Graduate school is the next step for CEPS senior

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Alexandria Hidrovo '18 (Courtesy photo)

As an undergraduate, Alexandria Hidrovo '18 has immersed herself in research, and that work has paid off: Beginning this fall, she will pursue her master’s degree in environmental engineering.

“Drinking-water treatment is essential to obtain a healthy, regulated source of water,” Hidrovo says of the research she undertook to evaluate?"the ability of low-wavelength monitoring in UV treatment units, which could reduce their energy use and total UV system costs while improving public health protection in small drinking water systems.”

For Hidrovo, UNH’s McNair Scholars Program lived up to its goal of nurturing new generations of educators, researchers and scholars. “The McNair program helped me start to believe in myself. They kept saying, 'You can do research; you can graduate; you can get your masters/PhD; you can diversify academia.' They funded my research project, took me across the country to present at conferences and helped me apply to graduate programs," she explains. "I have now done two research projects over two summers, and I'm coming?back to UNH for my master’s degree in environmental engineering in the fall.”

Hidrovo, who is also a Donovan Scholarship recipient, a?first-year orientation?team leader and a mentor at the?Center for Academic Resources, credits those programs and the dedication of UNH’s faculty with helping her achieve?success.

“I have worked closely with my mentor, professor James Malley,” she explains. “He is an inspiration. He is one of the few experts in the field of UV disinfection for water treatment, so it was amazing to be able to work with such an accomplished professional.”

After receiving her master's degrees, Hidrovo will set her sights on another?goal.

“I am a first-generation, low-income, multicultural student who had no idea how expensive college was until I had to take out my first set of loans," she says. "The Donovan Scholarship inspired me, because I felt like this family cared about people like me.?It inspired me to?graduate with my degree and get a job so that I could one day create the Hidrovo Scholarship to give back to struggling students, just like the Donovans have done for me.”

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