Inclusive Teaching

Resource Category Topic
Kaltura - Captioning a Video (includes caption edit process)
This article describes how to caption a video in Kaltura.
Learning Environment, Technologies for Teaching and Learning Accessibility, Inclusive Teaching, Kaltura, Video Creation and Hosting
New Perspectives on Inclusive Teaching (Scott Kimball,?Kenneth Mitchell,?April Rau)
Presentation materials available at: /cetl/talk-about-teaching-presentations-summer-2020 (Scroll to find presentation)
Learning Environment Inclusive Teaching
The UDL Guidelines (CAST)
These Guidelines, a tool used in the implementation of UDL, can be applied to any discipline or domain.
Type: Website
Learning Environment, Student Success Accessibility, Inclusive Teaching
Inclusive Teaching Strategies (Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning, Yale University)
Examples and recommendations for mastering inclusive pedagogy.
Type: Website
Learning Environment Inclusive Teaching
UNH Short Course: Introduction to Inclusive Teaching
A short course to increase awareness of issues surrounding inclusiveness at UNH.
Learning Environment Inclusive Teaching