faculty availability, extracurricular opportunities, and accessibility of the alumni network. This date doesn't exist together anywhere else in the world.


Jeremy Gasowski | UNH Marketing | | 603-862-4465