Student Office Assistants

Kindyl Alfonso

Kindyl Alfonso

I am a senior Information Systems & Business Analytics at the Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics. I am originally from Keene, NH. I am a first-generation student and a recipient of the Granite Guarantee. ?

My process of choosing UNH was anything but planned. When I decided to come to UNH, I truly had no idea what to expect; the only thing I knew was that I wanted to study business. When I arrived, I quickly realized that the choice I made was perfect.

For the first two years, I strictly prioritized my academics. As a first-generation student, it was my goal to do the absolute best that I could in everything that I did. Then the COVID-19 pandemic hit, and it was a challenge to connect with people on and around campus. As COVID was becoming manageable the first semester of my junior year, I decided I wanted to dedicate my time to activities that were important to me. I became a teaching assistant to help struggling students in microeconomics.

UNH offers so many opportunities and studying abroad was also on my to-do list.? It had always been my dream to live in another country. UNH has so many affordable study abroad options. After much research and planning, I decided to study in the Netherlands on an exchange program. It was life changing!? I learned so much about myself and the world. I gained confidence, independence, and a global perspective. I now serve as a Global Ambassador to help students who aspire to study abroad.?

I am also employed as an Assistant for the Enrollment Management office. I work on various data-related projects. These activities help give me a purpose in this community and give me real-life work experience related to my studies.

Overall, UNH has taught me so much about myself. I have faced many challenges since being here and each one has given me a new perspective on life. These challenges have made me grow into the person I am today. I can never truly know if UNH was the best choice, but I do know that it was the right one. I am very grateful to be able to call this University my home.