Monday, June 26, 2017
the wildcat statue at UNH with overlaid text The First Year Guide: You're a Wildcat Now

Twelve thousand eight hundred forty. That’s how many undergraduate students there are at the University of New Hampshire. That may seem like a lot, especially if you are coming from a small high school, but let me tell you, it never feels as if there are almost 13,000 people on this campus. Ever. That’s the magic of this place. Your professors, hall directors and peers want to get to know you. College is all about making personal connections and at UNH it’s no different.

When you first come to campus for June orientation, you are taking your first steps toward creating your first personal connections at the university. Sure, you may not remember the name of your orientation leader come May 2020. Sure, your roommate for that night may not end up being your future roommate or your best friend in college. But this is just the beginning. Welcome home, Wildcat. You’re ready to begin the next chapter of your life.

UNH students arriving at Stoke during June Orientation

Being a Wildcat is more than just working toward a degree, trust me. As someone only weeks away from reaching that goal, I’ve realized I’ve gained so much more than just a BA in English teaching. The only way for you to see what I mean is by going out and making the most of everything this school throws at you. And it will throw a lot at you; but it is nothing you can’t handle.

Being a Wildcat is so much more than just living on this beautiful campus and attending classes. Being a Wildcat will become part of your identity. In the last few posts of this series, I hope you’ve seen all of the opportunities UNH provides for you to get involved. From clubs and sports to events and more, there is always something to connect you to this campus. And when graduation day comes four years from now, you’ll find this phrase rings true: Once a Wildcat, always a Wildcat!

But what does that mean? As a senior, I can honestly say that this phrase is now just another way to describe myself. I’ve had some of the best moments of my life at UNH. Being a UNH Wildcat is a part of who I am now. The best times come with their fair share of hard times, but the friends you make here will help you through. Here are some take-aways for you.

Thompson Hall at night

  1. You’re going to grow a lot, as both a scholar and person.
  2. You are never alone.
  3. You don’t have to be best friends with your roommates.
  4. Learn to budget. Whatever you do, learn this before you graduate!
  5. Go to as many events as you can.
  6. Join a club!
  7. Be sure to take a picture with the Wildcat at least once each year.
  8. Failure is okay as long as you learn from it.
  9. Take advantage of all of the opportunities presented to you.
  10. Speak your mind and listen to others.

Other questions about what to expect during your first year at UNH? Tweet @UNHStudents!
