Application Support

Resource Category Topic
Google Docs Help Center
Suite of Google apps for document creation (not supported by UNH)
Technologies for Teaching and Learning Cloud Storage and Sharing
Google Drive Help Center
Google's cloud storage and sharing solution (not supported by UNH)
Technologies for Teaching and Learning Cloud Storage and Sharing
MediaSpace is a free media tool available to UNH students, faculty, and staff that allows the uploading, management and sharing of media. MediaSpace…
Technologies for Teaching and Learning Kaltura, Video Creation and Hosting
Link to a YouTube video in Canvas Rich Content Editor
YouTube videos are automatically embedded in any feature that uses the Rich Content Editor. This lesson applies to the Announcements, Assignments,…
Technologies for Teaching and Learning Canvas (MyCourses)
Gradescope Help Center
Gradescope is an application for seamlessly administering and grading all assessments, whether online or in-class, allowing faculty to provide…
Assessment and Feedback Feedback, Grading
MindMeister is an online mind mapping tool that lets you capture, develop and share ideas visually. It can be used for?brainstorming,?note taking,?…
Teaching and Learning Strategies, Technologies for Teaching and Learning Cognitively Based Learning Interventions
Adding a Discussion Rubric to Canvas
How to add a rubric to a graded discussion to help students understand expectations for the discussion and how you intend to score their replies.
Assessment and Feedback Feedback, Formative Assessment, Grading, Rubrics and Checklists
Instructor Quick Start Guide: LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor
Instructor Guide to using the Respondus LockDown Browser to prevent cheating on quizzes and exams in Canvas.
Assessment and Feedback Academic Honesty, Canvas (MyCourses)
Instructor Quick Start Guide: LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor
Instructor Guide to using the Respondus LockDown Browser to prevent cheating on quizzes and exams in Canvas.
Assessment and Feedback Academic Honesty, Canvas (MyCourses)
Solutions for using a Whiteboard in a Concurrent Classroom (Zoom)
Suggestions for using the Zoom whiteboard.
Technologies for Teaching and Learning HyFlex (Concurrent), Virtual Whiteboard, Web Conferencing, Zoom