Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Anthropology Major Crystina Friese will be working with Faculty Mentor Pr Meghan Howey summer 2017.? The Hamel Center for Undergraduate Research awarded Crystina a Research 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 and Apprenticeship Program (REAP) fellowship to allow her to participate in Pr Howey's summer research activities which include 1) excavation of a 17th century Garrison site in Durham, NH and 2) survey along Oyster River for Late Precontact indigenous settlements (ca. AD 1000 - 1600) .?

Crystina explains: "over the course of the summer, I will be working closely with Pr Howey doing archaeological field work in the Durham area. The research is part of the research project Pr Howey is coordinating in conjunction with the State Conservation and?Rescue Archaeology?Program (SCRAP). We will be working to develop my skills in field methods and then at the end of the research I will be processing and cataloging the information in UNH’s Archaeology Lab. The goal of the summer project is to determine the shifts in landscape use, resource use, ecosystem degradation, and settlement patterns of the Great Bay area in the Anthropocene."