Faculty Development and Support

Our approach: Teaching (with) Writing

  • Teaching writing?refers to the idea that learning to write always means learning how to write as a member of a discipline, field, or community of practice. What counts as “good writing” differs from field to field, and the University Writing Programs aim to help faculty across the disciplines articulate their values for writing and integrate them into assignment and course design.
  • Teaching with writing, on the other hand, refers to the idea that writing is a tool for learning. The very act of writing helps students connect ideas, clarify thinking, explore topics, and demonstrate understanding. The University Writing Programs help faculty develop new ways of using writing as a learning tool.

The University Writing Program offers a variety opportunities to assist faculty in developing strategies for managing writing in their classes. For more information concerning any of the below, please contact the?Director of the University Writing Programs.

One-on-one consultation

University Writing Program representatives are available for individual consultation with faculty to discuss writing in their courses. Consultations are guided by the questions and concerns of the individual faculty member and can cover a range of topics: WI course design, writing assignment design, drafting and revision, incorporating meaningful feedback, using informal writing, time and workload management, among others.

Community of Practice

The University Writing Program facilitates the?WAC Faculty Network, a grass-roots multidisciplinary faculty support community invested in student writing.? Feel free to seek out a colleague.

Topical workshops

The University Writing Program partners with the?Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning?to offer January 1/2 day workshops for faculty in all disciplines.? Workshops serve as a forum for faculty to learn new strategies, exchange ideas, and hone teaching practices. ?Recent workshops have dealt with a range of topics from assignment and syllabus design to managing collaborative writing assignments. Workshops are announced via email lists, the university calendar, newsletters, and on the UNH calendar.? All faculty are encouraged to attend and to suggest topics.? As opportunities present themselves, the UWP also offers less structured events, like brownbags, during the semester. Participants often earn CEILT points for attending.?

WI Faculty Retreat

Faculty may apply to participate in an immersive multi-day faculty development experience offsite, followed by several follow-on meetings in the ensuing academic year. Upon completion of the program, members receive CEITL certificate points, an official completion certificate of the program that can be used in the member's professional portfolio, and public recognition as core members of the WAC Faculty Network. For more details, see the UWP's Events page.
Applications are due March 31 of each year.
This experience is made possible through the generosity of the Dey Family Fund.? ? ??CLICK HERE TO APPLY

Department and program workshops and consultation

In addition to topical workshops, the Writing Program will work directly with departments or programs to tailor faculty workshops for them, these have ranged from an overview of the Writing Intensive Guidelines to ways to use writing to build critical thinking. ?Additionally, the Writing Program is available to facilitate discussions about writing goals and outcomes in the major and to help map writing in a Department's curriculum. The UNH Writing Programs have developed a comprehensive Resource Guide for Department Writing Goals, Outcomes, and Assessment, and we are happy to work with departments using this strategic step-by-step tool. Contact unh.writing.programs@unh.edu?for more details or to request a workshop.?


The UWP newsletter,?Write Free or Die, is a pdf publication geared towards faculty that is delivered via email in the Fall and Spring semesters.?Previous newsletters can be found here.?

Guest Speaker

The UWP hosts an annual guest speaker to facilitate workshops,?present current research, or to provide other information relevant to faculty who are engaged with writing across the curriculum. In recent years, the UNH Writing Program has hosted notable speakers such as Dr. Barbara Walvoord, Professor Emerita, University of Notre Dame, on “How to make grading efficient and useful for learning,” ?and Dr. Les Perelman, former Director of Writing Across the Curriculum in Comparative Media Studies / Writing at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who presented on issues involved with automated essay scoring.? Past Guest Speakers in this series?were possible in part through the generosity of the Dane Family Fund. For news about upcoming speakers, please see our Events page. Current and future guests are now supported by the kindness of the Dey Family Fund.?

Classroom Visits

The Connors Writing Center (CWC) offers an in-class peer-response presentation (also available online via video) to assist faculty who wish to include peer work in their classes.? It also provides 10-minute classroom presentations ?on the CWC and other resources. Please submit a request for a classroom visit.?

Writing Fellows

Faculty may coordinate with the UWP to have a graduate student writing fellow provide class-linked writing assistance.?Please see the Writing Fellow Page for more information.

Alternatively, if faculty already have a TA in their course, the WAC program can provide specific training for providing writing feedback as a TA. To request training for your TA: Submit Request
Contact unh.writing.programs@unh.edu for more information.

Center for Excellence and Innovation in Teaching and Learning (CEITL)

The Center for?Excellence and Innovation in Teaching and Learning?offers a rich collection of resources, information, and expertise to support the university's mission of enhancing student learning through the continual improvement of teaching.