Tuesday, October 4, 2016


Many universities have encouraged their faculty to undertake engaged scholarship, partnering with communities and public organizations for mutual benefit. This is especially consonant with the mission of land-grant universities, which were created for the public good. Faculty who do engaged scholarship typically represent areas of the university other than the humanities, fields considered to have applied dimensions. Our public humanities initiative aims to expand the cohort of scholars who practice engaged work. -Center for Humanities, UNH

Current Public Humanities Projects funded by Center for Humanities, two of three awarded to Anthroplogy Professors.



Eleanor with students




Eleanor Harrison-Buck (Department of Anthropology) traveled to Belize to document the rich heritage of two Kriol communities located in the lower Belize Watershed, developing, in partnership with these communities, a public history exhibit within a local visitor center.?









ASOR image

Svetlana Peshkova (Department of Anthropology) is developing internship opportunities for students in partnership with the American School of Oriental Research, focusing on ASOR's work documenting the destruction of material cultural heritage by ISIS in Syria and Iraq.? Student interns are documenting damage and promoting global awareness. Read more in this article from 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网.
