Anna Madden '24 | English:Text, Business Writing and Digital Studies

Interested in great food, great speakers, and great conversation? Check out the Sustainability Café, hosted once a month at the Freedom Café by faculty, staff and students of the Sustainability Institute. Focusing on connecting students and faculty of all backgrounds, the cafés offer a chance to hear from speakers on sustainability related topics, and enjoy informal discussions and connect with people interested in sustainability.?

This week, I attended the February café with the topic “Trash Talk - Ethics of Waste” with Alex Freid of Post Landfill Action Network. Alex spoke on some of the issues facing the waste industry, such as the ability to make zero waste accessible. He asked a great question: “If we have a receptacle for trash everywhere we turn, how can we develop an economy and world where accessibility and convenience are sustainable?” Students were invited to discuss their ideas following the conversation.??

Alexandra Vergara, a student intern at the Sustainability Institute was also part of the speaker panel. She shared her personal challenges with feeling the need to do more for sustainability but feeling like it was hopeless in light of external factors. Alexandra talked about her realization that systems are made up of people, and that’s where change happens. Watching students collaborate afterward demonstrated her point.??

The Café series will continue next month, featuring Dr. Cameron Wake and Larry Hamilton on climate. Students are invited to drop by to join the discussion and share their thoughts – and enjoy free fair trade tea, coffee and snacks.?