Alumni Spotlight: Briella Hirsch '22 (Business Administration and Sustainability Dual Major)

By Jackie Harris

Headshot of Briella Hirsch smiling, wearing Dutch braided pigtails, white tank top, and lemon wedge ear rings.

Briella Hirsch '22

Briella Hirsch ’22, a Business Administration and Sustainability Dual Major at UNH (University of New Hampshire), left a legacy of impact during her time on campus. Her accomplishments served as a stepping stone into a career dedicated to sustainability.?

During her undergraduate years, Hirsch immersed herself in enriching sustainability experiences. She took on the role of a Changemaker Coach for the Changemaker Fellowship, mentoring First-Year students interested in sustainability. She also competed in the NH Social Venture Innovation Challenge, was a Sustainability Fellow for Seacoast Eat Local, and worked as a student consultant in the B Impact Clinic. Outside of participating in sustainability programs, Hirsch also helped organize a Climate Justice Rally and the Earth Day Jam Fest for students at UNH.??

Her transformative experience equipped her to pursue a career in mission-driven work. Her tenacity and positive attitude led her to her current role as a Sustainability Assistant at the certified B Corporation (B Corp), Tom’s of Maine.?

In a recent interview, Hirsch shared about her impactful experience working in the B Impact Clinic and how it helped prepare her for the work she now does at Tom’s of Maine.??

Students smiling holding posters with slogans for a Climate Justice Rally. The main poster says "UNH 4 Climate Justice"

Climate Justice Rally

"The B Impact Clinic will challenge you to think critically and problem-solve. It will also give you a competitive edge as a candidate and it’s a great opportunity to see if working for a B Corp or as a consultant is something you want to pursue."

Why did you initially decide to do the B Impact Clinic?

I decided to participate in the B Impact Clinic to gain hands-on experience and connect with like-minded students and organizations who shared my passion for using business as a force for good.

What are some key insights and takeaways that you got out of the program?

As a young business student just starting my undergraduate degree, it was beautiful to get to witness organizations that deeply cared about people and the planet. It was valuable to get to see this way of doing business so early on, as it helped me find my purpose and my path in higher education.??

The Clinic also made me a more conscious consumer and conscientious young professional as it underscored the significant role that we all play in driving meaningful change. We've witnessed a surge in consumers demanding transparency, accountability, and improved business practices, and we have seen first-hand businesses change. Similarly, as aspiring professionals entering the workforce, we have the opportunity to align ourselves with companies that share our values and contribute to positive change. By choosing to work with such companies, we can influence them to improve and attract top talent.

Briella smiling with a tent and the forest in the background.

What is it like working at a big-name B Corp like Tom’s of Maine?

Working for Tom’s of Maine has been an amazing experience.

Being mentored by the amazing Michelle Waring, our Steward for Sustainability and Everyday Good, has definitely been one of the most rewarding bits. Working alongside Michelle—a thoughtful leader and staunch advocate for sustainability—has been so inspiring. I’ve learned so much through her mentorship about how to become a better problem solver and a stronger leader in sustainability.

Despite being a pioneer in sustainability, no company is perfect. This experience has underscored the ongoing nature of our work – there's always more to be done, and we're dedicated to pushing boundaries and making positive changes wherever we can.

Do you feel like the B Impact Clinic helped prepare you for the work you do now?

Absolutely, the B Impact Clinic played an important role in preparing me for my current role at Tom’s! Because I was applying to work for a B Corp, being a student consultant in the B Impact Clinic gave me a huge competitive advantage in the hiring process. In addition, working on the B Impact Assessment during the B Impact Clinic?gave me the confidence to attack similar assessments like TRUE Zero Waste and LEED for Tom’s.??

What do you value in B Corps?

I value B Corps for their holistic approach to business, which prioritizes not only financial success but also social responsibility and environmental stewardship. They represent a shift towards a more sustainable and equitable future, where businesses are not just part of the problem but integral to the solution.

What advice do you have for other students interested in the B Impact Clinic?

If you're considering the B Impact Clinic, here's my advice: Just do it.

The B Impact Clinic will challenge you to think critically and problem-solve. It will also give you a competitive edge as a candidate and it’s a great opportunity to see if working for a B Corp or as a consultant is something you want to pursue.