Thursday, February 20, 2014

ET SwarmCats

Extra-Terrestrial Navigation with Particle Swarm Optimization (ET SwarmCats) The ET SwarmCats were awarded funds for the design and construction of laboratory robots. They will design robots to harness particle swarm optimization, based on the animal habit of utilizing the advantages of traveling in swarms. The goal is to devise small robots that work in unison to achieve a common goal, yet think and act individually when necessary. Eventually, they could be used for searching operations on extraterrestrial planets and asteroids. The project is multidisciplinary. The funds will cover the purchase of materials, electronic components, and machining materials for the robots. The group will continue to raise funds for the completion of this project.

UNH Freestyle Figure Skating Club

The club was awarded funds to assist with the production of their first Ice Skating Show on campus in this coming March. The show will showcase the growing Freestyle Figure Skating Club to the campus community, students, and general public. This new organization, now in its second year, encourages beginning skaters as well as experienced skaters to join and take advantage of expert coaching. The award supplements what the group has raised on its own through club dues and campus fundraisers.

Students Without Borders

The group wants to provide photography and video support for their service project in San Pedro de Casta, Peru. The project includes water pipeline repair, water decontamination, and nutrition programs. There are opportunities for students in any discipline to take part in the project, including engineering, nutrition, nursing, and public relations. The award supplements extensive fundraising already accomplished by the group in advance of their service trip. Join Organization

Robert J. Connors Writing Center

The annual North East Writing Centers Association conference is coming up and thanks to funds from the Parents Association several undergraduate staff members will attend. The funding covers conference registration fees. Attendance at this conference will enhance the work that these peer-writing mentors provide to more than 2,500 UNH students each year. Learn More

Alpha Phi Omega

Up to 10 universities in the northeast will attend a leadership conference at UNH this spring hosted by the UNH chapter of Alpha Phi Omega thanks to funding from the Parents Association. The conference will focus on leadership within this community service organization. The UNH chapter of APO has 130 members who will participate in hosting the conference aimed at sharing new ideas and skills. This award supplements APO’s own fundraising for this project.

The UNH Shooting Club

Funds will be used to purchase competition pistols that will enable the group to expand into another category of shooting sports competition. This expanding campus organization practices twice a week at a local shooting range and represents UNH at various competitions around New England. The funds supplements the group’s own fundraising efforts.

WUNH Radio Station

Time to soundproof the new WUNH performance studio. This award will complete the 2013 renovations to the radio station. The soundproofing will increase the quality of live on-air performances and recordings made in the studio. This professional recording studio is available for use by student musicians. This award supplements yearly fundraising done by WUNH.

Thompson School PAWS Program: Pet Access to Wellness Services

This new initiative for the Vet Tech program, PAWS, will enable the group to pilot a community outreach program providing needed care to animals belonging to residents of low-income housing communities in Dover and Somersworth. In addition, Vet Tech students will get hands on experience in their chosen field. The funds will be used to purchase medical equipment for the project. The group has already received an additional grant for supplies from the Banfield Charitable Trust.

World Energy Project

The UNH World Energy Project plans to design and install a self-sustaining photovoltaic energy system at the primary school based in Toh-Kpalime, Ghana. The multi-disciplinary group will be presenting their completed project plans at the 2014 Undergraduate Research Conference. The group will continue to fundraise for this project through the rest of the year.

UNH Remotely Operated Vehicle: ROV

This interdisciplinary group will be designing an ROV capable of maneuvering through a mock shipwreck, manipulating objects underwater and collecting samples and recording data. The group will present their ROV at the international Marine Advanced Technology Education (MATE) Competition in June 2014. They also plan to present their project at the 2014 Undergraduate Research Conference as well as holding an “ROV Day” on campus for local high school students interested in engineering. The group is focusing on additional fundraising from corporate sponsors.

For more information about the Parents Association and its grant program, contact Janet Cass, director, at 603.862.4370 or email

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    Staff writer | Communications and Public Affairs