Graduate student applies environmental policy education to summer internship

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Justin Klingler G'19 presents his key takeaways from his internship during the Center for Social Innovation and Enterprise's Social Innovation Internship Showcase.

This summer, Justin Klingler spent nine weeks interning at the?Community Development Finance Authority?connecting his classroom lessons to real world applications.??
As an accelerated master’s in public policy?major, Klingler completed three MPP electives as a UNH undergraduate and will continue his graduate education this fall.? This intensive summer internship, facilitated by the?Center for Social Innovation and Enterprise, allowed Klingler to apply lessons from the classroom?to a?real-world?policy?environment.

"The research I?completed and concepts I?learned through my?MPP classes helped?prepare me?for my internship," Klingler says. "I saw negotiation tactics that I studied in class play out?at meetings,?researched stakeholders involved with a particular policy?and researched various policies at the state and local level?designed to?increase energy efficiency and renewable energy."? ?
UNH undergraduate students with a 3.2 GPA or higher can apply for the Carsey School of Public Policy's accelerated master’s in public policy degree and launch their career in public service by taking up to 12 credits while still undergraduates.

Interested in a master's degree in public policy? Learn more about Carsey's accelerated program.?