Step into your closet. See anything you haven’t worn in the past year? There’s someone who needs your extra ties and too-tight dress shoes more than you do. And his or her career may depend on them.
In a small room on the ground floor of Hood House, where once stood dusty bookcases now hang suits and sports coats, skirts and scarves—all donated, and all free to UNH students in need of interview clothes. It’s the Career Closet, and it’s the brainchild of Krystal Hicks, associate director of career support at the UNH Career Center. “Many students just don’t have much disposable income to spend on clothes,” says Hicks. The Career Closet gives them an affordable option for outfitting themselves before the big interview—not to mention the confidence boost that comes from knowing they look their best.
Career Closet is open and accepting donations from alumni. “If it’s interview-appropriate and like new, it’s a go,” Hicks says.
Originally published by:
UNH Magazine, Fall 2014 Issue
Written By:
Tracey Bentley | Communications and Public Affairs